I made a family today, and made up a little story about them in my head. I thought I would share what I have so far, and if people are interested then I will continue it

(Sorry my pictures may not be the best, I try my best


My name is Ellie Wilder. I'm 13 years old and I live with my mom, sister and brother. We are triplets, and our father left our mom when he found out she was pregnant. I guess he wasn't ready to handle children.
I suppose you might be wondering what happened to my eyes. Usually this is when someone says "it's a long story," but it really isn't. Last year, my mom was cooking bacon, and I got too close. Grease leapt off the pan and burned my eyes. My mom brought me to the hospital, but the doctors said there was nothing they could do. So, since then, I haven't been able to see a thing.

I'm really self-conscious about my eyes. My sister and mom say they are creepy and that they freak people out. They say I look like a monster. I used to have beautiful bluey-green eyes like my mom. But now I'm a hideous monster...

This is my sister Ashley. Usually she doesn't wear glasses. She only puts them on when she has to. She's my mom's favourite.
"No, parents don't have favourites!" People say. But they do. I'm blind and I can see it.
It's always, "Ashley" this and "Ashley" that. She can see. She has blue eyes. She's perfect. I'm just a monster.

The young woman you see here is my mom. She's only about 35.
There isn't much to say about her. She isn't around much; she's usually out partying or dating some random guy. We mostly fend for ourselves around here, unless Ashley complains. Then she starts yelling at Nick and me, asking us why we can't be perfect like Ashley. I never want to be like her. Ever. She seems perfect to anyone. Even my mom falls for her "little Miss Perfect" act. Only Nick and I know what she is really like. Evil.

Speaking of Nick, here he is. My brother and best friend. Ashley doesn't get through to him. He has a steel shield that her tiny mind can't penetrate. He just laughs off whatever petty insult she throws at him. I don’t know how he does it. She always gets to me. Mainly because I let her. Nicky says I shouldn’t, but I’m not sure how…
Like this evening for example.

My mom was leaving for her “friend’s” house, and of course little Ashley the suck-up was right there at the door saying good-bye, telling her how “pretty” she looked.
“Bye Mommy! I hope you have fun!” She makes me sick…
When she left, Nick and Ashley went to their rooms to get their pajamas on. I stayed in the living room, because I needed Nick’s help getting changed. I don’t trust Ashley. But I didn’t hear Ashley walk to her room. Strange… I thought.
Lo and behold I heard her footsteps behind me, and soon I heard her shrieking at me in that nasally little voice of hers.
Okay, That’s all for now Let me know how I’m doing so far. Any improvements? Tell me! Don’t be shy.