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1  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Little Fire Burning (updated 21.nov: Chapter 18: into the fire) on: August 02, 2008, 03:35:25 pm
Wow theraven, this story is just amazing. I never cry. Never. But when he was screaming about "no needles!!" I just lost it. Great work.
2  Retired Creators / Guest Recolors / GIRLS funny outfits (part 4 of 5) on: April 03, 2008, 01:22:56 pm
I lol'ed at the last one. Great work [as usual =P] Raven!!
3  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Memories are forever... (sequel to Anna's Diary) - *THE END! (9.april)* on: February 12, 2008, 04:10:03 pm
Oooh! Yay! I can't wait to read the rest.
4  Retired Creators / Guest Recolors / more recolors (12 random). UPDATE 20/4: new versions of amore outfit in separate post on: February 08, 2008, 06:17:45 pm
Whoa!! Thanks for all the awesome recoloring you do raven. You rock!! That bear one is just sooo cute!! *dies of adorable-ness*
5  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / sad day today on: February 06, 2008, 07:36:48 am
Hey Pierre, just look at it as a good thing! A new computer means a better graphics card, a faster game, and a chance to start fresh. Sometimes I uninstall my game and reinstall just to do this. Good luck!
6  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / What would you like to see In Sims3 on: February 05, 2008, 08:25:39 pm
Coming from someone with an autistic little brother, I would in NO way buy TS3 if our sim's kids could have mental or physical illnesses. Sims 2 is my ESCAPE from reality, and I don't see what would be fun about having my VIRTUAL characters suffering from tragic things in RL. Some ideas I do like, however:

-More age groups. I really want to see more realistic babies (cute wrinkles, better "cooing" sounds). I wish our sim's had to go to a hospital or a midwife to have their baby, and if the babies could have more animation. That would be cool.

-Also, it would be awesome if we could choose to visit our kids at school, or our adults/teens at work and be able to play them.

-Body shape and height sliders in CAS and Bodyshop. I'm getting sick of all my adult sims being the same height! Tongue

-For the most part, I don't mind downloading CC. I think the amount of stuff that Maxis/EA puts in their games is reasonable. Plus, I think creator's here and on other fansites make CC because its FUN! If the game just had everything in it, then what would be the point?

That's about it for now, I'm sure I'll think of something else. The "sneak peak" in Free Time looks okay, it kinda turned me off for some reason. I guess it'll just take some getting used to. Wink
7  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Theraven's crazy collection of simmies (upd 11.nov: tiny 3D update + story upd) on: February 03, 2008, 10:58:47 am
Adorable updates, I love Blue! He's so unique!
8  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Anna's Diary on: February 01, 2008, 10:35:44 pm
This is the best sim-story I've ever read! It was simply amazing, I nearly cried (I'm not a very emotional person, either!) and that last picture is beautiful. I'm looking forward to (maybe!) a sequel!
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Celebrities / Heath Ledger on: January 30, 2008, 04:55:26 pm
He can live on in our games. Sad Thank you for this amazing sim, brooklynnmarie.
10  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Post Your Favorite Sim Families on: January 23, 2008, 05:36:17 pm
The Agnone's...

(in back) my in-game born, Mickey Agnone
(on couch) bre's Heidi (who is pregnant again!), on her lap is the littlest, Jason, then Raina, Jodi, and Nadine.
11  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: Post your favorite Sim kids, toddlers or babies on: January 20, 2008, 11:27:36 am
Wow, I've been looking for books on how to make reborns. They are so amazing!!
12  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: Post your favorite Sim kids, toddlers or babies on: January 19, 2008, 10:28:10 pm
Oooh, that must of been scary. Glad you found them!
13  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: Post your favorite Sim kids, toddlers or babies on: January 19, 2008, 10:12:29 pm
I would be a loyal viewer, FourTSeven! Go for it!
14  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: Post your favorite Sim kids, toddlers or babies on: January 19, 2008, 07:03:07 pm
Gosh, I love sim kiddos! Everybody (in RL atleast) thinks I'm crazy for thinking computer game characters are cute, so it's nice to come here and have other people who agree with you!

FourTSeven-your boys are adorable! Where did you get Gunner's hair? I see it a lot but I don't know where it comes from. BTW, another Floridian here! I live in Central Florida, I guess smack dab in the middle of you and krystaldepp.
15  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: Post your favorite Sim kids, toddlers or babies on: January 14, 2008, 05:32:30 pm
Gorgeous kids everybody! I looove them all!

Wow, I've got a lot of new kiddos (some older, I just never got the chance to post them). Well here goes...

First of all, I have Allison Agnone, 9 years old, spunky and can't seem to stay out of trouble. Her mom, Belle, had her when she was a teen but the dad left, not wanting anything to do with them. Now, Belle is getting married to Allison's new dad (she's not too excited about this) who has two kids, Loren and Tyler.


Next, I have Allison's cousins (one of them, Jodi, I posted previously as a baby), Jodi & Nadine Agnone. Their dad, Mickey, is Belle's brother.

Jodi, 2 years old,  crazy and an attention grabber...

And Nadine, almost 1 year old, shy and sweet, complete opposite of her sister...

Then, I have their other cousin, Aden Agnone. His dad, Jack, is the other brother of Belle and Mickey (they're triplets). Aden is one year old.

Aden a little after birth at the hospital.

Aden, relaxing in his crib.

And lastly, Aden with his mommy Katie (I posted pictures of her when she was a baby!).

Now I have Donovan Quaid (he is the cousin of the triplets mentioned above..let me know if this is getting confusing!! I also posted him when he was younger) and his wife Stephanie Quaid's little boy, Caleb Quaid. Caleb is always getting into trouble with his buddy, Aden, and is also one year old. I only have a picture of him as a baby.

Caleb by the cake

And last, but not least, I have Allie Micklacka's (she is the sister of Aden's mommy) new kiddos. I posted her and her husband's daughter Christina, and they recently gave birth to a beautiful set of twins. The twins are a couple months old now.

Baby Brooke...
[grr..dang tinypic keeps deleting her picture, so I'll have to post her as a toddler next time]

And baby Dylan...

Well, thats all for now! I'm sure I'll be back soon...[whew that was a workout]
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