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Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / Ebaru Property 2
on: April 27, 2008, 10:21:54 am
Second in a series of new homes for one of my Story Neighbourhoods. Picturesque Mediterranean style cottage with swimming pool and child-friendly garden.  Entry, living area and kitchen  Bedrooms  Garden, Swimming Pool and Overview  Lot Size: 3x3 Downstairs: Entry, bathroom, large living area with fireplace, spacious kitchen. Upstairs: Landing, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, balcony. Fully furnished. Price: $104,334 Cheats used: MoveObjects On Maxis Content Only. EP & SP's needed: All up to Seasons and H&M I put in the ceiling tiles after packaging the lot for download, they are not included! Ebaru Property 1 can be downloaded here:
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / Ebaru Property 1
on: April 25, 2008, 08:58:34 am
First in a series of new homes for one of my Story Neighbourhoods.  Entry and landing  Living area and bedroom  Kitchen and bathroom  Overview and details of outside by night  Lot Size: 3x3 Downstairs:Hallway with walk-in closet, bathroom with toilet and shower, large living area with fireplace, spacious kitchen. Upstairs: Landing, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two balconies. Fully furnished. Price: $124.837 Cheats used: MoveObjects On Maxis Content Only. EP & SP's needed: All up to Seasons and H&M I put in the ceiling tiles after packaging the lot for download, they are not included!
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Girl / Black Leather Jacket
on: April 17, 2008, 03:52:06 am
Black leather jacket, just like the one I bought my 9-year-old daughter the other day. And yes, she really wears it with a cerise scarf and pink shoes.      Maxis recolour. Outerwear; you'll need Seasons for this recolour to show up in your game.
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Girl / Hello Kitty shirt and trousers
on: April 17, 2008, 03:46:52 am
Nice, not-so-cute Hello Kitty outfit, consisting of a t-shirt and a pair of trousers, for your sim girl.  Created after the Hello Kitty outfit I bought my 9-year-old daughter the other day.  Maxis recolours, base game compatible.
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Junior / Priestly Robes for Teen Boys
on: April 17, 2008, 03:33:17 am
Ever wanted to put your teen in those "priestly robes"? Well, I did! And thanks to mijutaro's nice mesh now we can.   You'll need mijutaro's mesh _mijutaro_MESH_045_tm_Hakama.package for this download to show up in your game. To get the mesh, go to down and click "Enter" Under contents, click "Download" Select "Clothing" (Top left, just under the banner) Select "TeenMale" The mesh you need is on page 4. No EP's or SP's are needed.
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / PJ's - "Chocolate"
on: April 15, 2008, 01:50:37 pm
"Chocolate is a Girl's Best Friend" These are my favourite PJ's, and I decided to make them for my self simmie to wear.   Textures by me, mesh by Sims2Sisters at TSR. Sorry; it's a paymesh, but I couldn't find a free mesh that would suit my needs... The model is my self sim. She is not available for download.
