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Author Topic: Tara's Choice  (Read 24300 times)
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« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2007, 10:05:53 pm »

-hums- Awaiting another wonderful update. Smiley

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« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2007, 09:44:22 am »

good story riverdale high? lol is that where i think it is? i won't say it here will wait to see if anyone else guesses.extremely good for a diary type story one of the best i've read.watching for update

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« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2007, 05:47:17 pm »

you know i have heard of Riverdale used in a tv show or something but i cant remember lol but no i got the name off a can of paint lol while i was looking around my house to find something to help kick start some creativeness.

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« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2007, 05:50:40 pm »

August 25
Today was my first day at Riverdale High. I dropped Kaylynn off at the daycare. It was such a neat place, they have a fenced in area outside for all the kids to play in. They have toys inside and 3 ladies there to take care of all the kids. Kaylynn is the youngest but I'm sure she will be ok. I didn't get much time to talk to the ladies that work there because I was running late but they seemed very nice. School was nice its a very nice school with an awesome courtyard. Theres a huge fountain right in the middle of it. They have great food which made my bagged lunch look like crap. I was kinda shy so I sat alone at lunch well until this really great girl Molly came and sat with me. We talked a bit and she told me how her father was the Dean of the local college and how she lived on a huge estate with horses and goes riding every weekend. She is pretty cool. I told her how I had just moved to California and that I have my own small home and a baby girl who is my life. I figured that since I told her the whole school would know by the end of the day but she kept it quiet.

September 2
Its been one week since school started and things are going great. Kaylynn is doing well in the day care, my job has been going good. I eat lunch with Molly everyday. We have become good friends. Today at lunch a very good looking dark haired boy walked by our table and smiled at me. His brown eyes made me melt all over inside. Molly said his name is Anthony Meeks. He plays on the schools hockey team and is really good. She said in December when they start playing again we would go watch. Somehow I don't think I can wait until December. I told her I wanted her to get me a date with him and she said she could talk to him in her first hour class tomorrow.

September 3
Anthony sat with us at lunch today. It was so awesome we talked like crazy, he is so nice and super cute. I decided to take a gamble and tell him about Kaylynn and showed him her picture and he was so supportive about it. He said he wanted to see her sometime and thought she was very adorable. In the break between 5th and 6th hour he came by my locker and gave me a note. I read it before the bell rang and it said to meet him after 6th hour by the bleachers. 6th hour seemed to drag on and on and on but finally the bell rang and I ran out to the bleachers. He was already standing there. He have me a hug and kiss on the cheek and asked me to go out with him Friday night. I'm so excited. He walked back with me to get Kaylynn and walked home with me. He said he couldnt stay because his mom was expecting him home but he looked forward to seeing me tomorrow at lunch. Oh diary how exciting. This is my first date is so long. Molly said we are going shopping tomorrow night so I can get all dressed up for him. I'm so excited

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« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2007, 08:10:59 pm »

September 6
My date with Anthony went so well, he is such a good guy. He took me over to his house to meet his parents before we went out. Oh and to leave Kaylynn with their nanny who takes care of his younger sisters. His parents are really nice and they live in this huge house that looks like it has a million rooms. They have maids and butlers and all kinds of people who do stuff for them. They seem to like it there but I don't think I would. There is something I like about having my own freedom to take care of my own things. So anyway we went out to dinner then to a movie, then we went to get ice cream before we went back to his house. We stayed up talking and watching tv. I found out he is a Senior this year and is going to graduate in May. Then he is going to go to UCLA for school. Its going to suck when he leaves for college but at least he will only be like 2 hours away and It will be fun to take a road trip with Kaylynn and his family to see him. He is so good with her too. We ended up falling asleep on the couch and didn't wake up until 5am when Kaylynn started screaming. Anthony got up and fed her and let me go back to sleep. It was so sweet and It was nice have some help and get a chance to just roll over and go back to sleep for a change.

September 12
Today was such a crappy day. I went to work and when I was up on stage just about bumm naked the cops came in and closed us down. They took Mr. Ford into custody and took him and a few of us girls down to the police station. We were all let off and didn't get in any criminal trouble but Mr. Ford is going to jail for a long time because he recruited all of us and its illegal. So now I'm jobless. I have no idea how we are going to make things work. I cant ask Anthony for money because I would feel so bad and we haven't been together that long. So I figured tomorrow I would ask Molly to take me to the mall and I could try to find a job. Its nice having a friend who can drive. I feel bad because I make her take me everywhere. I just hate taking Kaylynn on the bus its kinda scary just for me.

September 20
I got a job working at a restaurant. Its not nearly as much money as I used to make and I have to work so many hours. I go to work right after school and i stay there until 10pm. Then I work weekends whatever shift they need me. Anthony has been so great with it all he volunteered to watch Kaylynn for me right after school and sometimes Molly gives him a break on the weekends. He doesn't push her off on the nanny either he actually plays with her and feeds her and takes care of her. I feel so bad for him sometimes though. Everyone at school makes fun of him and calls him Daddy and things like that. I hate that I'm taking away so much of his life. I talked to him some today since it was my first day off in a few days and I told him that I feel like he would be better off without me. He told me to be quiet and that he couldnt imagine his life without me now. He says that he loves me and Kaylynn so much and that if we were to go away he would be really upset. Sometimes I think its all too good to be true but its nice while it lasts.

