Here's a Brittany Spaniel that I made, I took the Maxis spaniel and changed the ears and put layers upon layers of fur to get the coat just right
Here's a little bit about the breed...
-The Brittany Spaniel is a French breed of gun dog standing about 50 cm tall. The breed was almost extinct at the start of the 20th century, but was revived and individuals have proved to be talented pointers. A sensitive breed, they are easy to train.
- The first Brittanies were imported to the UK in 1982 and their growth in numbers has been slow and steady; enthusiasts are keen to preserve the working qualities of the breed and plenty of working opportunities are organized by the Breed Club. Their size and energy makes them well-suited to Agility and their keenness to please suits them well to Obedience.
-An energetic, intelligent and eager to please dog, the Brittany makes a good family dog but does require to be kept busy, or he will make his own entertainment!