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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Better Alien Abductions on: May 14, 2007, 08:30:54 am
tired of your aliens only wanting to pollinate during abductions?

well this hack will add some variety to the abduction experience.

it basically adds a chance(i will explain the percentages in a moment) for something other then pregnancy to happen after a abduction.

the chances are as follows:
25% chance of pregnancy.
25% chance of turning into a vampire.
25% chance of turning into a werewolf.
25% chance of turning into a plantsim.

if you get the version with zombies, the chances are 20%

if you lack a expansion needed for one of those options, it merely will mean pregnancy will have a additional 25% chance.

it will work without any expansions, but it wouldn't be worth it as pregnancy would have a 100% chance and the mod would do nothing Tongue
except i did take out the gender check, but theres simpler mods out there if thats all you want.

now, this mod will conflict with any other mod that messes with Bhav: 0x7FB1E9C7:0x0000100B "Get Out - Make Pregnant".
such as hacks that get rid of the gender check, or the one i have that messes with it enables a get abducted menu, so i put a x infront of the file, so as long as its in the same folder as the one it will conflict with, it will load last, and work.

let me know if anything goes weird with it.
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Anti-Aging Controller, Added Pets inteen compatible version. on: December 04, 2006, 12:07:59 pm
my most complex upload yet. my AntiAging controller.
if you liked my NoAgingFor(insert age here) hacks you will love this one.

Update[Jan 15th 2006]: Added Pets Inteen Version, please let me know if it works, i dont use inteen and cant test it, it should work though.

no more exiting the game and changing/removing hacks to change if a age group ages or not.

this is ment as a replacement to my NoAgingFor hacks, and thus will conflict.

this object + global hack allows you to choose which age groups of both sims and pets are or not. if you dont place the object in your sims house everything ages normaly.

it has the following interactions to configure it:
Sim Aging.../Toddler.../(on/off)
Sim Aging.../Child.../(on/off)
Sim Aging.../Teen.../(on/off)
Sim Aging.../Adult../(on/off)
Sim Aging.../Elder.../(on/off)

Pet Aging.../Baby.../(on/off)
Pet Aging.../Adult.../(on/off)
Pet Aging.../Elder.../(on/off)

it costs nothing.
and is in the electronics/misc category

Expansion Compatibility: i have posted 5 zips, the inteen compatible pets version is in a separate zip, the rest are with the normal versions by expansion.

it will conflict with my other NoAgingFor(insert age here) hacks(which makes sense as it takes the place of them).

let me know if anything in it doesnt work.
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / The Roboticizer on: July 21, 2006, 11:00:05 am
Update: This is now compatible with all 3 ep's, but not the base game, as the skin changing function as added as of university. Details below.

Your Sims tired of being organic? wanna spend some time as a robot? this machine will make it happen... The Effects are entirely reversible though..
this machine was hand built by a strangetown mad scientist who was then never heard from again... but his loss is your gain.

No this doesn't turn your Sims into servos... yet(it overlays they're skintone with a robotic one once someone figures out how ill add it though)

it appears in Electronics/Misc and costs 5k.
its cloned from the electric enigmatic energizer aspiration reward.

Compatibility notes:
The 3 files are as follows: contains the object, global hack that keeps the robotic skin on the sim when loading the house, and the skintone. should be downloaded if you havnt downloaded the object before. contains only the object and global hack, should be used if you downloaded the object before and just need to update it, as it lacks the skintone. the university version Global hack patch that is inteen compatible(Only use this if you use inteen, it wont be to happy if you dont... game crash wise..).

This does contain a bit of a global mod, it replaces bhav 0x7F01EC29:0x224a(Function - Main - Set Skin) to keep the robot skin on the sim on loading the house, christianlov's skin tone selector and sim copy mirror do this as well but my version doesn't interfere with normal skin clearing(eg when its actually supposed to) it only stops it when they are modified(person data 0x0098 set to > 0)

Included in the zip is the Skintone SimDroid V6.0 Non reflective(the robotic skin tone the machine changes the sim to.) By Bink13y

i can make versions that use other robotic skintones if requested.

At one point i had the animations more fine tuned, but when i had it like that it left smoke attached to the Sims feet.. and electrical sparks all over they're body.. so until i figure out how to do it without those happening the animation isn't as convincing(the transformation happens before the spasming around in the machine...)

Enjoy, and please let me know if anything doesn't work.
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Work Out In..., Run Course In... Extended Menus on: June 23, 2006, 11:42:08 pm
As a sequel to my sleep in... hack i made this, which allows you to work out and run the obstacle course in all of the normal choices.

It Adds the following menus to All of the Exercise machines and Tv's:
    Work Out In.../Everyday
    Work Out In.../Swimsuit
    Work Out In.../Underwear
    Work Out In.../Pajamas
    Work Out In.../Formal
    Work Out In.../Maternity(Where Applicable)

And to the obstacle course:
    Run Course In.../Everyday
    Run Course In.../Swimsuit
    Run Course In.../Underwear
    Run Course In.../Pajamas
    Run Course In.../Formal

i made 3 versions, 1 for the base game with no ep, 1 for if you have university and/or nightlife, and 1 for open for business.

i've tested it alot but there still might be some bugs so please let me know, Hope everyone enjoys it.
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / More Sleep Outfit Choices, Updated + Inteen compatible on: June 15, 2006, 09:13:44 am
Updated... Again

i been wracking my brain for over 2 months trying to figure out how to make this baby, and i finally pulled it off yesterday.

This hack adds menu options to all beds in game to sleep in more then just underwear/pj's, it adds everyday, swimware athletic and formal as sleep options.

But! this doesn't edit the tree menu the normal way it uses the same method as the normal system, so it doesn't interfere with autonomous actions and routine/personality based choices. that said, Sims wont use these autonomously, as that would have required me to make routine tokens for each new choice which iam not good enough to do yet.

This will conflict with hacks that change the following Bhavs:
0x7F4437F2:0x2001 "Interaction - Sleep - User Directed - TEST"(the sleep naked hack changes this and will conflict, i technically could make my hack add that option aswell but i don't want my thread flagged as adult.)
0x7F4437F2:0x208c "Sleep - Outfit - Change Clothes"

and the following STR# text list:
0x7F4437F2:0x12e "MakeActionString prim string set"

Hope everyone enjoys it and let me know if anything goofs up.

There is now 2 versions, the ofb one only works with ofb, and BaseToEp2 works with the base game up.

Updated... Again:
Added Sleep In Maternity which appears where appropriate.
Fixed a Bug in the base to nightlife version which basicly made everything but sleep in everyday not work, amazing noone noticed
Made it inteen compatible as long as it loads after it.
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / No Aging Past Adult And/Or Elders, Allready compatible with seasons. on: May 26, 2006, 05:14:19 pm
This is my 2nd hack uploaded, and more complex then the previous one.

this is for people who want the old utopia feeling from the sims 1 back, this hack prevents adults and or elders(depending on which file you put in) from aging, while allowing all other aged sims to age naturally.

the open for business version has a set that is compatible with inteen.

Hope Everyone enjoys it.

Marth 19th: as far as i can tell the pets version will work with seasons.
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / No School For Teen Sims on: April 30, 2006, 05:28:04 pm
i made this hack after a i upgraded to ofb, which forced me to remove alot of hacks, apparently the sideeffect of one of them was teens didnt goto school, which i liked alot, so i made my own hack that did just that, it should be compatible with all versions upto ofb, i dont have family fun so i cant check the bhav but i doubt its any different, this is the first time ive uploaded a hack/mod so be gentle Tongue
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