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Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Divorce
on: April 01, 2016, 03:16:14 pm
Have a couple of Sims that separated some time ago but how do I go about getting a divorce. Tried calling and that didn't work, invited over but no opportunity there either.
Thanks for any help.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Resolution
on: February 24, 2016, 10:50:29 pm
I know this has been asked many times but can't find it now. All of a sudden my game comes up as 800 x 600 resolution which is pretty small on a 27 inch monitor. I have gone to the graphics in game and set it at the highest setting and it works fine but the next time I load the game it is back to 800 x 600. Have gone into T&A TS Data, Res, Config and set the first instance of ' forceLowResolution' to false but it doesn't help. What else should I look for ?
ETA: More info. The thing I did that caused the change was to start Sims 2 from SimPE. It started from Mansions and Gardens but I have checked the Low Resolution there too and it is set to false.
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Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Path all messed up
on: November 05, 2015, 09:00:59 pm
My Downloads folder was in C:\Users\Fred\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\ some how this got changed to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\EA Games\ when I ran the game it came up with nothing, no Hoods or anything. Moved all the files back where they should be but still have a problem. The game seems normal but have some things in my Downloads folder that don't show in the game. Also, used SimPE to change the skin of a Sim and it didn't change, don't think SimPE knows where my files are and can't find anyway to show the path in SimPE. When I do a check it gives me three green check marks like all is well but it isn't. Any suggestions ---- and don't say do a complete reinstall !
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Can't go up steps
on: October 28, 2015, 07:57:32 pm
Seems like I have all the crazy things happen, now my Adults cannot go up or down stairs. Teens don't have a problem. Haven't installed any new hacks, may have removed some but what the heck would cause this.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Can't find a hack
on: October 28, 2015, 07:46:49 pm
I use a hack called Temperol Adjuster, looks like an hour glass. Used to change the age of a Sim from child to teen to adult to elder or back some other things. I have it, can buy it, but I want to copy it to another computer and can't find it in my Downloads folder. Is there a way to copy it in game and save it to a memory stick or something. Have done searches for 'temperol', temperal, adjuster, adjustor with astericks on both ends and all I come up with is the Adjuster Bouquet. supposedly part of Insimenator....
A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Windows Activation
on: October 26, 2015, 11:42:27 pm
I recently decided to swap 2 hard drives from one computer to another and vice versa. In so doing I screwed up and had to reinstall Windows 7 and Sims2 along with many other applications. Got a message about activation so I tried but it wasn't accepted. Probably because I have installed it too many times. (Have two computers on Win7 and one on Vista at home). Finally called Microsoft this evening and the 'expert' tells me that the Windows DVD or Cd is only to be used on one computer. He wants $79 to FIX my computer....both computers are working fine and Sims2 is also doing fine. Question: What happens if I don't activate Windows ? Also, is there a way to call Microsoft and talk to an American that I can understand ? Also, I very carefully read the info on the box, the DVD's and paper work with the DVD's and cannot find anywhere where it is to be used on ONE computer only or any limit on how many times it can be installed. Comments would be appreciated.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Game Time not Moving
on: September 23, 2015, 01:32:08 pm
I use the clock that you can set game time anywhere from 0% (stays same all the time) up to 300% if you really want things to move fast. I generally set it at 15 %. Never had a problem with the clock working until the other day. Noticed it wasn't moving. Had at least 4 families in one Neighborhood that the clock was frozen. If I set it up to about 70% or more it would move about like 15%, otherwise it just staid the same time all the time. Went to two other neighborhoods and played several households and no problem. What would cause this problem in one neighborhood ? Haven't downloaded any new CC but did delete CJH BetterNudyReactions or something like that. Have everything except Pets and I'm play T&A with Mansions and Gardens. As an aside, I seem to be the only one asking questions, am I the only one still playing Sims2 or is everyone else not having any problems or smarter 
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Unique Way to Divorce
on: September 07, 2015, 12:01:06 am
Don't know if this was a glitch in my game or not but had a Sim that died. I resurrected him with the tombstone and all was well except he was no longer married. In fact both he and his spouse had a fairly low attraction score for each other. I've had situations like this before but thought the resurrected spouse was still married. Any words of wisdom 
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / No School
on: September 02, 2015, 10:23:02 pm
I get messages that due to summer vacation there won't be any school, but I get these messages in the fall and spring as well as in the summer. Kind of want my kids to go to school because I'm playing T&A and have a school, teachers etc. and can control the kids in school. Think I must have downloaded a hack that limits the school...does anyone have an idea what the hack name would be ?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Edible food
on: August 20, 2015, 03:25:59 pm
Is there something like a bowl of food that could be placed on a table for Sims (2) to nibble on or like take a banana and eat it and raise their hunger rating. I know there are bowls for ornamental reasons but would like one that has a function.