Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Tomkat on September 27, 2006, 09:55:47 am Can you play Sims 2 (<- for clarity) without using cheats? This includes cheat objects, and all type-codes.
Id be the first to admit to "no" I have a startup cheat file that enables testing cheats, and gives shorthand versions of "maxmotives", "motherlode", "move objects on" and "boolprop snapobjects to grid false/true" so how about u? Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Micke on September 27, 2006, 10:41:26 am I voted no because I can't unless I really really don't want to use it. For example when I want a family to be very poor and trying to live on as little money as possible and making them very miserable.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: taniaissimo on September 27, 2006, 11:40:47 am not anymore i cant :lol:.. my game is a total breeze now with all the mods/hacks i have, I dont use the codes anymore only time I did was for the money but now the new insim has the budget adjuster i not need for the motherlode/kaching code :D.
I hope most of the hacks will work with pets tho as I will be at a loss :lol: I wonder how on earth I use to manage when I first started playing. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: howardlpeters on September 27, 2006, 12:06:45 pm Absolutely not! I just can't imagine a family with low motive, no money and living in a shed. lol I want fantasy, not so much reality.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: ancienthighway on September 27, 2006, 12:19:09 pm I do most of me gaming without using cheats. Otherwise I get too bored with the sim/neighbor and go on a killing spree. Well, sometimes I do that anyway :devill:
I do use cheats when I'm setting up pictures for the contests, but then those sims were created specifically for the contest and set in a neighborhood I don't play. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: owaizoo on September 27, 2006, 01:50:13 pm i can play without cheats
but i just am stupid to play without themm...lol Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Verly on September 27, 2006, 03:02:32 pm no way, it's not possible to me. there are so many cheats and mods people have made to get rid of all the annoying things that maxis added to the game.
and I'm not saying this just because I'm here at InSim, but I don't know how I even played my game with out the InSIMenator. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: AxelVal on September 27, 2006, 03:09:25 pm I play with less, but when I learn a new cheat/get a new object I have to try it out ten-hundred times before I get bored of it.
I don't use the money cheats much anymore and it's tons of fun starting them off in a small house and building their way up. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: marit on September 27, 2006, 03:34:17 pm Yes, I can and sometimes do play without cheats. It's a mood thing.
I don't consider the decorating cheats such as "snapobjectstogrid false" to be cheating at any time so if we're counting those the answer is NO I can't do it without cheating. When I'm cheating I use lots of "motherlode" and insiminator. Lol. I've never done a "testingcheatsenabled" because I'm kind of scared it'll screw up my game. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: deniseantonia on September 27, 2006, 10:28:02 pm R U Kidding who would want to play without cheats? Money is everything in this game.. I NEED MONEY
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: The Mule on September 27, 2006, 11:28:39 pm Nightlife made it too easy. Don't need cheats. But sometimes they're alot of fun.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: bre on September 28, 2006, 08:55:43 pm I prolly could play without cheats, but I'm not too interested in trying. :lol:
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: jinyc on September 29, 2006, 02:28:32 pm I am too impatient to deal with original Maxis Sin not to depend on Eric, Jase, Squinge et al. Sim life without hacks would be no game life for me!
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Micco on September 29, 2006, 02:38:01 pm Voted no...
*Micco states the obvious Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Ali on September 30, 2006, 07:13:38 am Well, I guess if I absolutely had to then yes, but hell would have to freeze over first!! :grin:
I couldn't make my simmies live without all the hacks and mods - I'd be throwing the damn game out of the window!! Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: caffeinated.joy on September 30, 2006, 02:48:32 pm Nope. I can't live without cheats. Even before I started getting serious with picture taking and storytelling I coudn't. I love my cheats. Love. Them.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: coliss on September 30, 2006, 05:52:41 pm I voted "no", though I do not play with cheat codes like "motherlode", or "maxmotives". It's more fun and challenging without them. I also have a few hacks to get rid of certain annoyances.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: vanessa on September 30, 2006, 08:10:32 pm No-no-no!
