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creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
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Topic: creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder (Read 43377 times)
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creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
September 16, 2006, 01:47:37 pm »
I was looking to do a skin set that would incorporate BBBoy's slim body builder for the guys + Warlokk's 34C body for the females. In essence if a male was created in CAS using this skintone they would have a slim body builder body and a female created in CAS using this skintone would be a Warlokk 34C. They could in theory pass on genetically to their children the slim BB mesh for boys and the Warlokk 34C mesh for girls.
Now I know that BBBoy combined his slim body builder and his athletic girl mesh together in one skin. I was looking to do the same with slim body builder and the 34C mesh. Any ideas on how to do this?
By the way your shapes look great in the game.
"Pure art is not about the creator, its about the creation"
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creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #1 on:
September 16, 2006, 04:40:13 pm »
Well, you would use the same method I used to tie it to the 34C meshes on the female side, but would connect the male references to the Slim BB mesh as well. Marvine wrote a tutorial on exactly how to do it, I believe it's over at MTS2 in the Create section. It takes a bit of complex SimPE editing, but it's not too difficult when you're only doing one set. Basically you have to point the afTopNaked and afBottomNaked for Fat, Fit and Normal to the new mesh.
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After many starts and stop I did it.
Reply #2 on:
September 29, 2006, 07:01:53 pm »
I tried the tutorial that Marvine wrote but I got so confused until I realized her tutorial was for a much older version of SIMPE. I have the latest one and alot of the steps she wrote about are no longer necessary. But being new to SIMPE I didn't know this. After I figured this out (it took awhile and a bit of frustration), I realize how simple it really was. The latest SIMPE is really user friendly. I used the Slimbb skintone as the base skin and just exchanged the 34C mesh resource node and shape for the existing adult female (normal, cut, soft) and that was that. Tried the skin in the game for both guy and gal and it worked perfect.
This is so cool, I have a slimbb guy and 34C gal skintone all in one. I have the best of both worlds. Now I'm trying to decide what kind of birthmark to put on the skintone so I will know at birth what my sims will grow up to be.
Thanks so much for your help, Warlokk. And a big thank you to Marvine for the tutorial.
"Pure art is not about the creator, its about the creation"
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creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #3 on:
September 29, 2006, 11:33:37 pm »
could you show me how to do this as well? Been a fan of Shower proof skin tones and Warlokk's work since i started with the sims.
Where can i download the latest SimPE?
PS. I want to start making my own skintones. Guess i have to take time off oggling all these Busty Sims :oogle: ....and start reading the tutorial...:tv:
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Site Santa!
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creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #4 on:
September 30, 2006, 09:08:56 am »
Quote from: sesimie
could you show me how to do this as well? Been a fan of Shower proof skin tones and Warlokk's work since i started with the sims.
Where can i download the latest SimPE?
PS. I want to start making my own skintones. Guess i have to take time off oggling all these Busty Sims :oogle: ....and start reading the tutorial...:tv:
The latest SIMPE is at sims.ambertation.de. Its easy to download and doesn't take very long. I could write down what I did and repost here later today.
"Pure art is not about the creator, its about the creation"
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Changing body meshes with SIMPE version .58.2.20950
Reply #5 on:
September 30, 2006, 11:54:24 am »
Special note: all NON-MAXIS body meshes are the property of the orignal creators and any modifications can not be posted on the internet without their permission. In other words, out of respect for these wonderful creators, keep your personally modified stuff in your game unless the creators say otherwise.
This is written to explain how to create a skintone that has an non-maxis body mesh (showproofed) tied to it using SIMPE version .58.2.20950 and the Sims bodyshop. I am not proficient at SIMPE yet, so other that tell you what I did that worked I cannot help anyone out with their SIMPE problems. I used Marvine's older SIMPE version tutorial to figure this out. I am simply updating it to the current SIMPE version.
There can be various combinations possible. I did a Warlokk 34C female mixed with slim bodybuilder male. I am just explaining what I did for this one combination.
1. Open bodyshop, choose the skintone you want to modify. I wanted to mix a slim bodybuilder male (BBBoy + Marvine) with the Warlokk 34C female who uses the standard maxis 34 size thighes. The easiest way was to choose a skintone I had linked to the slim body builder mesh and begin there. This meant I only had to modify the adult females top to the 34C mesh. Choose create, save the chosen skintone and name it something you will remember (like 34C-SLIMBB-MID). In your chosen editing program ( I use photoshop) edit the swatch as you want, updated in bodyshop and reimport the skintone back in. This skintone will now show in the SIM2\SavedSims folder (you will see the name you gave it with some other number\letter combinations in front). Close bodyshop.