October 3

Today things just got worse. My landlord called and said that her business is going in the hole and that the government is foreclosing all of her property and that we have a week to be out of the house. I'm so scared its not even funny. We are already scarping for every penny we got and now we have no where to go. I talked to Molly but her mom says they don't have room in their 2 bedroom condo to take on another teen and her baby. I thought about calling Anthony but I'm so scared to ask him for more help. He has done so much for us that I cant even think about asking for more. I thought about leaving and trying to find another home in a different city since I couldnt find one around here but they would all be too far from school and from work and I don't want to commute that far. Plus Kaylynn is finally adjusting to moving again and I don't want to take her away from the people who love her.

October 10

Well all of our things are in storage and we are at the local shelter for teen moms and pregnant teens. I think its a great things for people who need the help but i hate it for us. We were doing so well and things were so good for us. Then all this had to happen. Molly said she would visit me but she hasn't yet and I don't think she will. The girls around here are nice a few of them have babies Kaylynns age but that don't make things better. I haven't talked to Anthony yet and I still don't think I will. I'm so scared he is going to think bad of me and that I'm just some horrible girl who cant even take care of herself let alone her child. Oh how I just HATE this all.

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« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2007, 11:52:14 am »

Started reading today.  Good so far....look forward to next update.  I like the
diary idea too.

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« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2007, 01:50:30 pm »

lol Riverdale is in Archie Comics you may have heard it used on Sabrina the teenage witch i thought maybe that was where you got the name from but from a paintcan works too lol at least to didn't look at the back of a dr pepper can you picked a much better name then fructose high lol. keep updating this story is rolling good now.

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« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2007, 02:36:09 pm »

Oh Ive got like 3 more chapters Im just holding out on you guys for comments Wink

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« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2007, 02:43:47 pm »

October 19
Its been a week and this place has only gotten worse. I guess I should be thankful to have a roof over my head but its such a drab place. All of the girls in here are so dramatic about their lives and they think that everything has to be about them. Most of the time they barely talk about their kids and its like they don't care. They feed off of these nice people like they have to help them and its not fair. One girl Tiffany doesn't even work to help buy things for her baby. She leaves her with one of the other girls and goes out and drinks and parties all night and comes back drunk all the time. She does it almost every night. It makes me sick to think of the things she does while her son is here being raised by other people. It makes me glad that my mom brought me up better than that.

October 23

Today was the best day in a long time for me. I haven't been going to school because I don't trust any of the girls here to watch Ashlynn. I lost my job at the restaurant because of it. Thats not really what mattered to me anyway. I hated working every day. I only did it to keep food in our stomachs. Well today around noon the ladies who work here said I had a visitor. I turned around and there Anthony was. He ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and kiss then picked up Ashlynn and cuddled her and kissed her and told us that we needed to come with him and get out of that place. I was scared at first and asked him where we were going to go then he said that we were going to move in with him and he was going to take care of us. He said that he never wanted me out of his sight again. He said that we were going to be a family no matter what and that he loved us both so much. I'm sitting here in mine and Ashlynn's room which is huge, and almost the size of 2 bedrooms. Anthony's parents were really nice about letting us stay with them for a while until things got settled. This place is great.

October 31

Today was Kaylynn's first Halloween. We dressed her up as a pumpkin and took her around town for candy. Yeah I know that she is too young but she liked being in the stroller and looking around at all the different people. And Anthony loved getting all the candy for himself. He said that his parents made him stop trick or treating when he was 10. My mom never told me that I wasn't allowed to go out I was going every year and still am but now I get to take my daughter. Its really fun. We came back in and sat on the couch and watched scary movies all night and cuddled on the couch in my room. Then later that night we had some much needed fun for ourselves.

November 5
Today was a bad day. For the past week Kaylynn has been teathing and screaming all night. I don't get much sleep and neither does Anthony. His parents are no help either. They were so nice to put us up and make us feel at home here but now all they do is yell at Anthony and tell him that he shouldn't act like Kaylynn's father. That he needs to not get tied down with a tramp who doesn't know who her baby's daddy is. I hate hearing them talk about me like that and Anthony tries so hard to stick up for us and tell them that he loves us and wants to take care of us and wants to be Kaylynn's father. I love hearing it because when I hear him say it it sounds so real and true. Tonight even brought tears to his eyes as he fought for us. I stayed in our room and listened to it all and hugged and kissed my daughter and tried to make her stop crying so all the fighting in the house would stop.

