This is a new project. As mentioned in my other thread the IT Career I did is about a year old. I redid it from the ground up and plan on doing a Teen IT Career to be linked to the one attached below. This one has several changes, including using the 'hacker' icon from the original Sims. Its still in the testing phase, so feed back is appreciated!
The career has all ten levels complete with mostly unique (I reused a few from my previous IT Career) Chance cards. It has a completely unique GUID so it *can* be used with my existing IT Career.
Other changes are the pay scale. To more accurately reflect real IT pay, you start out making crap and gradually work your way up. Level 10 seems like *really* high pay, but you only work two days a week.
So, enjoy! Once I get the teen career for this done I will add it as an upload to this post, and edit to reflect it.
Like the teen career that will soon follow, this career is based on Politics - but the GUID is unique so it will not cause any sort of conflicts. I'll also be doing a Major for this career after I get the teen version done.
Name of career: Information Technology
Type: Adult
Status: Pre-Design
Version: .1
Reward: Putting Green
Base Career: Politics
GUIDs: 0x0034A700
Overwrites Base career? No
Pre-EP compliant: Yes
EP1 Compliant: Yes
Required: No
Languages: English (US)/SimPE I believe allows use in any language
Number of Levels: 10
Level 1 - Help Desk
Pay: 110
Work: Sun - Tues, Thurs - Fri
Time: 1 AM - 10 AM
Level 2 - Tier 2 Help Desk
Pay: 130
Work: Fri - Tues
Time: 5 PM - 2 AM
Level 3 - Advanced Tech Support
Pay: 275
Work: Sun - Thurs
Time: 12 PM - 0 PM
Level 4 - Onsite IT Support
Pay: 285
Work: Mon - Fri
Time: 8 AM – 5 PM
Level 5 - Printer Administrator
Pay: 485
Work: Mon – Fri
Time: 12 PM - 9 PM
Level 6 - Exchange Administrator
Pay: 685
Work: Mon – Fri
Time: 9 AM – 6 PM
Level 7 - Firewall Administrator
Pay: 725
Work: Sun - Thur
Time: 7 AM – 4 PM
Level 8 - MS Administrator
Pay: 1337
Work: Mon - Fri
Time: 10 AM – 6 PM
Level 9 - UNIX Administrator
Pay: 3430
Work: Mon, Wed, Fri
Time: 11 AM – 3 PM
Level 10 - IT Administrator
Pay: 8620
Work: Mon, Fri
Time: 12 PM - 2 PM
This is pretty much the final product for this stage of the job. I have more or less revamped the original Sims 'hacker' career for the new generation of The Sims. The high pay at level 10 simply reflects the fact that you only work two days a week. The only thing that I can forsee doing to this career is updating any typos and such. My next project is actually part two of this one: The Teen Version. It will link directly to this one. The third phase of this project will be a Major in Computer Science. Also: This should be backwards compatible with the base game as well as just with EP X and not up to Seasons, but I don't know for _certain_. So if you're _not_ using Seasons and this still runs, please post with what you ran it with so I know if its backwards compatible or not. Thanks!