2. In your computer, save a folder (anywhere you want outside the sims2 file) and name it "TOP". Note: if you where going to change bottom meshes or full body meshes you would need a separate folder for these too. We are only changing a top mesh here.
3. Open SIMPE, click OPEN and navigate to the SIMS2\Downloads folder. I keep all my meshes in a folder called "Meshes" under "downloads" but most people probably don't. In my case I was looking for "mesh_afTopNakedHi_34C-Enh" as this is the mesh that creates the showerproof Warlokk 34C female top. Click on it and chose "open".
In the upper right hand of SIMPE, you will see a window that says "TYPE" at the top of it. Holding the shift key, choose both the "resource node:.........." and the "shape:..........." lines and right click. This should open a small window, choose "extract". Another window opens, navigate to where you put the "TOP" folder you created and click "OK". In my case, four files where saved under the "TOPS" folder. We only use the ones ending in ".5cr.xml" and ".5sh.xml". Write down the late few digits on these two files for future reference.You done with this mesh file.
4. In SIMPE, click OPEN and navigate to the SIM2\savedsims file and open the skintone you created in bodyshop earlier.
In SIMPE, under the window "RESOURCE TREE" double click "ALL RESOURCES". In the upper right corner window called "TYPE", hit the word "TYPE" to put the files in alphabetical order.You will see 3D ID files, then material definition and Property sets in order. Right click in this window and choose "ADD", navigate to the "TOP" folder you created and highlight only the files ending with ".5cr.xml" and .5sh.xml". Click open and these files will save into the "TYPE" window in SIMPE. They will be italisized.
5. Scan down throught the "TYPE" files for the "Property Set". In this tutorial, you are looking for the adult female top naked normal. It would look like this: Property Set: CASIE_aftopnaked_ nude_S*. The * could be 1, 2 ,3 or 4. You need to write down the "INSTANCE" number, it should be the forth column on the right (mine was OX00000023). Find the INSTANCE number for the cut top (Property Set: CASIE_aftopnaked_ nudecut_S*) and the soft top (Property Set: CASIE_aftopnaked_ nudesoft_S*) also. You will be replacing the meshes in these three files.
6. In this same window, scan up to the "3D ID referencing file:" and find the one with the "INSTANCE" number that matches the "normal" top INSTANCE number you found earlier. Highlight it and click the "package" button at the bottom left of screen. If all goes well your "3D referencing file editor" (lower left window) will show the resouce node, shape files and material definition for this file on the left and a button called "Package" in bold to the upper right of this window. Clicking the Package button will open a "PackageSelectorForm" window showing the files in the TYPE window. Scan down to find the "RESOURCE NODE: and SHAPE you added earlier from the TOP folder. Do a drag and drop for both files into the "3D referencing file editor" window under the existing resource node, shape and material definition.
7. You now have two sets of resource nodes and shapes. Delete the old ones, they should be the first two lines. This is where having written down the last few digits of the files from the TOP folder come in handy so you don't delete these by accident. Move the new resource node and shape files into the old one's place by using the "UP" button on the right. You should now have 3 files in this order: Resource Node, Shape, and Material definition. The resource node and shape numbers should match what was in your TOP folder. Hit the COMMIT button.
8. Go to the TYPE window, find the 3D ID files for the remaining INSTANCE numbers for the cut and soft top and do exactly the same thing to these files as in paragraph 6 + 7. Hit Commit after completing each.
9. When you are done, deleted from the "TYPE" window the Resource Node and Shape files you originally added from the TOP folder. Do a "file", "save" in upper left hand corner to permanently save your changes. If you are changing bottoms, other ages, etc. you must repeat this whole process for them also. The only way to check that everything worked alright is to create sims in your game and have them take showers as this is the only way to see true naked shape (showerproof).
If I missed a step or incorrectly stated something, please be kind and let me know so I can change it. My personal thanks to all the wonderful creators out there who spark our imagination, share their talents and knowledge and inspire us into taking chances by making things on our own. A special thank you to Marvine, BeosBoxBoy and Warlokk for taking so much time to make the most amazing stuff.
Last Edit: October 01, 2006, 11:23:50 am by jwilson5
"Pure art is not about the creator, its about the creation"
Posts: 100
Thnkx for the help J!
Reply #6 on:
October 02, 2006, 01:15:52 am »
Took the time to read your Tutorial.....very claer.....i seem to have problems downloading SimPE.....i'll wait a while for my conection (still on 56k dialip!) :crybaby:
With All these helpful People on this forumn.....It's no wonder i keep coming back!!