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Sleepycat on September 30, 2006, 11:03:54 pm I could play without cheats and hacks but why would I want to? it certainly wouldn't be as much fun. With hacks my game is tricked out for me and how I like to play.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: BlackKat13 on October 01, 2006, 02:53:46 pm Yes. In fact, the only cheats I *ever* use are to build (The 45 degree angle one and stuff)
I never use cheats for money, or to max my sims skills or aspiration... In fact, I cannot play *with* cheats, because I just get soooo bored Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: hotrod50s on October 02, 2006, 05:22:01 am lol nooooooo i cheat all the time i don't use very many money cheats of any kind it is easy enough to get money but the insim has so many cool things to play with and squinges mods and inteen i mean i just did a reinstall and added my can't live without cheats in 1st lol.
now i'm working on getting the skins back in i downloaded one hack too many and caused 149 conflicts since i couldn't trace it down i did the reinstall and fixed a bunch of problems i was having. in a couple of weeks i will have to go thru it all again when pets come out lol. even with a fresh install and no hacks i will still cheat :D Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: freeasabird on October 03, 2006, 10:31:02 am No, I use a lot of Awesome hacks and fixs' :devill:
No money cheats and no increasing skills, friends etc. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Sleepycat on October 03, 2006, 09:44:50 pm What some people don't understand is:
1, not all hacks are cheats 2, not all cheat codes are actually cheats 3, not all hacks/cheats make the game easier Some hacks fix maxis bugs. Some hacks just change how something is done and may actually make the game harder. Some hacks just get rid of annoying stuff. Some hacks add to the game like a mini EP (like InTeen by jase or twojeffs Auto Casual Romance) Some cheats like moveobjects , snap to grid, Wall Placement Restrictions Removed, Plumbbobtoggle and allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation etc... certainly are "cheat codes" but aren't cheats. They are just for building and decorating and stuff. I dislike when people turn their nose up at all hacks and cheats just because they want to think they are better then people who do use them. Yes, I have come across numerous people who are like that.... If I said I use the familyfunds cheat, most people would assume I use it to "cheat" and give my sims lots of money, when actually it's the opposite, I usually use it to take money away from them. (I'll also use InSIMs budget adjuster but it depends on how much I'm removing) When I do give my sims money (for maybe that new house or just basic furniture for the new empty house) I always take money from them once they start having "extra cash hanging around" untill the initial "loan" is paid back. Although sometimes if their parents have way to much cash, I perfer to think the parents bought the house for them and take the money from the parents. So anyway, my point is (yes I do have one lol) using cheats/hacks dosen't mean your cheating or making your game easier or boring, sometimes they just make it different. /gets off soapbox Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: ancienthighway on October 04, 2006, 10:43:41 am Excellent post SleepyCat. When I said I don't use cheats early in the thread, I took "cheats" to mean things like "motive decay off", "aging off", gimme-the-world-on-a-silver-plater type cheats.
While I don't use those types of cheats, I will readily admit my game is has plenty of mods. InSim, InTeen, harder jobs (MATY), and NPC careers (that just take up ads in the paper to make it even harder to get the job you want) are just some of the mods I have. "What's this?" "Miss this?" Come on Maxis! Let the adult sims grow up! Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: vita4all on October 04, 2006, 10:53:16 am Well said, Sleepycat!
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Sleepycat on October 05, 2006, 12:22:32 am *blushes*
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: ancienthighway on October 05, 2006, 12:25:45 am Good thing you told us you're blushing Sleepycat. Hard to tell on a black cat.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Sleepycat on October 05, 2006, 12:28:15 am *dies laughing*
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Foxybaby on October 07, 2006, 02:23:40 pm I don't really use many hacks or cheats-I could certainly play without any at all. I never use the money cheat as it just makes the game boring-I like to work my sims up from just about nothing. The only one's that I would go crazy without is InTeen & Squinge's maternity hack (God I love Jase & Squinge-my hero's!:notworth:), and move objects (if you're classing that as an actual cheat). In fact, the only hacks I have in my game are InTeen, breast feeding, and the maternity wear hack. Things that would enhance it rather than "cheat" :blah:
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: weetzie on October 07, 2006, 02:38:58 pm Usually, I'll use a Motherlode cheat if I have a toddler in the family, just so that I can move them into a decent starter house and still afford the crib and such. After I get the crib and low-end furniture (1 couch, 1 bed, counters, fridge, trash can, oven, bookshelf and phone), I spend the rest of the money on floors and walls and usually get it back to however much was left.
