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1  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / The Sims 3 buzz/gossip/rumours on: March 20, 2008, 05:27:14 pm
Hate being late to things, but...looks like I am again. LOL Anyway, Man, they are saying 2009 for the Sims 3, but hell, why so soon?! 2 still has a ton of potential that has yet to be released. And I'm sorry, all the work that designers have put into meshes and things for gamers to add * Custom Content* its all going to be for nothing it seems. =(

Anyway, I am excited about the game, but feel its too soon for EA to be focusing on the 3rd one as of yet!! Its been roughly 4 years since TS2 hit shelves. If anything, I wish there was a way to combine the games, but what am I saying....thats crazy talk right???
2  Retired Creators / Skins for the Skinless / Tadaaaaa! on: February 07, 2008, 07:09:27 pm
All I can say is....its great to have you back. =)
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / She-ra and He-man! on: December 04, 2007, 09:50:49 pm
Holy Crap!!! This is Great Work!!! You just got a million cool points from me!!! Thanks for sharing.
4  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six on: November 24, 2007, 11:28:45 pm
OH MAN!!! That was Sweet!! But dont let Dirk cheat on her...Noooooooooo!!!! LOL Great Story...awesome story. And Lilith is one of my favorite sims in the game. =)
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / britney spears outfit on: September 20, 2007, 03:38:10 am
Looks a hell of a lot better on your sim than it did on her. Nice work.
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Male Hair / For SynapticSim, Halo 2 MC Helmet (Hair) on: September 12, 2007, 06:02:43 pm
Quote from: beosboxboy;930345
Dedicated to the Master of Sim Superheroes, SynapticSim!

The actual Halo 2 MC model by John Vidziunas, free for use with credit. Converted for use with The Sims 2 by beosboxboy

I was looking through all my bajillion models on my back-up drive and saw this and read my notes.  And I said, "Precious, why haven't we made this for the Sims 2 yet?"  So, 20 minutes later, here it is.  I will eventually convert the body portion... but that looks like considerably more than 20 minutes of work >_<

The hair is a clone of the base-game "Fargo" fur-lined cap; I did not alter the settings in the file, so the hair will switch to a hat-less state when you change to swim and such.

The colours all match for the various ages and the hair packages are colour-binned.

The glass portion is not recolourable; if different colours are desired, I can see what can be done to change that; but in the interest of keeping the files simple, the mesh uses an eye-glasses lens as the basis for the face plate.

Only the Young Adult, Adult, and Elder Male use the helmet as shown in the preview.

Original 3D GameStudio mesh and texture by John Vidziunas

7  Retired Creators / Custom Body Meshes / Please post Bug Reports and Help Requests Here on: September 09, 2007, 12:53:21 am
Quote from: gundavolt;850678
My sims' wardrobe is full of clothes using this mesh, but somehow another mesh overrules it, or some of it. I have attached pictures of some clothing using Marvine's Alpha mesh which now is showing as a Classic Pinup type of body.

I'm not that good at finding stuff like this out, and I have tried for some days to remove files to see if it helped (heels files or pinup files I wasn't sure of what was) but they still look like this.

Does anyone else have this problem?
At first I thought it might be some of Healene's heels, as she has made some that look like this, but I removed the files and Marvine mesh still shows up like classic pinup.
I have Warlokk's Classic Pinup bodytype too, btw.

Hope someone can help; I dread deleting all files and just start downloading all over again :smt120

Thank you so much in advance!!

Quote from: beosboxboy;873810
gundavolt - it looks like a mesh you have recently added to the game was a clone of Marvine's alpha mesh and someone forgot to fix integrity. (a SimPE step in making new meshes)  I can't guess which of the bajillion meshes it might be.

Fabrice - Marvine a lieu des vacances. Je voudrais attendre son retour, ainsi je peux discuter ceci avec elle. Elle retournera des vacances en deux semaines.

Well does anyone know what mesh is causing this issue, because I am having it as well. Have redone everything twice now. And I would REALLY hate taking the time to delete my downloads, Re-Download, and wind up downloading the same mesh that screwed everything up in the first place AGAIN!!! :cwm21:
Any advice, getting pointed in the right direction would DEARLY be appreciated. Thanks
8  Retired Creators / The Post-Modernist Collection / Arkham Set: Donovan's Brain - CEP required on: August 31, 2007, 09:00:22 pm
This is beyond Kewl!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
9  Retired Creators / Others / More recolors of BlooM's 34DE36 alpha dress mesh on: June 12, 2007, 09:18:45 am
Very Nice!!
10  Resident Creators / Curvaceous Women / WARNING! LARGE OBJECT! Plaid Top & Denim Shorts 4 "Hyper Busty"~Oneblondmomma on: June 12, 2007, 09:15:36 am
*Falls out of his chair in laughter!!* All I can say is..................WOW!! Them some Tig ole' Bitties!!! Cheesy:D:D
11  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Private: New clothing mesh for Ladies. on: June 05, 2007, 07:11:09 am
Hot dayum son, took one look at these outfits and my heart skipped a beat!!! Nice Job!
12  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Female Adults with Rounder Butts! on: April 17, 2007, 06:25:40 pm
Look at the Bubble on that Girl....Dayum!!!
13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Rainbow Brite on Marvine's heels mesh and Kavar's Jessica hair mesh on: December 21, 2006, 10:56:52 pm
LOL!! Rainbow Brite Got Pimped!!! Awesome Job!!!
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