Simmers' Paradise => Mac-Users Only Peer Support => Topic started by: HectorRashbaum on September 26, 2008, 08:15:18 pm

Title: File Limit Fix - Bon Voyage Problems
Post by: HectorRashbaum on September 26, 2008, 08:15:18 pm
Has anyone tried using the file limit fix, either through OnyX or terminal, with Bon Voyage installed?

The fix was working beautifully for me (I was running it through terminal - using an applescript to run the command when I booted up, rather than messing about in root) until I installed Bon Voyage (up to that point I had every EP to Seasons installed, as well as Family Fun and Glamour Life), at which point using boolprop testingcheatsenabled true brought up a rapid succession of error messages until I could pause long enough to turn it to false.

Through some trial and error (and oh so many reinstalls) I determined the likely problem was too many downloads - even with the file limit fix going. I'm not sure at exactly which point it's too many, but I'm approaching 3500 and the game's acting up (occasional crashes, mainly - boolprop still works but I'm using it very sparingly just in case).

But after extensive Googling I haven't been able to find anyone mention this problem, so my question(s) is (are): am I the only one who had these issues with BV and the file limit fix, and am I correct in assuming the problem is amount of downloads or is this a problem that's been run into before and the cause is something else entirely?

Thanks in advance.

Title: File Limit Fix - Bon Voyage Problems
Post by: HugeLunatic on September 27, 2008, 09:45:47 am
I've got BV and my file limit was adjusted in OnyX, and I just upgraded to Leopard, and my file limit fix stayed where it was.  Which is 42,000/40,000.  The only thing I noticed is my userstartup cheat is gone, but I have a backup and just need to test still.  Currently I have 1.1 GB, about 5,000 items.

I just reset my game hoods due to multiple crashing, but it was more related to constant testing of new content.  Still not sure if the game will run properly since it was installed to the HD, and apparently with Leopard it should be in Applications, dunno, will just try.

I guess which OS are you using?  I've heard someone else have issue with the patch not working on Leopard, but my laptop is patched with base game, which increased the file limit to the 10,000/8,000.

I've still got all original patches, and never installed that cumulative one, since it originally borked everything.

Another question, did you update hacks after installing BV?  Because those need to be.  I belive BV brought with it, an issue with multiple of townies regenerating and filling the hood with unnecessary characters and crashing your game.

Title: File Limit Fix - Bon Voyage Problems
Post by: rickzoe on September 28, 2008, 12:27:03 am
i adjust my file limit through Terminal and my game works fine.  i have 5000 + in Downloads folder and another ... i'm embarrassed to say in Saved Sims.

i've actually never patched my game and i have all ep's up to BV.

here's a link that you may find helpful:

SimplePortal 2.1.1