Other than that, the only cheat I use is the No Empty Potty hack for the training pot, simply because I've had too many times where the kid pees himself while someone ambles over to empty it out. The Maid never touches the thing in my game. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: ~Angel~ on October 10, 2006, 06:16:25 pm Last time I re-installed my Sims, I tried this. Wow, its not the same. I didn't last long before i was putting everything back on, so I am going with no ^.^
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: ganymede30324 on October 10, 2006, 09:19:27 pm I don't know the answer to the previous question. Sorry:(. But I find the game far more interesting and realistic when I use hacks/cheats. Pillow fights, for instance, should take place in rooms where pillows might be found, unless the involved Sims are wearing trenchcoats or some such where they might have been hiding a pillow. Two adults moving into a nice one or two bedroom home might have, at some point in time, learned how to boil water without causing a five-alarm inferno. And it should, IMO, take longer to write a novel or read a book than to take a shower or prepare a meal...so thank goodness for all the great creative types who have made the game better, at least for this player.:)
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: SeZZa on October 11, 2006, 10:04:59 am I cant live without the InSIMenator.
So I think that its quite obvious that I cant live without cheats. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Verly on October 11, 2006, 12:06:50 pm I know I already commented but I thought I'd add. I find the game boring if I DON'T use cheats.
I really don't want to spend all my time telling my sims to eat, go to the bathroom, make sure they exercise so they can get fit, go to bed, blah blah blah and I use motherlode out the wazoo. That's the way I like to play my game. :) I want to have more fun having them actually DO things. so once again, I cannot play The Sims 2 without every cheat known to man. lol. I don't know how I even played the game without the insimenator. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Sleepycat on October 11, 2006, 03:26:31 pm there are alot of hacks/mods and cheat codes I wouldn't want to play without as I believe I've mentioned before but besides InSIM and a few others, one I would truly hate to play without... is one that is still in testing (but almost ready for release) and that is twojeff's ACR (Autonomous Casual Romance)
http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,4691.0.html I love not having to tell my sims to flirt/kiss/woohoo or even try for baby! :love1: It makes the game so much more fun and my sims seem more real and they have a great time :lol: if you've read my blog you will have an idea of how interesting my game is :rofl: Verly, I max motives all the time. I make them hungry if I want them to eat etc... it makes the game much more enjoyable for me to not deal with a sim taking an hour or more to pee :lol: Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Emma on October 12, 2006, 03:55:35 am I use a lot of the building cheats, but never the motive or money ones-I prefer to let my poor sims struggle in their lives!
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Sweetgurl on October 13, 2006, 09:16:42 pm *laughs hysterically* no.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Mickey57 on October 14, 2006, 07:00:56 am I did not care for the question because it left the reasoning out. I said yes, because I can in fact play Sims without cheats, however, the reality is that I don't like it as much without cheats because I like to make stories and I like my characters to do what I want. Cheats help me to accomplish that. I do have a couple of households that I play without cheats at all, but most of my people and households have cheats so I have more control of my story lines and fewer uncontrolled actions.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: kathwynn on October 14, 2006, 07:58:56 am I probably could, but why would I? And besides I can really ruin there lives richly with just the right twist... Muhahahahahahaha....
