This house was requested by: RedRoseTea. I saw it and I wanted it for myself so I decided to give it a shot. This is the result of the attempt.
House Specifics:Lot size: 5x5
Cost: 297,000 Simoleans

(Unfurnished is 75,000)
Bedrooms: 4
Baths: 4.5
It comes in two versions:
One is fully furnished with just about everything your sim needs for studying and having fun. There is NO custom content actually included, but there are three custom items in the house. The washer & dryer set, the recolor for the set (this one by me and included), and an invisible recolor for the driveway.
See the credits for links to these items as, again, they are NOT included in the download here. Everything else is by Maxis.
The second version is completely empty. For me, 99% of the fun is decorating the place yourself. Finding just the right look for you... So I offer you the unfurnished version so that you can experience that joy yourself.
Known Issues:The house was play tested for about 3 sim days, and the issues listed here are ones that are common with this type of housing design.
As with all sideways driveways and extensions, the animations for the car leaving and entering the lot will be a bit jumpy. The flowers I planted on the driveway gave me no trouble with the cars being used, however if you have trouble with your sims being able to leave the lot while using the car, try removing the flowers and see if that corrects it.
Due to the shear number of countertop surfaces and fridges, and the way sims loose their minds, you may want to check out Simlogical's "Eating and Serving Controller" located here:
Eating & Serving Controller by Inge_Jones. It is a mod that allows you to set which room the sim should eat in and at what time they should be using the room. That way you can set the breakfast meal to be eaten in the nook in the kitchen and the dinner meal to be eaten in the formal dining area or even make it so that they will serve their barbequed meal on the porch out back. I highly recommend this product and have never had any difficulties with it.
Since this is a home with very large bedrooms and these bedrooms have seating surfaces, you may find that your guests will invade your living spaces. This activity irritates me, so I usually just set all the doors to "Allow Household Only." You do need the Open for Business expansion to set the doors, or you can try one of the mods available at Simlogical for that as well. Inge has several specialized doors that will allow for you to specify who is allows in the room and who is not. Get them here:
Keyed DoorsConversely, you may want to check out the folks at More Awesome than You...commonly referred to as Maty. JM Pescado has another mod called "Authorized Personnel Only" which also allows you to control who enters a room. Get it here:
Authorized Personnel Only These two mods will conflict with each other as they control the same behaviors, so make sure you read about them thoroughly before you decide which will work best for you.A couple of the walls in the kitchen area are diagonal and I had to use some cheats to place counters along the walls. Since the items overlap, there is some bleeding, but it doesn't seem too awful. Especially at the angle I play at. If it bothers you, try removing the offending counters and running the kitchen without the counters on those diagonal walls.
The method used for linking the garage to the house is one that does leave the walls warped in places. I have covered these warped areas with some creeping vines. If you prefer not to have the vines, select another wall pattern that is less noticeable.
Recommended mods:As mentioned above I highly recommend Simlogical's Eating & Serving Controller.
As far as the doors, I've used mods from both of these great modders and have had great results so, it'll be a matter of compatibility and preference for you.
Christianlov has put his/her All-in-One mod back up at Modthesims2. Yay, yay and yay again! :-P This is one of the best mods I've ever tried and am so glad to see it is once again available for download. This mod will allow you to have a 24 hour maid and or nanny. With a home this big and with sims rich enough to afford them, you'll want to have them to deal with all the messes. There is even a capability for them to handle broken items and do the gardening. Get it here:
All-In-One NPC by Christianlov Please be aware that at the writing of this read me file, Christianlov has marked the file to be "unsupported."
Credits:Numenor: CEP Package driveway and extension by: roddyaleixo
REQUIRED...Invisible Driveway & ExtensionsHouse floorplans by:
Original Floor PlansWasher & Dryer Mesh by: jpaugh78
REQUIRED...Washer & Dryer MeshesWasher & Dryer recolor by: Auronette--included in rar
Photos: Click Thumbnails for full sized versions.