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Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / I'm fed up!
on: November 07, 2007, 10:18:21 pm
I just can't take it anymore! Why is my game doing this?! Firt, a few days ago, my bodyshop kept blacking out. After it finished loading, it would appear as a black screen. Whenever I went in to play Bon Voyage the came kept crashing and the application would always terminate. After downloading a new video driver from my PC's manufacturer's website, I tried everything once more, still no change. So I saved all my downloads, and sims I created and uninstalled Bon Voyage, hoping that would fix the problem. Bodyshop worked fine afterwards, except some of the Maxis hairs and clothes showed up all white with lettering written over them. So just a few minutes ago I try playing Seasons, until a message popped up saying I'm playing the wrong version of Sims 2, and need to insert Bon Voyage. So I reinstalled Bon Voyage, made a new neighborhood, and as soon as it finished creating the neighborhood, the screen started blinking with different shapes and bars blinking across the screen. What in the world is goin' on? Should I just uninstall everything once again for the upteenth time and start over? I'm so sick of these Sim Games, I almost don't even wanna play them anymore.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / My Sky is turning Black!!
on: April 26, 2007, 09:59:52 am
Can someone please help me to get to the bottom of this?! I don' t know why, but my sky turns black whenever I'm playing a family on one of my custom created neighborhoods. Does anyone have any idea why that is?:smt105