Ok that was wrong.... I really play my Sims gasme like a good boy. I use the hacks only for good things and they have happy, happy lives. No Sim ever dies horribly with a bloody messy end that can make even Grim puke and there is no tragedy at all just like in real life. You believe that don't you? :evil4: Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: SimulatedDork on October 14, 2006, 09:23:28 am I don't play with cheats...Gawd, stop looking at me like that! Honest, I don't! Shut up! Just shut up!
Playing with cheats causes mental instability, just ask my imaginary friends. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: coffeeKAT on October 14, 2006, 11:59:18 am I can't see why I would. The money cheat being the main one. Why would I want to torture my sims, live in cracker box, sweat and slave for no wage, be tired all the time and not socialize cuz by the time you get downtown your pooped! Yipe! I could stay in the real world if I wanted to put with that!! BLEH!! Cheats YAY!!
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: platinum on October 14, 2006, 01:32:50 pm Quote from: coffeeKAT I can't see why I would. The money cheat being the main one. Why would I want to torture my sims, live in cracker box, sweat and slave for no wage, be tired all the time and not socialize cuz by the time you get downtown your pooped! Yipe! I could stay in the real world if I wanted to put with that!! BLEH!! Cheats YAY!! :smt116 That is my thinking to. I love using the cheats `' Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: sumpsychochic on October 14, 2006, 02:12:23 pm I play with no cheats for my prosperity hood, but I rarely play with them because it is just too hard.
The rest of the time I don't use cheats too often, just the money cheat mainly. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: bungee_rope on October 15, 2006, 12:54:50 pm The day I play without cheats is the day hell will freeze over!!
(And um.. if in case hell ever does freeze over.. I still wouldn't play without them.) Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: XPTL297 on October 16, 2006, 05:38:31 am If anyone would ever play without any cheat, would also not be online here.
The Insimenator includes almost all the cheats available in the game and more. I cheat, and cheat and have fun cheating. Why not? Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Amun-RA on October 16, 2006, 07:37:02 am Cheat me baby one more time...:ROFL:
Can't live without cheats. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Squinge on October 16, 2006, 07:42:09 am :sign5: lol
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Serafina on October 16, 2006, 07:45:15 am :withstup: LMAO... you should record that song Amun
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Amun-RA on October 16, 2006, 07:50:57 am Might be a bigger hit then Britneys - Hit me baby one more time...ROFL
(http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/7269/iamwithstupidinsed2hp4.gif) Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Serafina on October 16, 2006, 07:53:43 am LMAO probably... then again she is just an annoying... cant think of a word safe for this forum.... annoying twit is the best I can do!
:withstup: Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Amun-RA on October 16, 2006, 07:59:03 am true.
EDIT: She is the spawn of the devil...rofl...in my book taht is. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Serafina on October 16, 2006, 08:23:25 am Thats a good way to put it! LMAO
:iamwithstupid111: Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Bejac on December 27, 2006, 01:43:19 pm First of all, it's not cheating, it's customizing. It's somewhat illogical to "cheat" at a game that has neither an opponent nor any condition for victory. Secondly, without the custom content, the hacks, mods, cheats, if you will, the game would be virtually unplayable. Let's face it, Sims2 is an even crappier game than the original. If you want to experience the Sims without customization, look no further than the disaster that was The Sims Online, where EA/Maxis actually tried to convince us that they had a really good, fun, product and didn't allow for custom content. Nice move, bozos.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: dorkapalooza on December 27, 2006, 02:07:26 pm I love cheating, I remember playing sims1 without and everything took sooo long.
I love changing the NPC's and Townies, they are a scarey bunch... And what about waiting for sims to age? I love aging them, espescially kids... thumbs up on the cheats Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Rammstein6891 on December 27, 2006, 02:33:24 pm I can't stand seeing my sims get old. So I use the aging of cheat. I don't play with anyone younger than teen btw.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Poppenhuis on December 28, 2006, 06:08:37 am I haven't played without the money cheat I think, but for the rest, I've played quite a lot without using any cheats.
It's pretty easy actually.. It only gets hard when you can't use the money cheat. :P Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Flour on December 31, 2006, 02:16:36 am I would say "Yes" if I didn't discover any of the cheats. I remember spending one year + playing the basic sims 2 without any downloads (because I didn't know there's downloads and cheats and stuff!) and life's been miserable for the sims but it's really satisfying to see them with lots of money and then soon, I discover about the "motherlode" and "boolprop" and now I discover about these download sites with hairs, cheats, mods and stuff that I have to say NO at the moment!
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: atlbynghtst on December 31, 2006, 02:57:53 am i sure cant play with out them anymore..i voted no!
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: MellieC on January 04, 2007, 07:33:10 pm I've been meaning to play a neighborhood totally cheat free but I never quite make it, LOL.
One day when I get bored with making them happy, then maybe I will. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Chairman Greg on January 04, 2007, 07:38:59 pm Within my experience, The Sims 2 without fan-created fixes is not playable.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: mvenatta on January 05, 2007, 01:13:17 pm Yes I can play without cheats. It isn't very fun & I have pathetic sims if I do.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Sir.Cheatalot on January 05, 2007, 01:25:45 pm Never play the game without the boolprop code on and despite all the warnings given about that i never had any problems with it...:scratch:
Title: Yes to cheats Post by: Deeney on January 06, 2007, 02:35:40 am I think the game is more realistic with cheats especially if I have had to reload my game or restart a family. After all why would a forty something sim have no skills at all?
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Chairman Greg on January 06, 2007, 11:43:12 am Quote from: Sir.Cheatalot;507491 Never play the game without the boolprop code on and despite all the warnings given about that i never had any problems with it...:scratch: Now that you mention it, I, too, have code in my startup file so that the Testing Cheats are always enabled. The only problem is that it makes it so easy to adjust things that it's very difficult to discipline myself not to give them a tuneup any time it's required. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: summer_wine on January 09, 2007, 12:33:50 am i tired but i couldn't. i need the insimenator even just to make their motives happy.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Jaded on January 13, 2007, 05:57:30 pm To a certain point, I can. It's all about time management and becoming a little obsessive-compulsive in the order that you make your Sims do things.
That and SMALL families. (I restarted one of my neighborhoods after a few families had 10 kids.. I couldn't take it, so I started over. Much better now. Dustin Broke and Lilith Pleasant actually grew up quite well this time around. hehe) Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: xoJessi on January 14, 2007, 06:09:52 pm I can but I won't. ;)
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: ditzie1 on January 14, 2007, 07:32:58 pm I have debug mode always on through Simpe, but just for the sliding motives. I still have my sims do all their stuff, but I like to tweak their motives just a bit sometimes. I don't like maxmotives except first thing in the morning. I also use money cheats sparingly and pay it back like a loan. I love insim. I mostly use it to speed up pregnancy, age babies, and to get kids through college faster. When their meter is full, I move up the final exam. It makes uni take much less time. I have other hacks and cheats as well, mostly to preserve my sanity and remove the elements of the game that I don't enjoy as much.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: rexetimperator on January 14, 2007, 08:20:01 pm I played The Sims 2 without cheats for some months and really enjoyed it at first but it got to be too much hard work. It seemed I was spending most of my time going to the bathroom and cooking and cleaning and replacing the flowers that kept dying even though I watered them constantly, and little messages kept coming up saying so-and-so was no longer a family friend but I still had time to ring them up and save the relationship. It was just like real life I suppose and the drudgery was winning over escapism.
Now I like to play with every cheat imaginable and create bizare situations. I had Mortimer Goth abducted by aliens and returned as a female baby who grew up to be stunningly beautiful with a romance aspiration. Interestingly, she continued to receive a retirement pension right through school and college. And although I never changed her personality, everyone loves her and thinks she's hot, while as an old man he was rather crabby. I give extreme makeovers to unsuspecting sims and I even have a special lot which is like a resort with lots of medical facilities and strange contraptions where sims can go (or be taken by other sims!) and get completely changed, including a personality transplant. For me the game is a fantasy playground. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Dread on January 16, 2007, 11:32:50 pm I'll answer, but I won't vote.
Yes, I can, but I never do. Why? Because I usually start my families off with a couple, one, two kids, and having no money can't afford that, so all my Sims are millionares. I wish there was something I could use to get rid of money. I'm building my medieval story, now, and 20,000 won't cut it for the royal family. Or the bad guy, either. As you can tell, I only ever use the motherlode, but I use moveobjects once in a while, too. I use boolProp, but only when I want to give my Sims some "NPC" clothes. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Sleepycat on January 17, 2007, 05:00:52 pm InSIM has a budget adjuster that lets you give or take away money, theres also that familyfunds cheat code.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Matt's Workshop on January 17, 2007, 05:57:33 pm I voted yes, but it is a bit tempting sometimes to use cheats! :lol: I use mainly the moveobjects one and the angle one. Building cheats, I haven't used, but me girls have. They're right good at all that sort of stuff. I've used the money one, but only a little bit! I do prefer to play the game without any cheats, as it makes it more fun to see how our Sims lives turn out. So, my vote is for sometimes yes to using cheats. :thumbup:
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: SlinkyFoxx on January 18, 2007, 12:31:24 am I proudly raise my hand and say that I am a cheater. I have one family in my neighbourhood that I play clean whenever I feel like the challenge, but mainly I like my Sims free to do whatever. I like to just sit back and watch them because it still gives me a laugh. I've been running with testingcheatsenabled for a long time now without any problems (touch wood!) I also find it near impossible to build without moveobjects and snapobjectstogrid turned on.
Title: Proud to Cheat! Post by: Aims on January 18, 2007, 09:50:10 pm Yeah, I'm a cheater...I once *briefly* tried to play without cheating but it lasted like two seconds I swear. I like to decorate the houses and you can't do that without money! Plus I don't have time to sit and wait for my sim to get promoted...all the friends and being nice blah blah blah, just cheat and they get that dream job!
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Tomkat on January 19, 2007, 09:48:12 am Ive tried recently to play the game without cheating, but WHATS THE POINT?! they want so many thing and need so much more that by the time you get to where those needs are finally fulfilled they are 2 days away from being elders and still single....and you don't get to go through the whole other aspect of the game. I'm not one of those people who can sit in front of my PC for DAYS to get stuff done, so I have to speed up the process a bit...I can waste all my playtime in trying to max the skills of a sim manually etc.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Buffy on January 30, 2007, 08:28:12 am if im playing a game i wont use cheats, but they are essential for contest stuff
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: vesa on January 30, 2007, 08:36:54 am I can play without cheats, but I always make so big families that they don't fit to those <20 000 lots, so I'm using familyfunds, motherlode and lately also maxmotives. Of course I have lots of mods from Squinge and other creators :)
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Squinge on January 30, 2007, 08:40:33 am Quote from: vesa;553244 Of course I have lots of mods from Squinge and other creators :) Those aren't cheats they are mods :DTitle: Can you play without cheats? Post by: vesa on January 30, 2007, 08:45:22 am I know that Squinge, but I just had to mention it :)
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Squinge on January 30, 2007, 08:45:56 am I know that I just had to mention that too :D
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Tenshii~Akari on January 30, 2007, 09:01:02 am Quote from: brianpr1;553238 I don't use cheats that alter gameplay, but I use snapdragons everywhere, I have a community lot to get rich quick, others for dating without being disturbed, getting business perks or just improving at pool and dancing. I use all the maxis gadgets - elixir, enigmatic thingy etc. It feels like cheating and makes life easy for my Sims. Most of them spend more time on community lots (in the Land that Time Forgot) than they do at home. Where do you draw the line between outright cheating and just making the most of the features provided by Maxis? All of the stuff that you use in your game is definitely not cheating. That's, as you say, definitely making the most of everything that came with the game, and I commend you and everyone else that does it on that. :clap: Let's just say that anytime you put a download that really modifies one or more of the game's features (i.e. speeding