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Retired Creators / Female Bodyshape Variety Project / Question about Full Body
on: July 18, 2006, 04:08:14 pm
1st-Great work! 2nd-Sorry about your accident; hope you are still healing well(and I am about to buy my first motorcycle:pale: ). my question: I have your High Resolution set, but since we have just the one full body set (right now) can I use the Original Body Shape Project to get other full body sizes, or will it conflict? I love the new set, wanna build me.:sad11: Should I take out the new set and put back in the old set? Then I could put back in the new set with the clean up thingy when you released...I just don't know what to do:sad5: .
Giggles:sad3: (in a not so giggly state)
PS- I am waiting on the Full Body A...hmm...which YOU said would be one of the easier ones to make since it doesn't have NAT & ENH...hmm... :grin: (getting giggly again)
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Thanks!
on: June 29, 2006, 08:24:43 pm
Thanks for this:thumbup: I was so excited about this mesh that I have a few sims in need of a shopping spree! I am playing with a sim whose formalwear is currently black jeans and an uncomfortably low shirt!:oops: So, good for you (or, really, for me). BTW, I can't see your pictures in the post. I had to save the to see them... was that just me ... sometimes I am prone to :error:
Retired Creators / Female Projects / Wow!
on: June 21, 2006, 10:30:46 am
:hello2: I have wanted Serena Williams in my game for ages (I don't know why). Well, Thank you! This is EXACTLY what I needed. How perfect!