"what it is" is meant to be interpretted and said as 'beatnic' as possible. I just spent the past 4 weeks working on 2 apartment buildings and playing on Apartment complexes. With a few AL ea ingame cheats I was able to create some pretty nice coastal apartments, and kept running into a problem. Everytime I moved a new tenant into the complex the ocean line and land levels would warp. I took a quick shot of what kept happenning.
Notice the water line, the ocean was now as high as my second floor, the road signs are floating mid-air, and the camera would only lower to the water's new line. If your sims walk into the water well, there isn't any but they don't seem to mind. I spent 3 days trying to locate online answers to why this was happenning and finally after reading a post on Modthesims I found the answer I was looking for. ( the post only half referred to my problem and I read all 7 pages of replies just to 'happen' across the right answer ) So I wanted to make a post here about how to fix this problem without having the problem of finding the right post to solve it lol.
Here's the fix, so simple you'll want to hug me. After moving your tenant/tenant's into the apartment, save and return to neighborhood view, now pick up the lot and set it back down. Poof like magic your done, returning to the lot, the land and water levels should be back to normal! Now this is something that has to be repeated for each sim you move in from the sim bin. I hope this helps anyone who runs into this little hiccup in the game. I know I was so sad thinking I'd be forced to bulldoze my handmade coastal condominiums and would have loved finding the answer faster. Cheers!