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Request flooding, sever thunderstorms, tornadoes
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Topic: Request flooding, sever thunderstorms, tornadoes (Read 6920 times)
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Posts: 29
Request flooding, sever thunderstorms, tornadoes
July 28, 2009, 12:21:41 am »
Hi fellow simmers. This may be in the wrong forum so feel free to move it. I have original, nightlife, seasons. Is there a hack where there could be sever thunderstorms, hurricanes, flooding, and yes i dare say, a tornadoe. I am in the process of making my sims movie and would like to add some drama to my story and yes there are some sims the may "accidently" get taken away by a tornadoe
. If they get sucked away by a tornadoe they could be deposited on a different lot (community or drop in on another residential lot) or how about be dropped into a different neighborhood? Let me know what everyone thinks and feel free to email me. Many, many thanks.
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Re: Request flooding, sever thunderstorms, tornadoes
Reply #1 on:
July 28, 2009, 03:54:46 pm »
Well, you can try the weather controller machine that's already in the game with Seasons. You have to look in the Rewards panel for it. Use that to change the weather.
As for tornadoes, well, there isn't a mod out there that can create tornadoes. Sorry about that.
But if you want lots of rain and puddles that looked more or less like a flood, you can check out crumplebottom_marky4444's
weather mods
that lets you have more rain, more wetter seasons, dry seasons and whatnot. There is one mod in his section for wetter seasons - spring and fall have a lot of rain.. I mean a lot of rain. One of these mods would be perfect for your rainy appearance on the lot as well lots of water puddles.
If you want your Sims to look like they're flying, being taken away by a "tornado", you can check out these two flying mods
. Either one will give you an illusion that the Sim is actually flying.
As for the sky, there are several interesting mods you can look at and try out for yourself:
Search Results For Sky
Oberkorn's colored skies
chris997's colored skies
These skies would be perfect for your movie or picture stories to simulate the "weather" you were looking to achieve.
Caveat emptor:
I don't know if any of these mods work with Seasons, but I suggest creating a test 'hood just to test these mods first before you actually use your real lot for moviemaking or storymaking projects you have in mind.
Hope these will help you get what you're looking for. At least it is a starting point to find more stuff out there.
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Posts: 2977
Re: Request flooding, sever thunderstorms, tornadoes
Reply #2 on:
July 28, 2009, 06:48:25 pm »
Since you are making a movie, take a look at putting your sims against a greenscreen, then using your movie editor to place them into a clip of your weather. Windows Movie Maker won't do it, but Sony Vegas does. IIRC you can download a 30 day trial so you can see if it will work for your purposes.
Posts: 29
Re: Request flooding, sever thunderstorms, tornadoes
Reply #3 on:
July 28, 2009, 11:29:43 pm »
Quote from: Chaavik on July 28, 2009, 03:54:46 pm
Well, you can try the weather controller machine that's already in the game with Seasons. You have to look in the Rewards panel for it. Use that to change the weather.
As for tornadoes, well, there isn't a mod out there that can create tornadoes. Sorry about that.
But if you want lots of rain and puddles that looked more or less like a flood, you can check out crumplebottom_marky4444's
weather mods
that lets you have more rain, more wetter seasons, dry seasons and whatnot. There is one mod in his section for wetter seasons - spring and fall have a lot of rain.. I mean a lot of rain. One of these mods would be perfect for your rainy appearance on the lot as well lots of water puddles.
If you want your Sims to look like they're flying, being taken away by a "tornado", you can check out these two flying mods
. Either one will give you an illusion that the Sim is actually flying.
As for the sky, there are several interesting mods you can look at and try out for yourself:
Search Results For Sky
Oberkorn's colored skies
chris997's colored skies
These skies would be perfect for your movie or picture stories to simulate the "weather" you were looking to achieve.
Caveat emptor:
I don't know if any of these mods work with Seasons, but I suggest creating a test 'hood just to test these mods first before you actually use your real lot for moviemaking or storymaking projects you have in mind.
Hope these will help you get what you're looking for. At least it is a starting point to find more stuff out there.
I have base, nightlife & seasons. I will try these and let everyone know. many many thanks.
Posts: 29
Re: Request flooding, sever thunderstorms, tornadoes
Reply #4 on:
July 28, 2009, 11:32:20 pm »
Quote from: ancienthighway on July 28, 2009, 06:48:25 pm
Since you are making a movie, take a look at putting your sims against a greenscreen, then using your movie editor to place them into a clip of your weather. Windows Movie Maker won't do it, but Sony Vegas does. IIRC you can download a 30 day trial so you can see if it will work for your purposes.
thanks a million ancienthighway. i only have windows movie maker & i will consider the IIRC and price the sony vegas. all of this is so new to me (movie making that is) so when i play the sims I just play. I was inspired by other simmers who've made some AWESOME movies. when i get brave enough to upload them I will. many, many thanks. you all rock!!!!!
Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 02:01:03 am by sannysims40
Posts: 29
Re: Request flooding, sever thunderstorms, tornadoes
Reply #5 on:
October 23, 2011, 02:02:47 am »
Ok, all been awhile since I've been on this happens.
anyways, i did not get a chance to invest in a movie editor but I guess I will have to use windows moviemaker and hope for the best
. Many, many thanks.
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