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1  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF: Sims in wheelchairs? on: October 15, 2010, 12:43:47 am
Has anyone seen a Sim in a wheelchair?  I'd be ever so indebted to you if you can direct me to one!  I want to create a sim version of the 1942 RKO classic, "The Man Who Came To Dinner"

Thanks so much! Rock
2  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Carol Burnett Show, "Gone With The Wind" costume request on: April 29, 2010, 07:48:10 pm

I am working on a fashion show storyline in one of my sim stories, and I want to have a little fun with it.  While most of the fashion show will be serious, I want it to end with a little humor, and I was wondering if anyone could do a recolor of Carol Burnett's famous "Gone With The Wind" parody costume, as shown here:

And to help refresh your memory:

Part One:

Part Two:

Thanks so much! Rock
3  Simmers' Paradise / Sims / Well, Here's my self-sim request...Thanks in advance! on: April 16, 2010, 12:30:33 am
Okay, here's my request for little ole'me.  

But first, can you make a sim from a b/w photo?  If you can, then here's a picture of me about 15 years ago.  Not much has changed:

If possible, I'd love to have a YOUNG me as well as a CURRENT me made, if I may so ask.
And here's a picture fropm circa 1978, when I had my first perm:

EDIT:  But, please leave out the glasses as they are dated, and I will add newer ones in the game.

Here's one of me about 5 years ago:

If possible, can you edit out the stache or goatee? huh

Thanks so much! Rock
4  Simmers' Paradise / Sims / REQUEST: Resident Evil Outbreak's Kevin Ryman and David King on: March 10, 2009, 02:27:35 pm
I am a H U G E fan of anything (well, ALMOST anything) Resident Evil, and While I would like to request skins of all eight of the "Outbreak" characters, the forum rules state that we can only post four pictures at a time, so, I'm starting with my top two faves, and I'll work my way down the list in a separate post(s).

My first is for Kevin Ryman, the rookie cop in both RE:O1 and RE:OF2:

Here's a group picture, so you can see his entire body, albeit, taken from up in a helicopter:

Now, the dark and mysterious David King:

A Full body shot:

Thanks so much!

5  Welcome to / The Welcome Wagon / Jumping right in to say HI! on: March 10, 2009, 01:21:48 pm

After playing Sims 2 on public computers at what is called a "Cyber bar", I finally bought my own (albeit used) computer and just a mere 4 months ago, I had NO Sims 2 games. 

...Well, my dears, that sad situation has RADICALLY CHANGED, as I now have the following:

Sims 2 Double Deluxe
Sims 2 Open For Business
Sims 2 University
Sims 2 Pets
Sims 2 Bon Voyage
Sims 2 Seasons
Sims 2 Freetime
Sims 2 Kitches and Baths
Sims 2 IKEA Stuff
Sims 2 Apartment Life
Sims 2 Mansions and Garden Stuff

Busy little bugger, aren't I? Wave 2

Me: Male/47 year old/Iowa Native/Born: Waterloo, IA/Lives in Des Moines, IA/BA in General Studies:Media Emphasis: University of Northern Iowa, 1995/AAA Degree in Interior Design, Hawkeye Community College, 1985/ Single, never married/Baptist Christian/"Paulbot" Grin
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