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Author Topic: *PLEASE READ FIRST*Original Female BodyShape Variety Project - Instructions and Notes  (Read 23282 times)
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« on: February 08, 2006, 08:36:41 pm »

This forum contains the original Female BodyShape Variety Project files originally posted at MTS2.  
Please note that this series is considered *FINISHED*, and all future work will be done in the new Hi-Res Female BodyShape Variety Project, including updated versions of all sizes seen here.  However this project is just beginning as I move into my new Tower here at InSIM, so this set will be current for a while yet.

These sets all consist of a variety of clothing outfits and mesh-linked skintones, so they will keep their sizes when they get naked.  You will have to clothe them in the appropriate-sized outfits though!

The Bottoms and Teen sets are required for the other sets to work properly-- they contain needed meshes used by all top size selections, so make sure you get them.

Feel free to modify these meshes and outfits in any way you please, just give me credit for the meshes if you post somewhere else, and don't post anything to a pay site!  I insist my creations remain free for everyone to share and enjoy.

How to use:

1. Choose Skintone in Custom Genetics displaying the BodyShape you would like your sim to have. You will see no immediate size difference in the clothed Sim, these only affect the shape of the nudes, so you'll only see it in-game.

2. Pick clothing from this set or the various other items that have been uploaded by me or others here, that matches the sizes you've chosen. The Corset and Shorts I created for the base set use the same meshes as the nudes tied to the skintones, so they will show exactly what your sim will look like nude. The skintone size has no effect on clothing whatsoever, they are separate meshes, it's up to you to make them match. To make it automatic, Maxis would have to do it in the main program, so don't ask me if I can do it.

3. Play!

Thanks to the methods Marvine worked out and helped me through, a sim with these skintones will have the bodyshape indicated when they are naked! No more shrinking sims when they shower! Now, you will still have to put clothes on them to match their body sizes if you want them to stay consistent, but we've already been doing that with the clothing body sizes, so that's nothing new. The clothing I created is all clearly marked with the body sizes it is intended for, so it should be easy to figure out. Also, keep in mind you won't see any difference in the bodyshape in CAS or BodyShop... these meshes only show when they are truly nude, which only happens in-game.

Using BodyShop, these can be exported and converted to new textures, and re-imported, and they will keep their shapes.  I have uploaded the skintones with the Maxis Default Tan skintone (with no naughty bits), so it can be available to everyone and not limited to the adult downloads. However, if you export one of these skintones, and apply the textures of your favorite downloaded skintone, and re-import it, it will keep the custom bodyshape I have assigned it.

These meshes are fully morph-compatible, so Fat/Fit/Pregnancy effects work fine. Apply the Fat setting to some of the larger sizes to see some pretty dramatic shapes!

My intention was to release the basic building blocks needed to create a variety of women's body shapes in the game... now it's up to you to dress them up! Feel free to modify, retexture (they aren't my textures anyway, they're all Maxis), mangle, mutate and do anything you want with these, because I'm tired now and I want you all to create new stuff for my new ladies!

There are a ton of outfits and skintones for this series over at MTS2 made by fans of the set... do a search for my name "Warlokk" and you'll find most of them.



* snapshot_f03881d8_70388952.jpg (31.88 KB, 400x300 - viewed 37513 times.)

* snapshot_f03881d8_f03883ac.jpg (32.68 KB, 400x300 - viewed 5730 times.)

* snapshot_f03881d8_3038896e.jpg (16.49 KB, 400x300 - viewed 6901 times.)

* snapshot_f03881d8_103889b2.jpg (20.03 KB, 400x300 - viewed 6239 times.)

* Warlokk's Bodyshape GroupShot.jpg (200.39 KB, 1000x750 - viewed 6202 times.)

* Clothes1Sample.jpg (226.19 KB, 1000x750 - viewed 6287 times.)

* Warlokk's Bodyshape Family.jpg (17.84 KB, 400x300 - viewed 6915 times.)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 08:41:37 pm by Warlokk » Logged

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