I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not one to wear dresses for formal events unless I'm forced to. So, I made a couple formal outfits here for you sim teens that don't like dresses either.
One is a dress, but it is quite a bit shorter than the long dresses that came with Inteen. These outfits are catagorized as formal
and everyday. Just extract and put in your downloads folder. I use the Insim wardrobe adjuster to get these as my formal outfits. You'll need Kalynn's pants and tunic mesh which can be found in the credits.
Credits:Kalynn's pants meshKalynn's tunic meshRaon Sims Hair 50 (black)Raon Sim's Hair 45 (brunette) Xm Sims Flora Hair 008 (blonde)Eye Love by Yumedust at MTS2Please don't be too harsh as these are my first uploads here, but advice would be great. I made these with just plain old bodyshop and MS Paint and the ever-wonderful google images. I apologise if the pictures are fuzzy. They weren't when I took them and I didn't resize them at all. Hope you and your sims enjoy.