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1  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Help / Ambitions glitch. New lifetime rewards missing!!!! on: June 14, 2010, 09:30:45 pm
I recently installed Ambitions and I love it. 
The only problems I seem to be having are that when my Sims are ghost hunters, the ghosts to not appear. 
But they trap them anyway.  When they are firemen I can see the fire inside of the house but not the window fires. 
They are able to put them out though.  And I have no new Lifetime rewards for this expansion.

I know that there is supposed to be a "my best friend" and a "fireproof house"  rewards but they don't show up on my game.

I am running the game on a brand new computer.
Windows 7.

Is anyone else having this problem?
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Winter by Ashtaroth on: January 17, 2009, 10:21:48 pm
You may all remember Winter, as one of my first sims on my thread.
I have had many requests to put her on here and I didn't do it because I thought I had lost her.
Your all in luck because I found the file today and I am going to share her with you!

Meet Winter:

She is made with the following custom content:

Thank you to everyone that made the custom stuff so that I could make her!

Hope you enjoy!
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Jayden Self By Ashtaroth on: January 05, 2008, 11:17:28 pm
Jayden is a british man from a tv series I am writing.  I decided to make the sim version of him and was so happy with how he came out that I chose to share him with all of you.

I would like to thank everyone for the custom content they made for him.
Eye color: Brilliance Moonlight
Eyebrows: Helaene
Skintone: DF light...I don't know who made it but thank you very much
Eyeliner: Barcelonista

Hair and clothes can be found at they are both Pay.

So here he is.

4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / As By Request: Tala made by Ashtaroth on: November 12, 2007, 01:47:59 am
Ok so here she is since she was requested in my thread.  One of my sim daughters Tala:

Thanks to all the people who made the custom content for my sims!
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Self-Sims / Ashtaroth's Self-Sim on: June 17, 2007, 09:42:19 am
You want me?  Now you can have me!  This is Patty, the girl behind the magic that is Ashtaroth...  Take me home and do as you wish with me (within reason)...
I was made by Harpo Jones with a little help from me...

I would like to thank these loverly people who made the custom content I used on myself:

And here I am:

The REAL me:

My hair is short now...thats why my self-sim is sporting short hair...sorry I don't have any recent pictures of myself.

I have all expansions through Seasons but if you install her with sims clean installer it should work!
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / The Weasley Family By Ashtaroth on: June 12, 2007, 07:48:20 pm
And now you all have the pleasure of meeting my Weasley family and taking them home with you for your own use...whatever that may be!!!

So I will get right to business...Here they are:

Molly (Packaged as an adult):

Arthur (Packaged as an adult):

Charlie (Packaged as an adult):

Bill (Packaged as an adult):

Percy (Packaged as an adult):

The Twins Fred and George (One file because they are Identical all you have to do is double him up so you get two of him and he is packaged as a teen)

Ron (Packaged as a teen):

And Last but not Least...

Ginny (Packaged as a teen):

I hope you like them as much as I do...I have all the expansion packs through seasons but if you install them with Sims 2 Clean Installer it should work no problem!
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Aaron: Born in game hunky teen on: May 11, 2007, 10:39:12 pm
Thats right so here is my Aaron!  (he is a teen in the download file and in the pictures)
You can find his parents Here:  Kate  And  Jack

I would like to thank all of the people below for making all of the lovely custom content!

So here he is:

I hope you enjoy him!
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Kate: made by Ashtaroth on: May 07, 2007, 11:01:17 pm
Well as requested here she pride and joy...well at least for now!
She has no problem with being herself no matter what anyone says about her.  She may seem like the girl next door but you couldn't be further from the truth...she is trouble!  Most of the pictures I have here show some of her attitude but not all of just be careful with her.

Also I find that she makes beautiful babies with my other sim Jack

I would like to thank everyone who keeps making all of this custom content for all of us to use and beautify our simmies!
They include:

So here is Kate:

I have all the expansions up to seasons...but I'm positive that if you install her with Sims Clean Installer that she will work in your game!
Thank you everyone that comments on my pictures and all make me so happy!!!!
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Jack made by Ashtaroth on: May 01, 2007, 09:37:42 pm
Although he may seem to be a sort of "bad boy" by the way he dresses...he doesn't have a bad bone in his body!  He is a sweetheart!
I would like to thank everyone who made the custom content I used on Jack
They include:

Enjoy Jack

I have all the expansions including seasons
10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Sims / Feric: Sexy man from the Fugly Game on: April 12, 2007, 11:46:00 pm
Well as requested here is Feric:

Custom Content Includes
Eyes:  Pin Collection
Skin:  Enayla

You can find the Fugly Game Here

I have all expansions up through seasons so this download may not work for people who don't have the same expansions.
11  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Sims / The Fugly Game's Fugly: on: April 09, 2007, 07:54:22 pm
Well here she is...Fugly...made by my sister for your enjoyment!
You can find the Fugly Game here:

Thanks to all of the Custom Content I used for her:
Eyes:  Neens scary Eyes
Skintone:  Navetsea
Dress:  Keira Knightly pride and prejudice ball gown

I have all the expansion packs up to seasons so this download may not work for anyone who doesn't have the same expansions
12  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Lets Play The Fugly Game!!! on: April 08, 2007, 09:28:02 pm
Well I just thought others would have as much fun as I do playing this game.

Ok so here are the rules:
You start out with the Fugliest sim that you can create...
You marry that sim off to a townie or downtownie and have them make offspring...and see what you come up with...After the second generation of can use any sim you made to marry off and reproduce.  Then you keep that going through the generations until you finally get a good looking child...
Its pretty amazing how the genetics work in the Sims!

Ok so here is my Fugly Family!

Her son Fleo:

His son IT:

IT's Brother Feo:

And Finally Feo's Son and fourth generation of the Fugly clan Feric:

It only took me four generations to get something none fugly!!!
I would love to see what you come up with!!!

UPDATE:  Here is my Fugly if you would like to use her for you game:

Here is Feric:  http://
13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Garett My Newest Hunk on: April 06, 2007, 08:55:04 pm
Ok so here he is folks.  I have gotten a few requests and I have finally gotten around to uploading him!  Enjoy!

Custom Content:
Eye Color:  Enayla
Skin:  Enayla
Hair: Coris
Eyeshadow: the simssi2
Eyeliner:  Rensim
Lipstick:  A.S.K
Beard:  Crusblck (Rad47)

I have All 5 expansion packs so he may not be compatable with anything less than Seasons.
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Fae...My newest honey! on: April 04, 2007, 02:15:30 pm
Well what is there to say about Fae? She is strange looking but still pretty just the same...She makes a wonderful mother and has three kids in my game. Hope you all like her as much as I do!
Thanks to everyone that spent countless hours creating all of the custom content that I used on Fae!
Custom Content:

And here is FAE:

I have all Expansions up to I don't know how compatable she will be with the other expansions...
15  Simmers' Paradise / The Shape of Stuff to Come / A man and woman on: March 27, 2007, 10:42:22 pm
I've been working diligently on this man and woman...I'm hoping that they are going to be a couple when I am finished.  This is what they look like so far:

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