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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Reverting (missing) custom eyes to Maxis defaults on: August 14, 2013, 09:22:49 am
Hi! Can anyone help me with this? After clearing out some CC I thought I didn't use, I've found a few of my sims have lost their eyes and are using whatever eye is on the skintone (which for me is the ugly maxis original eyes).

I have some pretty default replacements, so using MsBarrows's tutorial, I changed the sim's settings to the GUID of the default brown eye replacement (96985f8c-4eb3-3d6d-86fa-89977b8eb35a) but my sim is still showing the ugly maxis original eye. Since I have nice defaults now, I want him to use them.

(I do remember using this to change to custom eyes in the past and it did work.)

I read the following here:

Note: if you have a sim in your game that has custom eyes, and you for some reason delete these custom eyes, the sim will default back to the *original* Maxis eyecolor, even if you have default replacements installed. I don't think there's any way to override this, but if you ever end up in such a situation, what you *can* do is use contact lenses to make them look prettier.

Is that true? Or is there another number I need to use for the GUID to revert back to Maxis defaults?

ETA: I found this
32dee745-b6ce-419f-9e86-ae93802d2682 Brown (Dominant)
2d6839c5-0b7c-48a1-9c55-4bd9cc873b0f Dark Blue (Dominant)
e43f3360-3a08-4755-8b83-a0d37a6c424b Light Blue (Recessive)
0758508c-7111-40f9-b33b-706464626ac9 Grey Blue (Recessive)
51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7 Green (Recessive)
I'll give that a go and see if it works.

ETA again: After rummaging through the old PC I've found and restored the custom eye file.
Also, using the Maxis GUIDs above on sims with missing eyes does work with MsBarrows's technique.

I'll keep the default guids up in case anyone else finds them useful (or mods, just delete the thread. I don't mind.)
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Walls, Floors & Murals / Navy Bathroom Wall and Floor Set on: July 04, 2013, 06:16:01 pm
Here is a set of wall tiles for you.
4 wallpapers and 1 floor. I originally made these to help design my mum's bathroom  Cheesy But they look good in other rooms as well.
The design is by Highlighter. I didn't draw these myself.

All appear under tiled.


Thanks for checking it out!

I have more new walls on my blog.
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / S2L Mundy Recolours Pink + White on: June 23, 2013, 08:24:35 am
Hello everyone!

More recolours of S2L's Mundy set. Meshes are available here:

The cushions and woodwork are coloured as separate package files, so you can mix'n'match.

Note: The bedding is not included. It uses HP's default replacements which you can get here:
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / S2L Mundy Recolours Red + Black on: June 23, 2013, 08:22:14 am
Hello everyone!

I'm back after a long hiatus with some new recolours!

Here are some recolours of Sims2Luxe's Mundy furniture. S2L retired some time ago, but her meshes are available here:

The cushions and woodwork are coloured as separate package files, so you can mix'n'match.

Note: The bedding is not included. It uses HP's default replacements which you can get here:

5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Completer set for Aikea's Grungewear (sneaker version) on: July 04, 2008, 03:30:58 pm
Aikea Guinea @ has made a wonderful set of grungey outfits for adult females, but she didn't make more than one recolour of each mesh. So I asked her if she minded if I made a few using her textures and she kindly said yes! So here are three recolours for the sneaker mesh.

The top textures are all by Aikea Guinea, I cleaned up a few stains (!) but that's all. The sneakers are also by Aikea, again very slightly modified by me. Jeans are edited Maxis textures.

Get the mesh at > Meshes > Page 14
The mesh is called AFBody_Sweater_Sneakers, 4th on top row
Her original red colour is on Female clothing, page 5

Hope you like
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misses / Request: My Sex Pistols T-Shirt as a skinny fit on: June 17, 2008, 12:21:10 pm
A small request by Jen, who wanted a skinny fit version of my sex pistols t-shirt (original baggy one available here)

Texture pretty much the same as the original version. Maxis mesh, base game compatible.
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misses / Rebellious Girls! Punky T-shirts for teens on: April 22, 2008, 02:14:52 pm
Here are some punky t-shirts for your female teens. I hope you like.

Set 1 - Anarchy and Fight the Rich

Set 2 - Pirate skull and cutlass and Sex Pistols

Set 3 - Toxic and Punk Princess

The fitted t-shirts (set 2 & 3) use Maxis meshes from the base game

The other two sets require Gothplague's fabulous tomboy meshes (loose tshirt and long baggy tshirt).

Thank you to:
fanseelamb for the fitted tshirt base textures. Jolly bits of clip art from the Wikimedia Commons. Loose tshirt base textures and wristbands by Maxis. Anarchy logo and union jack graphic from
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Mixed Clothing / Couch Potatoes - T-Shirts for the work-shy Sim on: March 12, 2008, 05:14:46 pm
We all have a sim or two who loves nothing better than to lounge on the sofa while the rest of the family clean the house and cook the meals... Now your work-shy sims can express their love of hard work with these nifty t-shirts

(Don't you just love the doofy expression on his face?)

