I'm trying for the first time to make a default replacement for some maxis clothing. I get the right texture to show, and the bumpmap has the correct texture, but shows up wrong, as if the lighting on it is opposite of what it should be.
(it's the
uubodyambulancedriver-blue_txtr and
uubodyambulancedriver-all-bump_txtr I'm trying to change)
I'm not sure what is going on, as I've replaced both the bump map and texture map with the appropriate textures. The original non-default looks normal, without any troubles.
I've had the same problem on some other outfits that didn't like bump maps in 1024 size, but those were toddler outfits (originally 512), and they corrected when I changed them to 512.
This, however, is an adult/teen outfit, and both textures (from an enabled outfit in Bodyshop) are 1024. Teen to elder uses the same texture maps, so there are only two textures to change. The textures were all kinds of sizes, however, and I've got no clue what is the right method to change them... Neither
this tutorial nor
this one mentioned anything about bump troubles, and I didn't find much else using Google...
I'm building textures with DXT, and have tried both DXT3 and 5, none made a difference.
So what I'm wondering is, has anyone bumped
(pardon the pun) into this problem before, and knows what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for any help