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Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Web / Re: Back Alley Sims - Now has a Family Friendly Site
on: October 07, 2012, 05:34:05 pm
It might be an upgrade to the site, but I'd say they're trying too hard to be nice to everyone, and ticking off the members who are already part of it.
I'm tired of sites doing that-changing formats, dropping members and changing the rules every single time I turn around.
It makes it very tedious to have to re-register for a site where I've been a member from about the very start.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Is it safe to Delete?
on: September 02, 2011, 06:19:44 am
on the same note, I have a lot of "temp" files which, when I sort the downloads file according to name, always appear next to a file which has the Clean installer picture-logo next to them, but which have the same name. What are those files, are they essential? (SIMS2TMP.Files versus Package.File) I have a massive Downloads folder and don't want to have stuff in there which just takes up space rolleyes Thank you for help.
You can safely delete those files. They're just leftover files from when you installed a house or sim into your game.
Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: WCIF Bob And Betty Newbie
on: July 26, 2011, 01:36:12 pm
If you have Uni, yes you can resurrect sims-but only those that have complete character files-because otherwise they will not resurrect at all-all you will get is a message that "So and So died on another lot, and will be returning to that lot." IE: "Don't bother with doesn't work."
To be technical-if you have SimPE, and you look up the various dead characters, you will find some only have a few kb of information in their files. That means they're not going to be playable no matter what any hack can or cannot do. They're inaccessible, their memories are incomplete and putting them into the game will undoubtedly break it, should they be put into it. Skip Broke is a notorious 'broken character file' case, and the only thing I can recommend is search various forums for a restructured file that has all the information necessary for the game to recognize it as a playable.
Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: WCIF Bob And Betty Newbie
on: July 26, 2011, 06:48:34 am
The problem is that their character files are incomplete-and to resurrect them would be to put useless files into the game, and possibly corrupt it. The only way really to get these back into the game is to download characters that have been completely extracted from the game and made 'whole'. There is a website that does have some houses with the original sims in them: unfortunately, not Skip Broke or his family. should be noticed that some of the houses do require certain expansions, such as Seasons and Pets.
Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: More Bills
on: July 05, 2011, 07:55:15 pm
OK-if you go to ModTheSims2, and check out this creator's link:, it will take you to Monique's creator page. She was the creator of her 'payment' mod, where you can set sims to pay each other amounts of money, or put money in the bank, etc. Cyjon has the "higher bills' mod here: link takes you to a "Vehicles cost money": (you will need to download additional files for the mod to work properly, as the creator notes) or you could have searched this very site itself and found this:,83930.0.htmlBy the way, being polite and thanking another person for even replying to your original (and very vague) post would be nice. I didn't have to reply, and I certainly wasn't under any requirement to search to find these for you. Demanding one notify you of what links there are available is just a bit on the rude side.
Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: More Bills
on: June 28, 2011, 12:23:53 pm
If this is for Sims 2, there are hacks for 'mortgage' payments, as well as a few 'higher bills' mods that will make the amount of the bi-weekly bills increase. There's also a hack that makes owning a car rather expensive-but until you tell us which game you're looking for, there's not much that we can point to. If it's for Sims 3, I have no idea. I don't play that game.
Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: residential items on community lot
on: May 07, 2011, 11:28:02 pm
There is even a simpler way to do something about the lot zoning: decorate the lot as a house, and then save it by putting it into the lot bin. Place it again into the NH and then change the lot zoning to community, and save that one as well by putting them in the bin or perhaps saving to file.
Once you have copies of both versions, you will never have to change the lot zoning again.
Simmers' Paradise / Lots & Neighborhoods / Re: Buckingham palace
on: May 02, 2011, 04:31:51 pm
Only the base game? It's going to be well-nigh impossible without alot of work from stuff that you can get from MTS for building-and most of it is NL or better. I have one building that is similar to this but I had NL installed at the time, which is why I was able to build it the way it was done; I had to put in a lot of building extras in order to make it as 'realistic' as possible. Came out huge, too.
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / Re: The Unborked Brokes
on: March 27, 2011, 03:18:42 pm
One thing I would recommend you do if you do play a resurrected sim: get the Bat box from MATY and clean their memories up. That way any "borkedness" is limited. I've read where a resurrected sim who has no character files in the game will cause the game to blow up-but I haven't tried it, except once. It's said that the "no character" files problem has to be fixed with SimPE and inserting appropriate memories.