Yoon Eun Hye, whom under request, I glammed up for ya! Just for fun!
Here is Korean actress Yoon Eun Hye, who starred in one of my favorite drama’s Coffee Prince. Check out the trailer for it here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0h0dwvCUWsHere are her stats:
Eye color is teru_k’s ephemera black
http://www.modthesims.infoEyeliner is by Helaene
http://www.modthesims.infoSkin tone by @Stefan
http://nene.modthesims.info/member.php?u=102521Hair and mesh included are here
http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=327255Clothing is Lilly@S2D and mesh is chriko_MiniDressCapeAlHighheels_mesh
Eye shadow is thesimssi2