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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / No CC Mobile Home for Sale or Rent on: March 27, 2009, 02:24:42 pm
This is a two bedroom, one bathroom mobile home for sale or rent.  Fully furnished and appointed.  Rental is 1,449 a week.

Or if you would like to OWN this home it's available for 27,762 simoleons. Homeowners get bonus garden sprinkler and steps to the back door!   Cheesy

Both versions are identical except for changes necessary to make one an apartment and one a regular residential lot.


- Judy

2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Apartment Buildings / Belladonna Mobile Home Park on: March 24, 2009, 01:52:42 pm
I made this trailer park because I get tired of all the "trailer trash" stuff that's out there for the game.  This is Belladonna Mobile Home Park, and trailer trash Sims need not apply to live here!  It's not luxury, but it's nice, like a lot of real trailer parks are in real life, contrary to popular opinion. Smiley  There are four trailers, all are partially furnished and decorated.  Everything is Maxis content except for a few floors, walls and paintings I made myself.  The trailer on the far right with the potted trees and fountain in front, is based on the trailer I lived in for 14 years.  It's not identical, but it's similar and I added a few personal touches that the others don't have, and you'll also notice that home is ready for a cat. Smiley  All four trailers have a space somewhere near the kitchen which would be for a washer and dryer in real life.

My painting recolors didn't get included in the lot package (this is a glitch that's been around for awhile), so I included them in the zip file.  Just put them in your downloads directory and they should show up in the lot (as long as you have CEP installed.)

I have all expansions and stuff packs and most likely all are required for this to be complete.  This is an apartment lot, the rent starts at 2,006 simoleons. 

I hope there are people out there who can use a NICE trailer park in your game.  Enjoy!

3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Social Security/Welfare Career! Testers Please! on: September 14, 2006, 08:37:54 pm
Social Security Recipient "Career"

EP Compatible
Won't overwite any other careers
For adults, teens and elders.
Custom icon.
No chance cards (because you only go to "work" for an hour a week to pick up your check.)
One level, no promotions, demotions, etc.

What this career does:

Ever want a welfare Sim?  Well now you can have one.  Available for adults, teens or elder, with teens and elders getting a little less money than adults (because teens should get less and elders might be also earning a pension in retirement.)  I wasn't sure what kind of income this career should have and I wound up doing it this way: Social Security in the U.S. is supposed to give you enough money to cover your basic needs, and in some cases a little more than that.  In real life it depends on how much money other people in your household are making.  Since there's no way to factor that in in the Sims, I decided to take the lowest paying jobs in the game (dishwasher and golf caddy), and make this pay a bit less than those. Those two jobs pay 126 a day five days a week, a weekly total of 630.  So the Social Security Recipients get 600 a week.  Teens/Elders get 450.  The "job" requires to going to work on Friday mornings to get your check, from 8 (carpool time) to 10.  Teens/Elders 4-6.  

Because this is a career, you can't have it and another career at the same time; however, you can have it and be retired, or you can have it and own a business.  College Students are limited of course so they can't have this unless you're using a hack that lets them have a career.  And just like my Self-Emplyed and Unemployed careers, you'll get the "Dina has the day off!" pop up every day (except Friday.)

The custom icon was made by me and is loosely based on the United States Social Security Administration logo (very loosely!)

This career ill appear in the regular job listings like any other career, or you can assign it with the Insimenator or Monique's computer, etc.


- Judy
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Special Careers: Self-Employed & Happily Unemployed on: May 29, 2006, 11:34:38 pm
Self-Employed and Happily Unemployed Careers

EP Compatible
Won't overwite any other careers
For adults, teens and elders.
Custom icons.
No chance cards (because they wouldn't work since Sims with these careers never actually go to work.)
One level, no promotions, demotions, etc.

What these careers do:

Give your business owning Sims a job as far as the game is concerned, but there are no hours, no pay, and no carpool will ever come. The point is that when you click on self-employed Sims' job info you'll see "Self-Employed" instead of "Unemployed" Also since the game will see them as having a job, they will no longer get those pesky job wants (because you know they already HAVE one, now the game will realize it too.)  

The Happily Unemployed Sim career is exactly the same as the Self-Employed career, except for the name and the icon. This is for housewife or retired Sims who don't WANT a job.

The only downside: Since the game reads these as a job where every day is a day off, every day you'll get the "Brandi has the day off today" pop up. Just close it and pretend it isn't there.  

When you give a Sim one of these careers you'll get a pop up that says the carpool will arrive at 2 pm, but it won't, ever.

These will appear in the regular job listings like any other career, or you can assign them with the Insimenator or Monique's computer, etc.


- Judy
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Testers Wanted NIGHTSHIFT Career on: May 29, 2006, 10:30:59 pm
I've been using this in my game for awhile and I finally decided to upload it.  It's actually the first career I ever made.

*Sims 2 Night Shift Career*

A variety of jobs (some of them rather odd!), all hours fall somewhere between 7pm and 7am.  

This career has 10 levels, with chance cards on each level.

Will not overwrite other careers.

EP ready.

Level 1 - Retail Store Clerk
Level 2 - Retail Store Security Guard
Level 3 - Factory Apprentice
Level 4 - Factory Foreman
Level 5 - Customer Service Rep
Level 6 - Answering Service
Level 7 - TV News Hotline Rep
Level 8 - 24 Hour Daycare Worker
Level 9 - Ritzy Hotel Front Desk Clerk
Level 10 - Professional Townie

Elder Levels:

Level 1 - Retail Store Greeter
Level 2 - Answering Service
LEvel 3 - 24 Hour Daycare Worker

Custom icon made by me in PSP.

The career uses Maxis clothing.

Reward Object: Execputter

To Install:  Unzip the careers and put them in your Download folder.  

Have fun!

- Judy
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Geisha Career in testing! on: April 24, 2006, 09:14:01 pm
*Sims 2 Geisha Career*

This career has 10 levels, with chance cards on each level.

Will not overwrite other careers.

EP ready.

Level 1 - Okiya Maid
Level 2 - Geisha School Student
Level 3 - Junior Maiko
Level 4 - Senior Maiko
Level 5 - Junior Geisha
Level 6 - Senior Geisha
Level 7 - Independant Geisha
Level 8 - Famous Geisha
Level 9 - Okiya Okaasan
Level 10 - Okiya Obaasan

There are no elder or teen versions of the career at this time.

Custom icon made by me in PSP.


You need the following files from

Admin note: The site is down, so please go the graveyard. There are many files there.

The TWO meshes and SIX kimono textures found under fashion/females/casual  
MESH - kimono1corrybow
MESH - kimono2corrybow
These are the career outfits for levels 3-8.  Without them, your Sim will just stay in their regular clothes to go to work on those levels

The clothing for levels 1, 2, 9 and 10 were made by me, they're recolours of a Maxis mesh and included in the zip file.  

One final word about the clothing: It's for adults only on levels 1 - 8; on levels 9 and 10 it will work for adults or elders.


Made by me, it's a painting that does something special when a Sim looks at it.  It's included in the zip file.

THANKS to Chriko for allowing me to use the outfits!  And to Superfly, Echo, and Vagrant at MTS2 for tutorials that enabled me to get through this!

This career is intended for female Sims, though technically it's possible to give it to males, but the clothing won't work.  

To install: Unzip the files to a folder called geishacareer, or something similar.  Add Chriko's clothing files to that folder, then put the folder in your Sims 2 downloads folder. The career should then show up in your game.

Please read the .txt file included in the zip for more information on the career.

Have fun!

- Judy
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