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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Alexandra, teen sim on: December 09, 2009, 03:36:23 am
Hello again!
Hope you all are having and will have great holidays!

I bring you another Sim; Alexandra.

She is a teen sim. I'm really proud of her.

This is my in-game picture, please excuse the graphics:

If you use her as a model, please let me know and give credit.
Happy Holidays!

2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Sims / Natine on: April 01, 2009, 06:38:51 am
Alrighty! Got a new Sim for you all Smiley

Her name is Natine, I put all of her info in the picture below, just in case you wanted something random?
She's the first of two sim honeys I've made in the past 24 hours. I hope you enjoy her!
She's packaged with Maxis hair and Clothing.
I also gave a preview of Adiel, the other sim I made, available for download by the end of the day, hopefully Smiley

If you use her as a model, just let me know and give credit where it's due Smiley
I forget who the clothes are by in the pictures above, but I think they're at (at least, Adiel's clothing is.)

Thank you to everyone who made the custom content, she wouldn't be beautiful without you ^_^
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Aurora on: March 22, 2009, 10:34:23 pm
Alright, Ladies and Gentlesimmers!
I return from my absence and I bring you:


Aurora's Wedding Smiley

Just a random picture of Aurora; just so you can see the color a little better.

Aurora's husband; Ardis. They're perfect for each other. Let me know if anyone wants me to upload Ardis (I know it's a strange name. Translated from Latin means copper, I believe.)

A random photo of Aurora and Ardis' firstborn; Petra.

I'm not sure who made the shirt she's wearing, but it's a recolor of hystericalparoxysm's untuckable tee.
Pants are by HystericalParoxysm
Hair is by Peggysims
Her formal is by chriko @ 2-f0r-u ?
Makeup is in the credits Cheesy

forgot the upload. >.< heh. there you go. ^_^

4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Help on Age problem? on: November 13, 2008, 07:02:33 pm
This is a very weird, random question/problem.

I created a family of three. An Elderly woman and her two children; an adult female(Element) and an adult male(Lyric). Obviously they're siblings.

Once moved in, I set the age of Element to teen, making her a little sister to Lyric, who is still an adult.

Why is it that Element asked Lyric (who is clearly not her parent) permission to go out? Is this because Elder's cannot have Teen children in "create a family" mode?

I'm hopeful someone can answer this question for me.

I have All EPs except Apartment life. And I have InTeenimater and other custom content.

All help is appreciated. Cheesy
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / {-Cadence-} on: November 09, 2008, 03:42:30 am
Once again, fellow Simmers, I am here with another of my Sims.
Cadence is the second Sim I have uploaded. I hope you like her! Cheesy

She is very inclined to music. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Turn-ons: Creativity and Glasses. Turn-Off: Stinky Sims.

Cadence is packaged with Maxis base-game hair and clothing.

Cadence went down to Georgia....

Simlight Sonata, baby.

Shooting Star!

Enjoy! Smiley (sorry for the smaller pictures)

6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Echo on: May 03, 2008, 03:15:55 am
Ladies and Gents, I now present to you my first uploaded Sim. ^__^ I'm very proud of her and hope you enjoy. Questions/Comments are welcome.

And the best for last.....Drumroll please:

Okay, let me explain....
Grimalkin dug a hole in the ground. Echo started filling in the hole. I decided it looked funny, so I put a corpse in (it is classified as a decoration in the game). I accidentally unpaused the game while taking a picture and Grimalkin came and began "chewing the furniture", making it look like it attacked the body. I had to get a picture of it.


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