I tried to fit everything onto the front of the female t-shirt but I couldn't get it to fit without a lot of distortion, so the punchline and graphic had to go on the back.

Also the female punchline is a little bit different from the male one: it wasn't until I'd finished the male top that I realised I got the wording wrong. DOH! They both have wristbands, cos wristbands are sexy Wink

You need custom meshes for both of them
Male: Ang's mesh @ MTS2
Female: Kalynn's mesh @ MTS2

Big thank you to 'Mr Horrible Histories' Terry Deary, cos I nicked the quote from him Cheesy
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Men / Bill and Ted for the dudes! on: February 24, 2008, 04:04:04 pm
Wyld Stallyns rule!

A couple of Bill and Ted outfits for your totally bodacious sim dudes!

The '69 dude!' bit is obviously the back of the 2nd t-shirt. The first one is plain on the back. Matching female t-shirts here.

Adult/Young Adult. Base game compatible, no mesh required. And remember...

:love8: Be excellent to each other! :love8:
10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Camo skirts... camo skirts!! And a camo top! on: February 13, 2008, 02:45:53 pm

Here are four camouflage skirts for AF:
1. With boots - tucked
2. With boots - untucked
3. Barefoot - tucked
4. Barefoot - untucked
All are clearly labelled so you can delete the ones you don't want.

I've only shown two of them in the pics, but they all use the same texture.

The barefoot skirts require BlooM's mesh. Don't forget it!

I've also thrown in a matching tank top (but don't use it with the skirt, they just look stupid together!)

11  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / A couple of blue hippy skirts on: February 13, 2008, 02:40:23 pm
Hello again

Here are a couple of blue hippy kinda skirts for AF.

You will need custom meshes for both of them.
1. mesh_k8parsfaclongskirt021405 by Kate @ Parsimonious
2. New Skirt Mesh 2 by Emma Barrett @ MTS2

The second skirt looks a bit funny when the sim walks, I don't know if that's mesh-related or cos I screwed up the retexture somewhere :tongue8:

I can't remember where I got the texture for the first skirt from, but the second is from a photo of my own skirt. Use my textures, fileshare, whadever, just no paysites and be sure to credit me. Other than that...
... Enjoy Smiley
12  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misses / Cosy Top and Digging Trousers for Teens - Updated! on: February 02, 2008, 12:29:45 pm
[Updated yet again 07/07/2008. Final fix. The textures are about as matched up as I'll ever get them.]

Here is the teen version of my cosy digging outfit Smiley


Adult version here

Both top and trousers use a Maxis mesh. No EP required. Note: the trousers are barefoot. You know the drill: no paysites and please credit if you reuse or upload with sims.

Hope you like Smiley

13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Cosy Top and Digging Trousers on: February 02, 2008, 12:19:09 pm
Here is a set of cosy separates for adult female. A warm knitted top and funky combats, collectively known as...

Silver Arrows's Digging Outfit
because it's what I wear when I go digging in the woods of course! Wink

Both are based on a Maxis mesh. No EP required. I also have a teen version.


Update 16/07/2008
Please redownload: textures have been improved since the last version and match up so much better. Will not replace old files, please delete them
(old files were called silverarrows-mycosytopmaxis.package and silverarrows-mydiggingtrousers.package)

Hope you like them!
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Rock Chicks - Part Two on: January 28, 2008, 03:56:04 pm
So I finally got round to finishing them off. Here are the rest of the Maxis teen outfits converted to adult size. Okay so technically only one of these is really a rock chick outfit, but however! Cheesy

(Here is part one!)

Again if you want the spiked collar, it's at MTS2

No custom mesh required, base game compatible

I hope you enjoy!

My CC policy in a nutshell
You may - use my stuff on sims/lots for upload to any 100% free site. Yes, even the Exchange - use my textures/alphas for your own creations on 100% free sites - fileshare - as long as you credit me.

You may not use any part of my work on paysites. That means no 'donation set' sites, no subscription sites and under no circumstances may you post my work in any form on TSR and this is not negotiable.
15  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Punky T-Shirts for the girls - Updated!! on: January 13, 2008, 03:33:51 pm
Updated 17/02/2008 - I finally figured out the gloves alpha, and I've improved some of the textures, plus all now use the Maxis mesh.[/I]

Here are a few punky kinda t-shirts I've created. All are untuckable.

Sex Pistols, Toxic, Skull and Cutlass

Infectious, plain, Punk Princess

Green Tartan

Maxis mesh. Base game compatible, Adult/Young Adult

Big thank you to fanseelamb @ MTS2, as always, for allowing me to plagiarise her textures Smiley

Enjoy Smiley

My CC policy in a nutshell
You may - use my stuff on sims/lots for upload to any 100% free site. Yes, even the Exchange - use my textures/alphas for your own creations on 100% free sites - fileshare - as long as you credit me and let me know.

You may not use any part of my work on paysites. That means no 'donation set' sites, no subscription sites and under no circumstances may you post my work in any form on TSR and this is not negotiable.
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