November 13
Today was another bad day. Anthony was talking about moving us out and getting our own place with his college fund and savings which would be enough for a really nice house. I told him no and that he needed to go to school and that I would just leave but he refused to let us go. He said that when he turns 18 he is going to marry me and then he is going to adopt Kaylynn as his own and we are going to be happy together. He said we only have to wait 6 more weeks then he will be 18 and it will all be over. I want to believe him so bad but I'm not sure if I can. I needed someone to talk about and since me and Molly kinda stopped being friends I had no one. So I decided to take my chances and make a long distance call to Katie. She was really surprised to get my call. She asked how we were doing and I told her what was going on and where I was. I thought she was going to be so mad at me but she wasn't she was just happy we were all ok. She told me the Corey and Mason got in big trouble for drugging both of us and they are doing time. Then she told me something I just couldnt believe, "Tara the cops are looking for you......"

Ok guys I want comments before I post the next chapter
. Smiley

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I'm happier than a tornader in a trailer park!

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« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2007, 10:49:16 pm »

oh my gosh

cliffhanger! i can't wait for the updat this is a really good story! props to you and your wonderful ideas

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« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2007, 03:07:26 pm »


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« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2007, 03:15:34 pm »

This is really good, i can't wait for the next chapter.


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« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2007, 05:42:36 pm »

Don't stop now keep going! You stopped right on the good spot Sad If I were her I'd be very scared and depressed of my past! I like this so far!

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« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2007, 07:50:06 pm »

oh alright I think I can post the next chapter you all made me happy enough Wink

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I'm happier than a tornader in a trailer park!

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« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2007, 07:59:59 pm »

November 13
Today was another bad day. Anthony was talking about moving us out and getting our own place with his college fund and savings which would be enough for a really nice house. I told him no and that he needed to go to school and that I would just leave but he refused to let us go. He said that when he turns 18 he is going to marry me and then he is going to adopt Kaylynn as his own and we are going to be happy together. He said we only have to wait 6 more weeks then he will be 18 and it will all be over. I want to believe him so bad but I'm not sure if I can. I needed someone to talk about and since me and Molly kinda stopped being friends I had no one. So I decided to take my chances and make a long distance call to Katie. She was really surprised to get my call. She asked how we were doing and I told her what was going on and where I was. I thought she was going to be so mad at me but she wasn't she was just happy we were all ok. She told me the Corey and Mason got in big trouble for drugging both of us and they are doing time. Then she told me something I just couldnt believe, "Tara the cops are looking for you...... They found out your mom had a life insurance policy and once you are a legal adult you get to have it. The papers saying that you are emancipated got here over a month ago. You are entitled to a lot of money."Those words really put things into perspective for me. I got the number from her and figured I would call in the morning and talk to them about the money.

November 15
I talked to the police and gave them my new address and they are going to send the check here. Mom had out a $5000 policy and because I'm the only living relative or child I get it all. Anthony and I talked about it and decided we are going to get married in January and buy a house. We might even find one sooner. With this money Anthony can go to UCLA and continue his education. We decided that I will go to school online to get my diploma and then go from there for college classes. That will be easier on us and then we don't have to get a nanny for Kaylynn. We are going to get a house close to UCLA so Anthony doesn't have to drive far. We set our wedding date for Christmas day. Since its such a big day for me we thought it would be best. It will make our first Christmas together special, and every Christmas to come.

December 18
Today was Anthony's birthday. We wanted to celebrate but the nanny had the night off and Anthony's parents wont watch Kaylynn for us. They don't agree with anything we are doing but we don't care. We still love them even if they don't love us. So we stayed in and watched movies and played board games all night. I got my wedding dress last week with some of the money mom left me. It was pretty cheap and I had a lot of fun looking for one. Anthony got the church reserved for the 25th and after the morning service that day we will be married. Then we will probably go back to his parents house since we still haven't found a house of our own yet. We spent a few weekends looking but nothing really spoke to us. We are waiting to find our perfect dream home.

December 23
Today was such a good day, all the flowers got delivered to the church. We also have been out of town looking for a house again. We think we may have found the one we love. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, an office, dinning room, living room, one car garage, and a breakfast nook. I love the house so much and it was just built so no one has lived in it yet and it was only $300,000. which leaves us enough money to buy furniture and still put some away for Kaylynn. Probably not as much as we would have liked to but we will have more money soon. Its going to take a week to close on the house and then its ours. I cant wait to move in. Anthony is graduating early January 5th and choosing not to walk with his class. I felt bad but he said its what he really wanted to do. So he could spend more time with me and Kaylynn.

December 25
Today marks the day Anthony and I start our new life together. We decided that we didn't want to deal with his parents crap anymore and they didn't even come to the wedding. So we decided to drive to Los Angeles and stay in a hotel until things with the house were figured out. We ordered room service and just enjoyed being married. Its so weird to think of my self as Mrs. Meeks. I never thought it before but Tara Meeks sounds so good together. Soon we will get Kaylynn's name changed too and she will be Kaylynn Meeks. Oh diary how I love my new family. I don't think I have ever been happier.

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