“Wait for the sign,To flick the switch of death,It's the beginning of the end......Sweat, chilling cold, As I watch death unfold,Consciousness my only friend” -Ride The Lightning by MetallicA
Posts: 166
creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #7 on:
October 02, 2006, 04:53:02 am »
, Thanks for the tutorial. If I ever download Simpe, and I'm leaning towards that more and more, I'll put your tutorial to use. I had a question about one thing: You wrote that you wanted to assign a mole to your skins so you knew what skin the offspring would have. Do the bodybuilder males have male and female offspring that are their genetic type? Or, are they now carrying genes (it seems so silly to talk about genes and sims...lol....) for the type you created, meaning all males are bodybuilders and all females are Warlokk 34C?
I also (for the first time ever) took a Warlokk skin mesh and applied a custom alien skin over it in body shop. I suppose this worked because I was only dealing with one mesh?
- 56 k? Lucky you! I limp along at 40
Chairman Greg
Posts: 253
creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #8 on:
October 02, 2006, 01:14:01 pm »
Mad thought: Is the game hard-coded to use the same mesh for Normal and Fit physiques?
I'm thinking that if the skin tone file has a spot where it selects the Fit body mesh separately from the Normal body mesh, it would be possible to use a bodybuilder mesh for Fit and a different mesh for normal.
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creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #9 on:
October 02, 2006, 02:45:26 pm »
I thought "fit" was "normal" or a default of sorts.....or do you mean something else?
Posts: 1471
creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #10 on:
October 02, 2006, 04:15:37 pm »
Hmm... it does have a separate listing for Fit, Fat and Normal, I don't see any reason you couldn't put a different mesh reference in the Fit category... it should work perfectly. I'm surprised nobody has thought of it before. Instead of using the same reference ID for all 3 categories, you'd use the BodyBuilder (or whatever) Shape and Resource Node for the Fit, and it should work.
Hmm... (eyes Marvine's Athletic Girl mesh and mentally fits BodyShape magnets to it...)
Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 04:18:06 pm by Warlokk
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creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #11 on:
October 02, 2006, 05:52:22 pm »
Quote from: VerDeTerre
, Thanks for the tutorial. If I ever download Simpe, and I'm leaning towards that more and more, I'll put your tutorial to use. I had a question about one thing: You wrote that you wanted to assign a mole to your skins so you knew what skin the offspring would have. Do the bodybuilder males have male and female offspring that are their genetic type? Or, are they now carrying genes (it seems so silly to talk about genes and sims...lol....) for the type you created, meaning all males are bodybuilders and all females are Warlokk 34C?I
The skins I created using the slimbody builder and 34C mesh will be part of a parent's genetic package. Two parent sims with these skintones should always produce bodybuilder/34C children. I put three moles above the right nipple of the baby and toddler so I would know when these meshes were going to be part of the child at birth. I did this as I have custom default skins that are normal male/normal female that I also use. Mixing a normal size parent with a bodybuilder/34c parent could go either way on the children. With the moles, I know how to dress them as soon as they become young adults. This method will also help should I decided to create other skintones with various body meshes combinations.
Basically, as far as I know, the skintones are the DNA/genetics that pass to children and take their meshes with them.
Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 05:59:15 pm by jwilson5
"Pure art is not about the creator, its about the creation"
Posts: 166
creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #12 on:
October 03, 2006, 03:59:09 am »
Ah! Ok, thanks for explaining that. Any chance you'd be willing to share your work?
Star Ranger4
Posts: 111
creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #13 on:
October 03, 2006, 11:36:52 am »
Considering that this work is a derivative, he'd need both Warlokk and Marvine's (and BBBoy's? or does Yankov just make the clothes?) permission before he could post them.
Chairman Greg
Posts: 253
creating skins w/warlokk mesh and slimbody builder
Reply #14 on:
October 03, 2006, 12:50:04 pm »
Quote from: jwilson5
... I put three moles above the right nipple of the baby and toddler so I would know when these meshes were going to be part of the child at birth...
Oh ho! Very clever! Thanks for that tip!
I often get lost trying to sort the DDD's from the DD's and such. I've taken to making clothes with subtle but distinctive markings. For example, I have a convention that 1 back seam on the jeans is the standard size 34 hip, 2 is size 36, and so on. I've repeated that same rule of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 markings on other garments, using different artifacts for different garments--whatever fits the design.
I hadn't thought to expand that to include the skin tones, but putting the code in moles is a most excellent way to do it.
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