Title: More Adult Top Seperate Clothes? Post by: themysticalone on April 15, 2007, 04:14:01 pm I've been wanting to convert a lot of the maxis clothes over to the various bodyshapes, and I'm wondering if you plan to do clothing for the rest of the top seperates meshes. I'm not sure what the demand is for them, but there are a few that I really miss, since I use them a lot.
In particular, the long-sleeved shirt without a collar (appears to be both a v-neck and crew neck to this, but I'm not sure if they are the same mesh or not): (http://offsite.baldninja.com/Sims2/LS_NoCol.jpg) Tank Top: (http://offsite.baldninja.com/Sims2/TankTop.jpg) And the Sweater w/Collar: (http://offsite.baldninja.com/Sims2/Swtr_wCol.jpg) If I'm looking at things correctly, there are 11 afTop meshes in the base game, including the Nude. Looks like the cowgirl shirt mesh is different from the mom shirt too (Longer Sleeves), though I don't tend to use any of those. Also wondering if you plan to make a nude top without the nipples so that clothing that would normally use the nude mesh can be made without having nipple poking out (which tends to look a bit odd). Thanks, Matt Title: More Adult Top Seperate Clothes? Post by: Warlokk on April 15, 2007, 04:37:43 pm At this point I've moved on to other sizes and shapes, and released all my magnet sets I used to create them... so I have no plans to go back and do more for the Hi-Res set myself, but I encourage others to give it a try.
Title: More Adult Top Seperate Clothes? Post by: miros1 on May 13, 2007, 10:31:48 am themysticalone, thank you for doing all of these, especially the ones that needed meshes altered. As an added benefit, they're currently coming up at the beginning of the list in BodyShop, so they're easy to find when making new projects.
If you're taking suggestions, I'd really appreciate the NL formal that flares out at the knees. Title: More Adult Top Seperate Clothes? Post by: elansims on August 06, 2007, 08:12:02 pm indeed, i'd love to see your work with other expansion packs. you're amazing!