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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Ben Beckman from One Piece on: September 12, 2007, 12:54:20 am
Since there is a decided lack of One Piece characters out there, I decided to submit another one of my favorite characters: the younger Ben Beckman.

For anyone not in the know, he's the (presumed) first mate of Red-Haired Shanks. Since he's definitely not a traditionally good-looking "bishie," I won't be offended if no one not in the fandom is interested in him at all.

A few notes:

1). I am not a creator, per se; I only try my best to create characters that somewhat resemble their likenesses without them being too terribly cartoony in the game (despite the fact that their image is from a cartoon, in a sense).

2). I'm having a bitch of a time finding just a plain black t-shirt and black cargo pants that aren't a). pay items, or b). for some reason frickin' huge in size! The black shirt I had him in earlier made the file size go up to 18.2 Mb! What the hell?! Anyhow, I decided to just put him in the closest clothing that the Base Maxis game had to offer. My apologies. However, I think I got the facial features pretty close, and that's all that matters, right? Wink

3). I have yet to come across an actual biography on Ben that states his official eye color, and since all male manga characters tend to have black dots for eyes, I unilaterally decided to give him lighter eyes. You are free to change this, of course. Again, I won't be offended.

Thank you to all the wonderful creators that made the custom content I used to assemble this Sim.

2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Portgas D. Ace from One Piece on: March 18, 2007, 04:36:03 am
Okay, this here is my first attempt at creating a Sim based upon an actual character from a fandom (in this case, the manga/anime called One Piece).  I hope you all won't be too hard on me. I did not create any of the custom content that this Sim carries, but I do thank the creators profusely for their contributions to this Sim. A quick picture:

Now that that's out of the way, here are a couple of things you should know...

1. His hair does stick out of the front of the cowboy hat (if you lok carefully at the Bodyshop head picture, you'll be able to see it), but I was unable to find any such hat that would not do this with this particular hair style (which was perfect for this creation), so I hoped that by making his hat black, it wouldn't be as noticeable. Please be advised that I am aware of this little problem, but as I am not a creator, I am unable to fix this. Sad

2. He does sport a skintone that carries his signature tattoos (namely the pirate insignia on his back and his name on his left arm). Because of this, I have altered the likelihood of this skintone being passed down to any children of his to practically nil. The tattoos are not inheritable by females, but males would receive the tattoos, which is the reason that I changed it's inheritability in SimPE.

In the unlikely event that anyone happened to see him elsewhere, I do have him uploaded to the Exchange under my altername handle, MaitoGaiFan, so no one needs worry about plagiarism in any form.

If I've forgotten any information, please let me know, as this is my first attempt to upload a Sim that I've assembled to a site that's not the official one. If anyone would care to offer some feedback, I would greatly appreciate it. Smiley

P.S. I would like to apologise for the poor quality of my pictures, but my video card isn't the best. I will be updating the pictures hopefully on Monday if I can upgrade it as I have planned.

- The clothing mesh (entitled Board Shorts) was created by Jfade at DJSims. The actual clothing was obtained from Sim Guys, who unfortunately at the current time is no longer up and running. Sad
- The cowboy hat mesh was made by funnyycats at MTS2.
- The necklace mesh is credited to The Mod Squad as a part of the SimStones project, and can be found within this post at MTS2. The mesh is called SimStone Rock Necklace. Credit for the recolor goes to Callum91 of MTS2.
- The eye brows were created by Helaene.
- The eye color is by Rensim.
- The freckles were obtained from Lyran.
- The skintone made by Parasite from SFV (to whom I'm not entirely certain I'm permitted to link to, but if I am, I'll be glad to do so).
- The hair mesh and color were created by Kavar here at InSim.
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