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1  The Sims 4 / The Sims 4 WCIF / Nude Toddler Skins on: February 07, 2018, 06:26:10 am

Wondering if anyone knows where I can find nude toddler skins, so my game is more realistic when parents are bathing the kids or kids run around naked. Thanks
2  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Neanderthal Clothing on: March 08, 2012, 02:56:14 am

I hope someone can help me with this. I wonder could someone make clothing for the Neanderthal Bodyshape. I have searched and searched and could only find a few things. Some swim and cool underwear but also formal and casual stuff too. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
3  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Help / When A Sim Moves Out.....? on: June 26, 2009, 09:11:57 pm
Hey all ,looked here in the forum and couldn't find the answer so I apologize if this has been posted and I overlooked it.  One of my simmies grew to young adulthood and I wanted to move him out. Problem is when I try to and the box comes up to put him on an empty lot or in a house , I can't because there is no money to put him in/on one. It seems the only way is to make him the active family, but I read here not to because I might lose his family and I want to have them both in the hood so they can visit each other. I know about the freerealestate cheat but when I try to put that in , it doesn't work for that particular thing.  would be . Oh yeah, also, when I try to place custom commercial lots that Ive downloaded , the squares dissapear so I cant see where to put them and also I'm told they're too big to place. Is there a way to correct this? Sorry for the long would be appreciate it. tongue
4  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Help / More Cheat Problems on: June 18, 2009, 10:33:36 pm
Ok, it is me again with another cheat code problem. Finally got my awesomemod to kick in and the infamous EditMe cheat now works but now when I do it ,my simmies revert back to their original body shape. I go into the EditMe cheat, change the body and when I go back to the game in two seconds it pops back again as if I've done nothing. Goes for big to thin or vice versa. I have two athletic sims who got married and had a kid. I want her to be like her parents but needless to say , she came out a bit on the heavy side (not that there is anything wrong with that) just want her to look like her parents. Even tried working her out and she still is the same. Anyone else having this problem?Its driving me nuts is and to not be able to change them to some degree. Any advice would be great ,thanx.
5  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Help / Help..some of the cheats don't work on: June 13, 2009, 06:46:12 am
Hey all, got the Sims3 along with the Prima Guide and been trying out the cheats listed in the book and on this forum and the one I looked forward to using the most Edit in CAS doesn't work. Everytime I try it , it says unidentifiable command. Anyone else having this problem? By the way I have a top of the line new gaming computer with I know it has nothing to do with my system. Any advice would help lots...thanx in advance.  Grin
6  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Inteen Preg Wear Any Outfit Mod for Seasons on: April 09, 2007, 01:50:23 am
Sorry Squinge, posted in the standard help section before I saw this. I've been using your Preg hack updated for Seasons and it worked great until I downloaded updated Inteen as well. Now I can't plan Everyday or Outerwear for my Pregnant Sims. I have all EP's and I noticed that there was usually an Inteen version for them. I checked my hacks and they seem to be fine. So is it that I can't use it unless I remove Inteen or should we be waiting for an even more updated version of this mod? Thanks.:worship:
7  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Preg Wear Any Outfit Hack (Inteen)For Seasons on: April 09, 2007, 12:41:50 am
Like most of you , I couldn't wait to get InTeen Back , but now my Squinge mod Preg Wear Any Outfit Hack EP5 has stopped working . I can't plan Everyday or even Outerwear anymore. I looked for an Inteen version, but the only one I saw was for EP3 ( I have all EP's) but it said that if you have pets it won't work. Should I be waiting for a Squinge hack update with InTeen for Seasons or am I missing something? Please help, don't want to play really without both. Thanx! I know , I am a bit spoiled!:bawl:
8  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Need Some Info On University..... on: March 21, 2007, 06:27:48 am
Hey Guys,

Sorry if I am in the wrong thread but I couldn't find a section for this , even in University FAQ. I have a student sim that got another one pregnant . Even though it was hard to raise a kid and stay in school, they did it. They have now graduated and want to move out and start their lives as a family. Problem is no matter what I do I can't seem to move them to another neigborhood because they do not appear anywhere in the bin except for Academie Le Tour , I have been trying to move them to Riverblossom or Pleasantville. Is there anyway to do this or are they supposed to stay on a college lot . I hope this isn't too stupid of a question. Could someone help please ,thanx.
9  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Can't Get Clothes To Show Up in Outerwear on: March 08, 2007, 08:01:01 am

Have the Beos BB Meshes and for some reason the Outerwear Coats on this site is not working for me. They show up , but only in Everday and Formal. Am I doing something wrong. Tried MTS Outerwear Enabler too and just couldn't understand how to put into my folder so I gave up. If any one can give me some ideas that would be great. Thanx:toothy4:
10  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Outfit problems,Resolved by new version of mod: Squinge Pregnant Wear Any Outfit Hack on: March 02, 2007, 07:06:13 pm
Hey all!

My seasons game is working great and I love it. I was so happy to see this mod updated because it is one of my favorites, however, I am having a problem with it. As probably most people, I am pretty much starting my downloads over again so I took out all of my CC and pasted it to my desktop and began with Squinges hack. In other words nothing was in my DL folder but that and it didn't work. When installed , I can't pick outerwear or everyday wear for my regular sims and can't pick everyday or maternity for my preggars one. Can somebody explain this to me? When I take it back out everything is fine again. But I miss it so much.......:h3lp: Any advice would be great . I hate maxis preg clothes! Thanx.
11  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / How can I save houses that I have built? on: September 20, 2006, 08:37:38 am
Hey guys!

Me again, boy I am just full of questions this morning. I am not all that crazy about building. I just like to get my sims in some cool houses and play. I actually use floor plans when I design a house and am proud to say have made some pretty cool ones. How do I save them in a folder, just in case I have to re-install or something? Thanks.:dontknow:
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