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Burkini - modest swimwear for your sim ladies
on: April 13, 2008, 12:53:02 pm
The Burkini (also spelled: burqini, or bourkini) is modest swimwear, originally developed for muslim women, but it's also great swimwear for any girl/woman who for whatever reason doesn't like to swim in an ordinary bathing suit or bikini. Muslim women typically wear their burkini with a hijab (muslim head covering), but since I'm not a muslim, I choose not to make them. My sims swim without head covering. I made two sets of four burkini's: one set for teens, and one set for adults. My burkini's are a maxis recolor and base-game compatible; you don't need a mesh or any EP for them to show up in your game.       The pictures shown are for both teens and adults. The burkini for teens can be found here:
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misses / Burkini - modest swimwear for your teens
on: April 13, 2008, 12:42:43 pm
The Burkini (also spelled: burqini, or bourkini) is modest swimwear, originally developed for muslim women, but it's also great swimwear for any girl/woman who for whatever reason doesn't like to swim in an ordinary bathing suit or bikini. Muslim women typically wear their burkini with a hijab (muslim head covering), but since I'm not a muslim, I choose not to make them. My sims swim without head covering. I made two sets of four burkini's: one set for teens, and one set for adults. My burkini's are a maxis recolor and base-game compatible; you don't need a mesh or any EP for them to show up in your game.        The pictures shown are for both teens and adults. The burkini for adults can be found here:
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Right Leg Plaster Recolor
on: April 11, 2008, 11:58:47 am
Because I needed them for one of my stories, I made a couple of recolor from Boblishman’s Right Leg Plaster for Adult Females. One white recolor and a blue jeans one.     A pair of pyjama’s with the plastered leg can be found here: this recolor to show up in your game, you need to download the following mesh from MTS2: only did the Adult Female and have no intentions of recolouring the others. Rules: Don’t complain about the quality of the recolor. If you don’t like it, ditch it. Feel free to use my recolors in your game, your stories, or your movies. Change them to your own liking, or share them with your friends. You may upload my recolors with uploaded sims, but NEVER to TSR or any other paysite. And please, don’t forget to credit me.
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Right Leg Plaster PJ’s
on: April 11, 2008, 11:54:18 am
Because I needed it for one of my stories, I made a pair of “pyjama’s” from Boblishman’s Right Leg Plaster for Adult Females and Hysterical Paroxysm’s Alpha-Editable Dress Top. It’s not really a pair of pyjama’s, since it’s a top and pair of trousers, so they’ll appear in everyday. Sorry, I don’t know how to fix that. But at least your sim lady with broken leg can now lounge about in their “pyjama’s”.     For the trousers to show up in your game, you need to download the following mesh from MTS2: the top to show up in your game, you need to download Hysterical Paroxysm’s mesh CMESH_AFDressTop_v2.rar From MTS2: Pyjama’s are far from perfect, but they serve me well enough. If you don’t like them, don’t download them. I posted pictures (close up) of what’s wrong with the recolor so you can see for yourself. Rules: Don’t complain about the quality of the recolor. If you don’t like it, ditch it. Feel free to use my recolors in your game, your stories, or your movies. Change them to your own liking, or share them with your friends. You may upload my recolors with uploaded sims, but NEVER to TSR or any other paysite. And please, don’t forget to credit me.
Retired Creators / Male / Nurse Uniform for Slimmer Body Builder
on: April 11, 2008, 11:46:58 am
Because I needed a muscular male nurse for one of my stories, I needed a Male Nurse Uniform for the Slimmer Body Builder. I went searching the internet and couldn’t find one, so I made one myself. It’s a plain white recolor of one of wirelessguy’s Jeans & shirt outfits for the slimmer bodybuilder. (    You’ll need Marvine’s “Bell-bottoms for the Slimmer build Bodybuilder” mesh for this recolor to show up in your game.’t complain about the quality of the recolor. If you don’t like it, ditch it. Feel free to use my recolors in your game, your stories, or your movies. Change them to your own liking, or share them with your friends. You may upload my recolors with uploaded sims, but NEVER to TSR or any other paysite. And please, don’t forget to credit me.
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Community / The DOG strip
on: January 18, 2008, 11:37:59 am
Well, what do you THINK this is? Mind your feet – Duh! :tongue3: Perfect little filler lot for your neighbourhood.      Looks even better with some CC added. (Please note: This is just an example - no CC comes with the packaged lot!)   Trashcan and trashpiles by Windkeeper at MTS2. CC by Cyclonesue at TSR sure about the letterbox... Again: You don't need to download any CC for this lot to work for you - it comes without any CC. This is just for illustrative purposes. Lot size: 3x1 No hacks No boolprop cheats Maxis content only Requires: University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons Family Fun Stuff, Glamour Life Stuff, Happy Holiday Stuff, Celebrations Stuff, H&M Stuff