Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: chriskay on October 11, 2007, 04:07:34 am I'm running Sims (UN up to BV, minus NL) on Vista and when I start web-installing from MTS2, the programs goes error and a message popped up saying:
Quote Run-time Error '11': Division by zero What's the problem? Not compatible? Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: Skaarjy on October 11, 2007, 11:49:47 pm I've been getting that too. I just use the regular http download instead.
Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: Bev in NY on October 12, 2007, 12:05:03 am hey guys Q-express won't work for me either...so i just download the rar file myself and then extract it with winrar and put in my game...i also can't get CEP to install either so i don't know what is up with all these programs...i do have SPCI and works just fine....but another thing i have is some sims i tried to put in my game won't let me do it....but most of them i can....it's weird...
Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: Tenshii~Akari on October 12, 2007, 07:09:36 am So... is it still coming up after the error message, only with nothing in the title bar? Or is it just not coming up at all? :scratch: I've had the first one happen to me a couple of times before, but it's been working okay recently...
If what I said above is the case, the only way I know to work around it is if you go to your C:\Program Files\ModTheSims2.com\Q-Xpress Installer (or wherever the location you have installed it is) and delete these two files: history.xml and queue.xml. Then try opening it up again to see if the errors keep happening. If it still doesn't work, I know sometimes re-installing it will set it back in place. :angel: Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: bitznbats on November 08, 2007, 05:54:22 pm I having that too also with vista and I've re-installed it anyone any ideas?
Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: AresInferno on November 09, 2007, 08:46:11 pm Its not working for me, i get same problem. I have now downloaded latest and same thing. I have vista but it used to work with it then one day not at all!
Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: boeketjebloemen on November 10, 2007, 03:07:49 am I used to use it, but then I got that same error message, so now I just use the regular downloading methods.
I use XP, so it's not a Vista thing either. Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: Akronborn on November 12, 2007, 04:03:22 am I don't think it has to do with Vista. It stopped working for me suddenly, and I still have the same OS I've always had, XP. Same error message.
Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: Tenshii~Akari on November 12, 2007, 09:16:19 am Has anyone tried what I mentioned above? :scratch: I'm just wondering, since no one said they tried doing that or anything. Not saying that it's definite, but it might help in a way... :dontknow:
Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: Debbycus on November 14, 2007, 05:08:15 pm Tried it, Tenshii, but it's still not working :(
Did someone report this to the mods at MTS2?... Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: sumpsychochic on November 14, 2007, 10:05:53 pm Mine hasn't been working either. I have reinstalled and tried deleting those files too.
I have XP Title: Is anybody using Q-Xpress Installer? Post by: Tenshii~Akari on November 14, 2007, 10:06:48 pm http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=244058
Try reading through the above thread. You might find an answer in there somewhere. :angel: If not, there's always the official support forum (http://www.q-xpressinstaller.com/forum/). ;) |