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Author Topic: Black out screen is driving me potty  (Read 3758 times)
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Posts: 330

Runaway Slave

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« on: June 05, 2009, 07:25:31 pm »

I am so frustrated. I can play either for minutes or hours and then all of a sudden without any warning my whole computer goes black and I tell you it is like pulling teeth to get the task manager going to end the task so I can atleast start it up again. I did the can you run it test I saw at a sticky and I got these results.

I had a pass at every single thing and still it crashes on me  Embarrassed
I attached my dxdiag if there is any computer guru's out there that can help me solve this problem  huh

* DxDiag.txt (34.85 KB - downloaded 222 times.)
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« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 12:31:34 am »

You're not the only one, I have seen this countless times posted by many, many, many simmers over on the tech forum at the official site. It would seem that EA has screwed up once again!... Headwall

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« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2009, 04:25:14 am »

I know that I have the same video card that you have and I recently needed to update the drivers. You can do that on the Nvidia website. I update them not because of Sims but because of another game that had higher expectations. Also Look at the other threads in this board you might not have enough ram. I know that Vista almost always needs more ram than a computer that uses xp. Why? I don't know but my guess would be something to do with virtual memory.  I saw an estimate stating that Vista my need 3gb also I believe I read on here that the black screen could be a symptom of you processor not cutting and the computer shuts the program down because its overheating?

Based on my own computer knowledge and just reading about other peoples problems the above is my guess as to whats going on. Wink

Gender: Female
Posts: 330

Runaway Slave

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« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2009, 04:45:43 am »

Thanks for the info Nada, I fixed my game and was coming here to tell other simmers what to do LOL
Engram gave me this link and it helped me right away
It is basically what you said too Nada Smiley
SimGirl20 I guess EA is off the hook now Cheesy LOL
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« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2009, 10:27:35 am »

If you do have problems with the game crashing, you can also look at your error - a text file is created in your My Documents\..\Sims 3 folder whenever there's a problem. Looking through that should let you know why it crashed

~simaholic - EA will NEVAR be off teh hook!!

"They're a rum lot, the Yorkshire folk. You can't fool them, you certainly can't get away with much and they call a spade a spade. Or rather, they call a spade 'a bloody shovel'" Mark Addy
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