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Author Topic: Canine pack: Objects and recolors"  (Read 3368 times)
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« on: October 04, 2013, 11:26:40 am »

well since im requesting a few things you might see related topics to this across some of the request threads here is for objects.


Downtown (think i saw this somewhere): ripped slightly, old looking, white stuffing"

Ripped in half: if possible able to throw at people"

Super punchbag: Every punch/kick increases fitness skill point by 1 and also increases all motives, also new fight moves if possible"


Guns: maybe to save yourself trouble you could help find them, also for new guns: Bazooka, Ak47, pistol, shotgun and vulcan"

Knives and swords: what do i need to say about it? XD"

Baseball bat: can be used for fighting or baseball"

Hammer: a massive hammer"

Staff: based off aangs staff from the last airbender (no not that shitty movie that tried to ruin the show)"

"Normal" Objects (some are normal lol and i mean normal by everyday things)

Smashed TV: a flat-screen or a biggish TV with a huge crack in the middle and maybe a hack to make it look like someone broke it (smoke and electric sparks)"

Smashed tables: a table with some legs broken off, a table with a hole through the middle, a table with graffiti on it and blood"

Dead sims: lying down (face down and face up), kneeling with face flat down on table"

Knocked over "trash can": Why would it need a description?"

More training objects: weights, a push up mat, the hoops where you pull yourself up and down etc"

Green and brown bed: grass green and chocolate brown and it can be single and double"

Fridge filled with chicken: and pizza (i have a weird feeling the food stuff is in the wrong section)"

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