up skill building) greatly to one's benifit, or when you open the little cheat console in-game to kaching and motherlode the heck out of it, that's "cheating." :angel: I can't even play my game without the InSimenator or without starting it in debug mode. Dangerous, but for some reason it's the only way I can get my game to run properly. The only time I played without cheats was when I first installed the base game, and even after that first time, I was looking for the cheat list. Then I discoverd MTS2 (which insued a chain reaction of finding other sites) and it all went downhill from there. :D Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: PrincessJen on January 30, 2007, 09:52:25 am The only cheat I use is Familyfunds, the rest are Mods! :iconbigg:
Love Insim, Inteen, MATY,MTS2, and ect without whom I would sitting in a corner playing with the flour sack baby or begging for Simoleans. :laugh: And I have alot of Squinges Mods, and Smonaff's over at MTS2, Numenor, Exnem, you get the picture, i think out of the 2800 downloads I have, at least 150 or more are either Mods or hacked objects. Scary! Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Riellex3 on May 10, 2007, 10:01:26 pm i'd be totally bored if i played without cheats xD
i use cheats for money so i can build a house xD but i still work ;] odd, ryt? hahaha Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: purpledaddy on May 11, 2007, 06:10:19 am Years ago yes. Now, no way. I consider them another part of customizing the game to playing it the way I want to play along w/ the wonderful custom content guys just like the EP's and SP's. Thank you guys and gals who keep discovering and creating it! :iconbigg:
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: boeketjebloemen on May 11, 2007, 09:04:23 am I could not play without cheats, but I've cut down on my use of them a lot. A few months ago, I'd have all the motives of the members of my sim-family maxed out 24/7.
Now, I only make sure they don't die from starvation and those kind of things. Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Vampyre on May 11, 2007, 09:40:04 am OFB made it so money is pretty easy to get. If my sims are too broke, I usually have them run a business for a while until things get better. I don't make all my sims very wealthy. I like having some differences between families. I even keep a few "broke" families around.
I've noticed that the less shortcuts I take with a particular sim lot, the more satisfaction I seem to get out of it. Using the Insim to me isn't always cheating. It's one thing to give your sims badges they didn't earn and quite another to use game code to get your sims out if a stupid situation that you didn't really intend. (like when they get stuck maybe). The game is what you make it. If you are bored and your sims are all pretty much doing the same things all the time; if you aren't happy with that it's your own fault! :) I let my sims take risks, I always try to have at least one doing as much in the game as I can find for them to do. Be a vampire, be a werewolf, become a plantsim or a zombie (uh do i need to mention that I have all the expansions?), or be rich or poor. Having said that, ideally my neighborhood would be balanced with enough different families doing different things so I can match my mood when I play and the game never gets too boring. Well I think I've answered the original question plus some maybe. :) Dang! Coffee is good! Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: DannyRock on May 12, 2007, 10:03:15 am Nope... I tried to play TS2 without cheats and was spending too much time keeping their aspiration levels high enough so they could rejuvinate with the elixer of life... I also got quite a bit annoyed by them having pillow fights, giving the toddlers baths every couple of minutes, missing the school bus, etc...
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Chinami on May 12, 2007, 12:28:37 pm For me, Yes! I actually like sims 2 without cheats. It ruins the purpose of everything and makes achieving things everything easier. But I have to admit, I'm pretty close to custom clothes and stuff.
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: artemis828 on May 13, 2007, 09:49:38 pm I could live without everything but ma tombstone of L&D. my sims aren't very socially adept so they have to cheat to make friends...
Title: GOT @ HAV Post by: n0mki on May 17, 2007, 10:11:58 pm I love whene the teens woo hoo the b rlerders
n0mki Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: fryluvr16 on May 19, 2007, 04:10:38 pm For me, it's: ''I can, but I don't want to.''
Title: Can you play without cheats? Post by: Grig 32 on October 30, 2007, 03:28:43 am I could... would... and should... but it would be nowhere NEAR as much fun ;)
I voted yes |