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1  The Sims 3 / Pudding Requests / Re: Bodybuilder Sims on: November 23, 2009, 07:30:44 pm
Exactly. Thank you, Tenshii. Please keep in mind we can't assume what you know or don't know and if you gain a reputation for being snippy with people who try, you'll find you won't get help. Psycho and psychic sound similar, but guess which one I'm not? Wink

Yet you were willing to assume that I didnt read your sticky before asking my simple question.  Undecided
Besides, what was snippy about telling you the status of the mod you recommended.  No one was asking for you to be psychic, just not to make assumptions and post the typical "RTM"-type responses so many posters in these forums are guilty of doing.
2  The Sims 3 / Pudding Requests / Re: Bodybuilder Sims on: November 21, 2009, 07:16:45 pm
Actually I read the sticky AND saw this mod, however it's pretty much considered dead by most of the community since the creator decided not to update it since patch 1.2 was released, hence my reason for asking.  Thanks anyway for your "polite" consideration.
3  The Sims 3 / Pudding Requests / Bodybuilder Sims on: November 21, 2009, 02:54:22 pm
The muscular setting in Sims 3 doesn't seem muscular enough.  Is it possible for someone to edit the male body morph so that bodybuilder sims similar to the ones available in Sims 2 can be created in Create-A-Sim?  I imagine it would involve altering the body morph or creating a custom slider, but I'm not sure.
4  Retired Creators / Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project / Tutorial Update? on: January 24, 2008, 03:55:39 pm
Could this tutorial possible be updated for the new simpe .64?  I'm having trouble finding the windows/files listed in the tutorial in the new simpe version.  Not sure if they have been renamed or are no longer valid
5  Retired Creators / Bodybuilder Base Meshes & Linked Skintones / Base Meshes & Linked (Maxis) Skintones on: April 14, 2007, 10:08:38 pm
Do the fat/pregnancy morphs work for these meshes?
6  Retired Creators / BodyShape Requests / Linked skintones with new BodyShape meshes on: September 01, 2006, 07:25:36 pm
Thanks  a lot!!
7  Retired Creators / BodyShape Requests / Linked skintones with new BodyShape meshes on: August 29, 2006, 02:50:21 pm
I have several custom skintones I would like to use with the new Hi-Res BodyShape meshes.  Since the meshes are divided among several tops and bottoms instead of one full body mesh, how can I link the skintones?  For example if I want two showerproof bodies using the same custom skintone, one with 34A-40 proportions and another with 34DD-36 proportions, how can I do that?
8  Retired Creators / Bodybuilder Base Meshes & Linked Skintones / Shower-proof skins and crammyboy hack on: July 03, 2006, 09:21:17 pm
is there a way to keep the "member" the same color as the selected skin when using crammyboy's hack (i.e red skin & red "member")?
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