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Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Cocktail Cuties Pt.1
on: July 12, 2011, 06:57:27 am
I had a case of formal feaver this spring and I thought I should share some of the results. Here are three formal dresses that use a mesh from LianaSims. I've included the mesh in each zip. These files have been compress and cataloged for YA/A. Cinnamon Kiss Breath of Cobalt Carbonated Envy
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / CPU-B&W Pants
on: March 19, 2011, 09:55:20 am
Hi, Here's more stuff I found speing cleaning. Both of these files use Bloom's CPU multimesh.,53937.0.html Both files are compressed and they will make the right shoes sounds in game. Enjoy Flex Void-gym Toasty Club-Everyday
Retired Creators / Classic Pinupgirl / Coats and Boots (Lots of pics)
on: January 27, 2009, 04:25:26 pm
Hi everybody I'm here to give your pinup girls more stylish winter clothes. All the outfits today use Bloom's multioutfit mesh.,53937.0.htmlI've altered the files so townies can rock them and you hear boot sounds when your sim walks around. I have also compressed all the files. These outfits are located in outwear only. Pic time Brickhouse Overcoat Passion Mythos Helenoas Overcoat and Boots Honey Croc Overcoat and Boots Have fun you all. BTW, even though I made 8 winter outfits in a week, I really don't like winter right now.
Retired Creators / Classic Pinupgirl / Alphabet Dresses
on: October 05, 2008, 10:25:26 pm
Hey people, I named these dresses because they are CPU conversion of AL active wear dresses. You will not need AL to see these dresses in your game. All you need is Bloom's multi mesh. All the dresses will make the proper shoe sound and will show up on young adults and townies. I also made separate zips, so you can download your favorites. Have fun :worship: