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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / womens 'sexy" shorts set on: August 06, 2008, 10:59:22 pm
this was done by request over at insimadult, I thought I'd share the "milder" version over here

it's an edit of a rather funky looking EA outfit, I took off all the funky accessories, and put it on a basegame swimsuit, so it is 100% base game compatable, and requires no mesh

it comes in black, blue, green, purple and white/gray

Rar contains all 5 colors
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misses / Red White and Blue "Uncle Sam's" on: July 31, 2008, 07:35:50 pm
well I'm officially blind, cross eyed and see stripes in my sleep, but I wanted to give you something special

I was looking at the calendar, and realized, next month was the 39th anniversary of the defining moment of the 60's

August 15th 1969, when 500,000 hippys decended on a small farm in upstate New York for 3 days of "Peace, Love, and Music"

It was a groove man, Jerry, Jimi, Janice and Joe were there, even Arlo showed up, there wasn't enough food, not enough restrooms, and it rained part of the time, ......but nobody cared man!!

made from 100% organically grown hemp, and hand stitched by Hopi Indians, these "Uncle Sam hiphuggers" are guaranteed to bring on good vibes, complete with peace symbol belt buckle

so grab your love beads, put some flowers in your hair, throw your stuff on the bus, stick some "Canned Heat" in the 8 track and practice your "hippy dance", cause we're goin to Woodstock

naw man, not the lil yella bird that hangs wit snoopy, aw dude, you're bummin me out

requires the " tfbottomhipflarepantsboot sm"mesh to work, you can find it here

I've also added a pair for normal teens( file name 5fa6291d regteenRWBUS) they are standard maxis clothing, just in case your teens aren't skinny little tomboys like mine are
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Community / Hilltop Cafe on: July 27, 2008, 10:35:25 pm
On your way to St Louis, across the street from Becks Motor Lodge, you'll find the "Hilltop Cafe"

modeled after a place I worked in during the spring and summer of '94

inside you'll find counter seating for 5

a small game room

3 small tables and 3 booths, in back, a kitchen area and small walk in freezer, the only thing missing is the spring wheel to put up the tickets

so stop on in and have a bottomless cup of coffee with the regulars, you won't find "fillet minion" on the menu, but the burger and fries can't be beat, and the biscuts and gravy are outta this world

thanks to exnem and numenor for the soda machine, you can find it here

nightlife, OFB, Uni, EPs needed
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Men / Dirty outfit for zombies on: July 26, 2008, 12:02:54 am
by request, here's a dirty outfit, for a zombie,



he's been out roaming around a bit, he's just dusty
C.O.D. gunshot wounds (I thought shooting the smiley guy in the mouth was a nice touch)
let me know what you like, and hate about it
the skin is Trashes skintone from hell, is that close to the default zombie skintone?
for adult male, no mesh required
5  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Starlight's Groovy Adventures on: July 25, 2008, 03:52:50 am
Hi, my names Slim, I want to tell you about the coolest person I think I've ever met, her name was Starlight, how we met, and some of our adventures,  from long long ago

I hope you enjoy hearing them, as much as I enjoyed living them

 while much of this story, isn't adult in the traditional sense of the word, much of the Hippy lifestyle was of an adult nature, we were known to do a few things, that isn't suitable for the kids to hear about, if you want to read about that, you'll find the same story at ISA, i'll tell you when there's something there,that isn't here, if you're old enough, and curious, you can read about it

also, I'm aware my resolution is horrible, there's not a whole lot I can do about it right now, please bear with me, I'm not posting alot of pics for just that reason

BTW, if you'd like a Starlight to call your own, you can find one here
well I think that's about it, with that out of the way, I think I'll get started, there's alot to tell, grab something to sit on, and I'll tell ya about the first time I met Starlight

It was a beautiful spring day, and I decided to stretch my legs and go for a walk, I didn't have a destination in mind, but after awhile, i found myself at the edge of "Old Snyder Woods"

Old Snyder woods is an eyesore, it's been an eyesore since I was a kid, overgrown with weeds, unkept, a place to dump your junk, or party at, recently it had become a haven for drug addicts and ferrel dogs

somebody would have developed it, but it was nothing more than a swampy little marsh that flooded when it rained, the lot was worthless, and there it sat, year after year

Imagine my surprise when I ran upon a young girl, in the middle of nowhere, selling lemonade,

now the smart man would have just walked right past, nodded, smiled, and gone on, or even better turned around, and walked the other way

 I've never claimed to be smart, and I WAS thirsty, but most of all I was curious about what was going on

as I approached her, she began to wave at me, like I was an old friend she hadn't seen in years, it was to the point, I turned around to see if someone she knew was walking behind me, before I waved back

"Hi my names Starlight, do you want some lemonade" she said

i stood there surveying the situation for quite awhile before speaking, while I may not be smart,I am cautious

she was a cute little thing, but she looked a little "unkept", her hair was in a wild array of braids wrapped in a huge tye dyed bandanna, her clothes were battered she wore little round gold rimmed glasses, and had the most beautiful cheerful eyes, that I imagined would be pretty easy to get lost in

she had an excitement about her, i had never seen before, she sat there quietly awaiting my answer about the lemonade,on the edge of her seat, almost as if I were ready to announce if she had just won the lottery

I looked down at the glasses of lemonade, the paper cups looked clean, the water was clear, there didn't appear to be anything floating in it, I felt brave, and like I said earlier, I was thirsty,

"how much", I said, doing my best to sound like I was haggling a sales man about a Mercedes Benz

"how much can you afford" she replied, suddenly her expression changed and she became very serious looking,
it kinda startled me,
 "but if you don't have any money,"she said" that's ok, you can have one anyhow" and as quickly as it left, the exuberance came back

I was beginning to get a little worried that she was

A) unbalanced

B) on something

C)this was a hidden camera show and I was the patsy

 I decided to play along, see where this goes

well hon,I've got the money, don't you worry about that, but before I can commit to a purchase of this fine beverage, I need to know a few things about it's manufacture

"sure, go ahead ,ask away", she said in a very busness like tone, almost like she was the mercedes salesman, and I had just suggested a volvo was a better car

"where'd you get the water?"

"the store

"did you get the cups there too?


"what about the lemons?

"back there" she said pointing back into the woods

"there's lemons back there?" I said n disbelief

with that, her attention seemed to wonder
"Oh you should see all the nice stuff back there, do you know who owns it? do you think they'll mind if I use their lemons?

I began to wonder if I was messing with her, or she was messing with me, cause this girl can't be for real

I politely interrupted her "hon, i don't think anybody will care

the good news is, i've decided to purchase a glass of your lemonade,

"cool," she said, a sound of relief in her voice, I reached in my pocket, took out a dollar and laid it down, and reached for a lemonade

"hold it" she said, the sense of urgency back in her voice " I cant change that"

"slow day?" I said, trying not to laugh

"you're telling me"

I barely held back bursting out in laughter, i felt like I was at the corner store shooting the breeze with andy the produce guy

listen hon, that's fine, you keep the dollar, I'm thirsty, you're the only place around, it's worth it

"you sure?" she asked, I reassured her again that it was, and she hesitantly said "well ok, but if you're ever back this way again, stop back past, it's on the house"

that was it, I couldn't hold back anymore, "well hon," I said with a chuckle" ya never know where life may lead you"

she nodded "you're right about that"

i picked up the cup of lemonade, and watched as she folded the dollar carefully and put it in her pocket
I had the cup to my lips,ready to take a drink when suddenly it occured to me
"what'd you stir this with? i asked

"a stick", I hesitated a moment and looked into the cup

and without skipping a beat, like she could read my mind and anticipate my next question, she held up 1 finger and said "but it was a clean stick, i took it off the tree myself, no dirt or nuthin

 "sounds good to me". I said, and took a drink

there was something about her, it was hard to put your finger on it, almost a presence, you were instantly at ease around her, even though she had just met me, I felt like an old friend just back from a long absence

I looked around at the vacant area of surrounding woods while drinking my lemonade (which was surprisingly rather good, or maybe I was just thirsty, either way it hit the spot)

I waved my hand casually at the barren terrain, "so tell me, is this lemonade stand going to be a permanent  fixture in the neighborhood?"

ya know"she said in a rather serious tone" it's kinda hard to tell, alot of times people tell me to leave, and I have to go find somewhere else to go, but I'm hoping nobody does that here, cause I really like this place, it's beautiful here

I looked around at the cracked sidewalks,broken pavement, and Old Snyder Woods, overgrown and unkept, she can't be serious

a large boulder sat about 3 ft from her homemade lemonade stand, and my legs were beginning to get a bit tired, besides this girl was more intriguing than anyone I had ever met

I casualy asked her, thinking I already knew her answer "do you mind if I pull up that rock and set a spell?"

'Ya know" she said, "that rock looks pretty heavy, and it looks like it's been sitting there a long time, i'd just leave it, here take this crate, I'll go back and get me another, there's lots back there"

she had almost disappeared into the woods before I was able to get her attention, and motion her back, "the rock will be fine,"I said" i'll just leave it sit right here

"you sure?" she asked, "it's no problem at all"

I sat down on the rock, she returned to her crate,

"so" she said" where ya headin"?

I felt like I was in an interstate truckstop having a cup of joe

"just out for a walk" this was getting strange, i had to ask 'Do I know you?"

"sure" she said "my names Starlight, dontcha remember me tellin ya"

"yea I remember," I was almost afraid to ask, hesitantly I said" do you know me?"

" nope, not yet, you haven't told me your name " she replied

" My names Slim"

with that she stood up, wiped her hands on her pants and extended her hand very politely," glad to meet you slim," she motioned towards her lemonade stand "welcome to Starlights lemonade emporium" she looked at me very seriously "do you think that's a good name?"

i shook her hand firmly, "glad to meet you Starlight, and I think that is a fantastic name"

I sat back down on the rock, and quickly gupled down my last drink of lemonade

"and" she said "i'm adding apple juice to the menu as soon as the tree gets ripe"

that was it, I laughed, and the last swallow of lemonade came out my nose

at that, she gently hit herself in the forehead with the palm of her hand " I knew I forgot something , napkins!!"
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Dogs / Starlight's dog, Deogie on: July 24, 2008, 03:19:32 am
it was getting kind of lonely, there in the woods, when suddenly I heard a scratching at the door, I looked, and there was the cutest dog I've ever seen, I think he's a Dalmation, he doesn't have a collar, but somebody is probably looking for him, I'll put up lost and found posters first thing tomorrow, but he can stay here till his owner comes to get him

he needs a name, I can't just yell "HERE DOG"

I know Deogie, that's a good name

for the whole crazy story, click here

I spent a few hours at CAS figuring out what Starlight's dog would look like, trust me, this is her dog, and that's his name, Deogie, pronounced Dee-oh-gee

years ago a friend had a dog named Deogie, i thought it was a unique name, and asked how they thought of it

they replied, "slim, how do you spell dog?"
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Starlight Hippychic on: July 23, 2008, 03:29:38 am
the other day I decided to go for a walk, I wound up down by Sim woods, to my surprise, there sat a young girl, in the middle of nowhere, selling lemonade, I was curious and asked her what she was doing out here  

she smiled and assured me that she had a house back in the woods, and she had fixed it up real nice, she went on and on about all the nice stuff she had just "Found" lying back there, she had no idea how it all got there, but it was like somebody had "left it just for her" I didn't have the heart to tell her she was living at the "Simcity dump"

she was cute, and had a wonderfully optimistic point of view, but a little Nieve, and she did smell a bit funky

she wanted to give me a tour of her house, but I had to pass, at my age, walking into the woods with a teenage girl arouses suspicion

if you'd like to visit it, you can find it here

Starlight found a dog..... you can find it here

if you want to read about Starlight's groovy Adventures, you can find them here

about Starlight

her skin
originally started out as a "paradise sims' skin, the "real" Starlight is on warlokks a/small teen with sexyfeet, but for the obvious reason that it's on adult site, I decided to put her on a default shape for here, the "sexyfeet version will be available there soon, once you go sexyfeet, you never go back LOL
to anyone who has explored the "lesser" bodyshapes, generally there is too much shading, I removed most of the shading, and gave her tan lines, I tried to capture the skinny little hippychic running barefoot through the woods picking daisys
her hair
 her hair is simply a bandanna recolor of Rosesims Rikku hair, you can find the mesh here
eyes are a recolor of trash's Milla Jovovitch eyes
eyeshadow recolor
eyebrows the kattengirl
eyeliner and rouge standard maxis
helaene open lips off the exchange
eyeglass recolor
the clothes are just something I threw together so she had something to wear, not my best work, more and better hippy clothes are to follow soon
however, all clothes will be made on the a/small teen size, you will need to download the mesh here and here

for those wishing to complete the Starlight experience, she's very shy, kinda messy, very active, and real nice, her main aspiration is knowledge, her secondary is grilled cheese, she likes politics and the environment, she could care less about sports and fashion, her turn ons are artistic and logical, her turn off is charismatic, her lifetime goal is to become a media mogul,

I think that about does it, i hope y'all think she's as cute as I do
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / Starlight's Woodland Retreat on: July 23, 2008, 02:09:34 am
I was walking throught Simland Woods, kinda bummed out because I didn't have a place to live, when I found the nicest little house, with no one living in it, it was kinda small though, so I built a kitchen out of an old bus I found lying back there too, (gee people leave all this good stuff just lying around)
I found these neat wooden crates, and made me some furniture, and I've got this real comfortable couch, and matress (boy I hope nobody comes back for them), I can cook on this old stove, there's a bathroom in the back, I even planted a little garden, but there's lots of blackberries in the woods, there's a little stream I can fish in, i don't have a car, but when I do there's even a driveway
even my money situation is solved, i found an easel, pottery wheel, and sewing machine, I can learn to do all kinds of stuff to make money, I even made a lemonade stand to give me some added income

i think I did a good job remodeling, what do you think? the roof only leaks when it rains, there's no electricity, but I've got a candle

if you want to know what Slimsim thinks of the place, click here
if you want to see who lives here, click here


atavera for the floor matress, find it here

crate furniture, dresser, outdoor sink, outhouse by Dr Pixel find them here

stove by Numenor, find it here

invisible driveway by Roddyalexio find it here

clothesline by hed, find it here

lindas computer stop for the cooler find it here

birch tree shrubby by Khakidoo find it here

and a special thanks to Kate at parsiminous, for the flowers, I used them all

and apparently Blooms bicycle is somewhere in there, it was sitting by the door, I thought somebody slole it, but clean installer says it's there, so even though I thought someone stole it, thanks bloom for the bike,i'll lock it up next time find it here

personal suggestion, even though the outhouse is a fine piece of work, the peeable bush is really cute, I highly suggest going here and getting the "peeable bush" it's over at MATY, I think it's from a closed down site, and I'm new and don't know the protocol about such things, but I really really really suggest you go get it

requires freetime, university, seasons, maybe more

I have about everything, when in doubt, use clean installer
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Community / Abandoned Drag Strip on: July 22, 2008, 09:30:13 pm
here take it, I'm sick of looking at it

here we have an abandoned dragstrip, on a 6x6 lot, it has grandstands, concession stand, restrooms, swings for the kids, and a picnic area, on the otherside is a pit area, empty except for a crate and engine, left from Dr Pixel

perfect start for a high school football or track field, also suitable for a county fair or festival, outdoor flea market, the posibillities are endless


if you remove the driveways I have sitting at the starting line, and place 2 cars there using "moveobjects on"  when you start playing, both cars move down the track, side by side, and disappear at the end

I'm a Dumb*** when it comes to computers, and I can do that

everybody tells me that a drag race can't be done, well here's the ball boys and girls, run with it

do what you want with it, only thing I ask, is if someone is smart enough to make em race, let me know you're working on it, so I can reopen the doors to the dragstrip

build something fun with it, i couldn't

NL- uni required
10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / Ashton Meadows condo style housing on: June 19, 2008, 09:16:33 am
Welcome to Ashton Meadows, condo style living for your sims, built with reenforced brick and Gerogian style windows, they're built to last
5 single family units on 1 lot,2-3 story units and 3-2 story units, for a total of 12 bedrooms and 17 baths, I know only 8 sims can live on a lot, but you never know when a friend will want to spend the night, or maybe your college needs a new dorm
out front you will find each unit has it's own driveway, mailbox, trash pickup, after dark you will notice the well lit entry, and each unit has it's own security system
each unit also has a full basement, perfect for a laundry room, game room, home gym, band practice, or just tinkering with stuff
the first floor has a fully equipped kitchen with stove, fridge, dishwasher, trash compacter, microwave, phone and smoke detector, there's also a solid oak bar perfect for casual dining, out back you'll find a deck and large community pool
the second floor has 2 medium sized bedrooms, each with private bath and walk in closets
in the 3 story units, on the top floor you will find a huge loft style bedroom, also with walk in closet, and master bath, complete with built in hot tub, his and hers vanity, and seperate bath and shower
decorated in beechy keen paint with light wood trim, and hardwood floors throughout, but feel free to redecorate

OFB and nightlife required


Phoenix Phaerie for the georgian windows, you can find them here and here

Marmy for the built in closets, you can find them here and here

stairs, the stairs I'm not 100% sure about, they were in a house I downloaded from TSR here, no credit was given, the item description is in a different language, there's a link to numenor, but it's the CEP file, there's also a link to mangosims but I don't see them there, if anybody recognises them please tell me, I'll be more than happy to edit and credit, they're one of my favorite set of stairs
11  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Community / 1960's TEXACO service station on: June 01, 2008, 01:27:46 am
here I have a 1960's era TEXACO, complete with service area and lifts, 2 well maintained restrooms, a small waiting area, complete with free coffee while you wait, best of all, Gasoline is only 0.33 9/10 a gallon :jaw:


Tow truck by Dr Pixel, you can find it here

Glass garage doors by Numenor, you can find them here

coke vending machine by Pacotacoplayer, you can find it here

gas pumps by Wohnzimmer, you can find it here

requires Nightlife, OFB, University and teen style stuff

*edit* sorry folks, had to remove the lot and repackage, my game is down right now, so I'm unable to edit the package, will put the file back ASAP, sorry for any inconvience
12  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Men / T shirt for Memorial day on: May 26, 2008, 07:29:53 pm
For Memorial day, sorry it's almost over

I didn't make this to start a discussion, but if you do, here you are

*requires mesh* get it here thanks to ang and exportD
13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Men / for fathers day on: May 25, 2008, 02:39:07 am
something for dad, 3 different colors, 3 different slogans

*requires mesh* find it here thanks to ang and exportD
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Mixed Clothing / stupid T shirts on: May 25, 2008, 02:28:04 am
did you forget the lobster thermadore and catch the house on fire again?

you may as well admit it, the neighbors saw the fire truck

2 files, one for the men, one for the ladies

*Mens shirts require mesh* get it here, thanks to ang and exportdry
15  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / why is my attic cold in winter? on: May 21, 2008, 05:47:39 am
I always build an attic room, before seasons, I had no problems, but now, in some houses, the attic gets cold in winter, I am also unable to put a ceiling light there either (light must be placed inside)

the room darkens like normal, when a room is enclosed

is an attic room always cold and unlivable in winter, or is something wrong?

I'd just use "moveobjects on" to place the ceiling light, but I hate to sleep on the couch during the winter LOL
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