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1  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Revisiting the "Auto-greet Visitors" Mod on: December 07, 2009, 06:31:05 pm
Hi, Squinge:

 I was wondering if you ever found the time to update the mod for "autogreet". You had written that you would see if you could do something to make the "visitee" drop whatever they were doing to autogreet any visitor to the lot. This was a request by someone in the thread.

I was also wondering if there was a way to make the walkbys walk right up to the door and ring the doorbell as an alternative to that.

Kind of like "driving the cattle home." I get so irritated at trying to catch all the walkby's (I have a hack that increases the number of sims going by a lot in a day) and wish it were simpler to interact with the walkby's without losing time/chances to greet visitors.

Thanks for reading this. Hope you can find time to do it. I have up to NL for EP's.
2  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Photobooth picture frames? on: August 22, 2009, 06:32:06 am
I've been looking forever for a hack or mod that would "frame" a Sim for a picture just like the photobooth frame, without using the photobooth to get the same result.
It would look like a Polaroid picture.
It would probably be a posebox, but I've not been able to find anything like it.

Rather like freezing your sim in place and putting the "photo" frame on it, to snap a quick picture of that sim-without using the Uni camera that is an aspiration object.

Any ideas?

3  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Divorce Mod on: September 04, 2008, 06:23:03 am
I'd like to request a mod that would enable divorce for sims-not just 'break-up" or whatever. Of course, the sims involved would be married.
The real deal, which would include an automatic move-out by the losing party, the disposal of all the assets in the house to both sides, and the kids being given to one of the parties.
Scenario would be: "Sim X has requested a divorce from Sim Y", based on their relationship score (preferably very bad), then the script would be that Sim Y accepts or rejects. If Sim Y accepts, the move out option comes in for either sim and the move out would take half of everything. The kids would be assigned to whoever keeps the house.
The relationship itself would be set to friends or less, and the script would read "Sims X and Y are now divorced."
I know it might be impossible to do this but I thought I'd at least request it. There is a lot of interest in this kind of mod.
4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Question about EPs on: March 16, 2008, 06:20:06 am
Here's a rather strange question I haven't seen answered:

If one has one EP, but not the previous one, does that mean that only objects for that EP are available, or can you download the objects for the previous EP as well?

Instance: I have the base game, and NL only. Because Uni was the previous EP, does that mean I cannot download anything for both Uni and NL , or can I download it because I have NL, which came after it, thus superseding it?

In other words, do I have to have UNI to get anything tagged with UNI and NL as needed EPs? I know lots are not downloadable if they require both-but what about objects?

I don't really want to buy UNI-a waste of time, in my view.

Thanks for any help!
5  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / What is the most surprising thing that your Sims have ever done? on: February 17, 2008, 05:31:46 pm
The title says it all.
I'll start off: Benjamin Long, who was a townie in my game, became a loving, devoted family man to his wife, Ivy,who is also an converted townie. They have 3 children. The stereotypical family with ups and downs, but very happy.
After I installed NL, I found out that he wanted to be a vampire! Honest to god, that has never happened to any of my simmies, and so I obliged him.
He is very happy as a vampire, has bitten Marsha Bruenig, and has made friends with one of the grand vampires in town.
That is very strange and startling to me..because most of the simmies have a interest in vampires, or not-or an outright fear of becoming one. Benjamin did an about face and threw my game off for a few moments.
Has anything unusual like this happened in your game? Has your simmie completely turned into something you didn't expect, or wanted something that you had no idea they wanted?
6  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Blank TV screens during play on: January 23, 2008, 05:53:36 am
I've had this problem before in my game: the TV screens don't show any video whatsoever; only on one lot did they show up, and the others do not.
I had a major crash of my computer just the other day, but the hubby did reinstall a new drive, and put all the components for the game in the proper order-he's a pro, so he did it the right way, and I haven't done anything except install all my downloads from the previous game.
I looked in the game "movies" folders, and found that the AVI movies were missing, copied the originals from the core installed game, and still no go.
What is wrong, and how do I fix it? I don't believe that I'm missing any graphics stuff (have that all in order, newest settings, etc), but there is something missing!
I have only the base game. I haven't even done a defrag, (which has been known to disrupt the settings for me.) so I'm puzzled as to what has happened.
Can anyone figure this out? While it is not a big deal, it is something I've been puzzled over for a while.
Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
7  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Just wondering if a House lot can be changed on: January 17, 2008, 10:01:11 pm
Ok, here's my dilemma: I would like to start Pleasantview's first community cemetery, using the graves on the Goth house lot (it's getting crowded in there)-by tearing down the house, (empty, of course, of sims), save it in the lots bin, and then reload it as community lot.
Is this possible? Any answer would be nice-I'd like to have a haunted cemetery, with a picnic area...visit your relatives and have a chat with them!
I have only the base game, btw.
8  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / An uninspired Sim on: January 09, 2008, 10:40:46 pm
This is not a technical problem, just a minor irritation at best: one of my sims, John Burb (one of the originals in Pleasantview) is extremely unmotivated or uninspired to do anything. Backstory-he's lost his wife due to a ghost, he's seen a neighbor die from the ghosts scaring her to's like he's deeply depressed and in a deep funk. He didn't used to be like this before these happenings, and now he's just so pathetic.
My question is: is there any way to re-inspire him to get going? I've changed his aspirations, his housing, his career, and still he just acts like a lump of dirt...I've used every known mod and cheat to get something going, but he's so inert! I've thought about killing him off, but he still has Lucy to raise, and because she's still getting over the death of her mother, she's pretty tramautized as well, but getting over it.
I guess he's going to have to meet new women or something, because he's on the short list for a suicide pretty soon if that doesn't work!
Anyone else have this problem with their characters? If so, how did you get them re-animated to life?
9  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / What ever happens... on: January 01, 2008, 11:30:25 pm
To children who are taken away by the social worker? I've just had two (twins) taken away from one of my sims (Angela Pleasant, for heaven's sake!) and I wondered where they go, and if they show up as townies in time..I know there's no way for them to be reunited with their birth families, but I wonder who they do end up with?
Anyone have answers to those burning questions?
10  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Curious Question on: September 23, 2007, 03:05:31 pm
I've been wondering about this all day:
 Say you have 1 Pleasantview  (or one of the other 2 neighborhoods) in your game-altered from the original setting-is it theoretically or technically possible to put another original Pleasantview as a neighborhood in your game, by copying it to a folder you create as "Neighborhood 7" or whatever in your game?

It sounds intriguing, just wondering if it is possible to do this.

Thanks for any replies.
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