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Author Topic: ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven  (Read 37183 times)
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« Reply #90 on: March 17, 2008, 12:27:49 pm »

Oh, um... wow!
Well, I'm sure glad EAxis was smart enough to do this!
EA: :chainsaw:
Maxis: :study: We didn't do it! There is no Maxis anymore! Only EAxis will rule now!!!!
Us: :lurk: :smt106

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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #91 on: March 17, 2008, 06:17:15 pm »

Yep, it got me just recently. Turns out to be a good thing in a way that I'm now having to hunt down the rogue download making my game crash; while sifting through what's now the resident sub-folder, I came across such a file, 6.84MB in size, and when opened with SimPE all these references came up (to things like hair, accessories, etc). No idea how it got there or how long it's been there, haven't installed a sim for ages :oogle:

... Hold on, does this happen with installing lots too? 'Cause I recently downloaded quite a few lots too...

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« Reply #92 on: April 11, 2008, 04:09:03 am »

Oh, Joy of Joys!

I spent a good amount of time reading this whole thread last night, and ended up with a Giant Headache.
Now let me see if my tortured brains processed all the information correctly...

If you don't have BV installed, this monkey only comes sneaking into your game, hiding in a sims2pack.
I haven't got BV installed on my computer.
I seldom use downloaded sims, and never downloaded lots.

If I've got this junk file in my game it has to have been in one of my downloaded sims, of which I still have all the sims2packs.

So... checking those sims2packs for the junk file, should be enough to tell me whether or not I've got it.
If it's not in any of them, I haven't got it and I can do a little happy dance.

If I have it, I'll have to locate that file/those files in my game (and since I always install my sims2packs with CI they shoudl have the exact same name, right?) and delete it/them.

Is there any chance of them having multiplied randomly in my game if I have them?

And here's the bad news... one of my daughters does have BV installed. How big are her chances of having this monkey in her game?
And will it only be hiding in the downloads folder and its subfolders and the saved sims folders, or are there any other places I'd need to check?

Yay for Suxis! Sad


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« Reply #93 on: April 22, 2008, 04:03:34 pm »

omg, I'm feeling a little slow.. and English isn't my first language. I can understand what's wrong... but i don't get it how can i fix it. Sad

and I'm so frustrated because I've been having a lot of problems in my game. especially with bodyshop that wont work properly. it opens and all but the background of the program and the sims keep blinking from how it should be to a wired purple pixeled version of how the sims should look like.. can you help me with that? and I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong thread didn't really know where to go.

thanks a lot.

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« Reply #94 on: October 01, 2008, 12:23:55 am »

great, more reasons to hate ea games.
i already loathed them after i bought "the sims pets" expansion kit and none of the computers in my house (including my latest one, when it was not even a day in the house...) recognized the second disc. i looked up the problem online, and apparently it was an error in the game, not my computer. another person who bought it at a walmart (like i did) was having the same exact problem as me. and they said all the copies they exchanged for there were exactly the same. grrr! curse you ea games. stop making such wonderfully addicting games with bugs in them! it's just not right. :smt120

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« Reply #95 on: October 14, 2008, 10:27:11 pm »

I have the tools, I just don't have the heart to start dealing with this.  I just installed Bon Voyage a couple of weeks ago and haven't recovered from SecuROM yet.  This morning I visited my sister.  We're both middle aged.  She was installing the Original Sims.  And she has purchased the last EA game she will ever buy.  You know something?  That sounds like a good idea.  Don't give up, just return to something that has all the bugs worked out and is playable.  Their mouths don"t work and they have club hands, but they are so sweet.
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