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Topic: MiM / DoG / HoS - Chapter 10 of third part op. (Read 86548 times)
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Posts: 99
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 24 of sequel up)
Reply #195 on:
January 22, 2009, 04:32:10 pm »
Great update.
I hope Seth comes back to Ferris. It's too sad to see him wait for him.
\\\"I love my boys with piercings, skinny jeans, teased hair, and fluffyness.\\\"<br /><br />
Posts: 735
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 24 of sequel up)
Reply #196 on:
January 23, 2009, 03:13:41 am »
Well, I don't have time to read the story right now. -sadness- But tomorrow is my last day at home so I will definitely read it before I leave. The worst part is I have internet over there, I just can't read it at the place I'm staying! Pure torture... v.v
I may catch a break sometime... and if I do I'll definitely visit to read more and show my support for this fantastilastic story! =D
Bye for a while! -runs away- T____T
EDIT: I just read it. Aw, I really hope Early gets his dream of being a proper daddy. Plus he and Crystal make a great couple, despite the arguments. haha. Don't let Ferris go away with the Boogie man! >___<
Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 07:33:24 pm by Elven_Song
Posts: 286
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 24 of sequel up)
Reply #197 on:
January 29, 2009, 11:36:49 pm »
@Elven_song: Eh it might be a really odd question, but did you ever write any LoTr stuff? just cause i am curious.
- And besides that, then yeah they do make a great couple, Early needs a very firm woman too, not a spineless kid like Ferris.
@: KAtie: yeah i am telling myself that all the time, but they just need to have some stuff done, both Seth and Ferris. Plus we need to check in on Sebastian, Nando and friends too. ^_^
Sorry for the short boring chapter. And for what its worth, i dont have a problem with religious people, i have a problem with batshit insane people.
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 32
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 25 of sequel up)
Reply #198 on:
January 30, 2009, 09:49:10 pm »
this is a great story
and i just have to put it out there,
Isabel is gorgeous.. :]]
Posts: 735
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 25 of sequel up)
Reply #199 on:
January 31, 2009, 01:53:27 am »
Yay! Internet! Sorry I've been gone for awhile... the jet lag and all the other crap over here (the insane heat, for one) has kept me from the computer for awhile.
Lotr? Hm, kind of, when I was reading the books I started writing a couple fanfics, but I never posted any of them. xD Because I was a wimp like that.
haha. That's true. Someone who can beat him up a little. Ferris is too sweet... or at least too willing. =P
Posts: 286
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 25 of sequel up)
Reply #200 on:
February 16, 2009, 04:39:53 pm »
@OHHxbby; Thank you so much!
@Elven_song: Hey man, you totally should post them on AFF or something, no matter how bad you think it is, it seriously cannot be worse than some of the pure *rap you find there. I swear that place can make you feel like W.C Fields of pulp fiction.
Sorry for the uber late chapter, RL and computer issues came in the way of my sims stories.
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 735
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 26 of sequel up)
Reply #201 on:
February 20, 2009, 08:21:37 am »
Aw. Just read the last chapter and the most recent chapter. Awesome good story right there. =P
I really really want everyone to get back to the city. The conversations between Izzy and Isabel make my spine shiver. haha. Reminds me of a lot of my relatives.
Also really want to see with Bas and Izzy, since I really love them as a couple. If I was Bastion I would be thinking twice about the shag, they definitely don't need more to fight about.
Well, other than the fact that my lotr stories were written something like 4 years ago... I deleted most of them a long time ago now, and either way, I'm not even on my home computer. haha.
I think it would be so fun to write something for AFF, since I'm always reading such crap-tastic stories there. =D Ah... memories. But who knows, maybe someday I'll get bored or inspired enough to do so.
Posts: 286
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 26 of sequel up)
Reply #202 on:
February 20, 2009, 12:45:36 pm »
thanks sweetie!
And about the LoTr thing, actually i asked cause i run Library of Moria, and i uploaded some old story by someone named the same as you. ^_^
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 286
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 26 of sequel up)
Reply #203 on:
February 21, 2009, 09:50:14 am »
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 286
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 27 of sequel up)
Reply #204 on:
February 21, 2009, 01:48:02 pm »
AN: I am sorry I had not noticed how long Clara's neck got when I adjusted her for the hair. oh well, what's done is done. Oh yeah, I wanted to know what flashback you would like the most, an flashback from Izzy as a teen? an flashback from Seth? from Nando as a teen? Ferris as a teen? I did plan on all four, but i am not really sure, so i ask you guys, do you want them, and if you do, which do you want? and do feel free to suggest some other flash, any flashback is fine, as long as its not the Death in the cabin one, cause you wont get that
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 286
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 28 of sequel up)
Reply #205 on:
February 22, 2009, 04:17:05 pm »
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 99
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 31 of sequel up)
Reply #206 on:
February 22, 2009, 05:19:45 pm »
Yay im finally caught up.
Love the updates. They were really good.
I hope that Ferris finds a way home and doesnt get into too much trouble.
\\\"I love my boys with piercings, skinny jeans, teased hair, and fluffyness.\\\"<br /><br />
Posts: 735
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 31 of sequel up)
Reply #207 on:
February 25, 2009, 06:35:25 am »
Ahh! Oh my word, when you write you write! Well I don't have time to read those right now... but I'll let you know when I do!
Aha, I wondered why.
haha. No, unfortunately I cannot take credit for whatever story that was. Unless someone at home found mine and tried to upload it, which is very unlikely.
Posts: 286
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 31 of sequel up)
Reply #208 on:
February 27, 2009, 07:50:15 pm »
@Katie: Thank you sweetie, and of course Ferris finds a way home, or the story would kinda end right there
@Elven_song: no hurry.. ahha you know me, i write 10 chapters in flash and then dont write jack s**t for a month. and about the fanfic, oh well i was just curious!
YAY flashbacks!
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 286
Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 32 of sequel up)
Reply #209 on:
February 28, 2009, 08:50:34 am »
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
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