Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on May 08, 2006, 09:18:14 pm Yeps, you read the title right folks, genuine water-proof, shrink-proof,
stay-crisp in milk skintones for your stable full of satyrs. The genuine original; accept no substitutes! Get the horns here (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=10852) (http://www.insimenator.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=17064&stc=1&d=1147140395) Get the horns here (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=10852) (http://www.insimenator.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=17065&stc=1&d=1147140395) Get the horns here (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=10852) Be sure to get the meshes on your way out, otherwise this boys who chew the chud and split the hoof will go as non-kosher as bacon five days out of refrigeration. The goat-boys come in six original Beosboxboy skintones and one Louis of SimCribbling fame recolour; a round of applause and apple sauce to AllenABQ for the fuzzy-chested pale boy skin featured in Marvine's original post! Feel free to add your own embellishments to these jobbies and make them your own; just a word or two of caution, placing the meshes on another forum or web site will bring down the Gypsy curse on you and yours, and selling your recolours is strictly not cool - we will send the host of Pthia to raze your town like old Troy. So save your self the labours of Herakles and the trials of Odysseus and just do the right thing by not doing the wrong thing! Updated 10 May 2006: added matching Satyr Ears get the mesh here: http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=10852 (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=10852) Update 11 May 2006: changed the mouse-over text for the pale hirsute skintone to say Satyr for ease of recognition Please read: Change of policy (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=40961) BEFORE YOU ASK HOW DO I INSTALL THESE! See and read these: The Last Ever 'How Do I Install Downloads?' Tutorial (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=77681) Shower-proof Skin Tones And You (http://s95147669.onlinehome.us/beosboxboy/skintone.html) The Last & Eternal Help File (http://s95147669.onlinehome.us/beosboxboy/help.html) (http://www.insimenator.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=52702&d=1168321079) Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: kathy on May 08, 2006, 09:20:07 pm o0o Babe these are awesome.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Zephyrash on May 08, 2006, 10:33:41 pm Droool! Great work. I love these skins. Thank you for all your work.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: olemantiker on May 08, 2006, 10:33:46 pm oh yeah, these are awesome!
these are just divine! oh I am off now for some "dancing round the fires and chasing fairys" with my new satyrs - that will be fun.... :evil2: olemantiker Title: Incredible work Post by: platinum on May 08, 2006, 11:09:02 pm You have taking for me the most magnificent and magical Sim ~
The Satyrs and made them even better. Thank you so much. :love7: Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: lucentgem on May 09, 2006, 01:29:09 am Wow!! This is awesome. :*) Thanks!
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Alice-chan on May 09, 2006, 04:34:22 am Do they work "men only"? How do they look on women? I was searching for this for females, so I can finally create hoofed Succubi, but whenever I find something like this, it's Satyr guys only... T_T
Title: perfect !!!! Post by: atlante on May 09, 2006, 04:38:43 am Hi Yasha,
just what we need to make the Saturs even more perfecf. Thanks :animal: Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: velvet69 on May 09, 2006, 04:57:19 am Amazing, just perfect
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Kavar on May 09, 2006, 06:16:05 am cool shower proof satyr's, nice work :D
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: SynapticSim on May 09, 2006, 07:59:18 am Wow! These are beautiful! Fantabulous Work!
~ Syn (Word Maker-Upper) Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Frezia on May 09, 2006, 08:19:05 am That's fantastic work!
Thanks for sharing! :) Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: winterwolff22 on May 09, 2006, 09:24:54 am A THOUSAND THANK YOUS BEOS.
BY THE WAY WHERE DID THE NIPPLE RINGS COME FROM AND WHERE CAN I GET THEM? INQUIRING MINDS NEED TO KNOW. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on May 09, 2006, 01:42:21 pm Quote from: Alice-chan Do they work "men only"? How do they look on women? I was searching for this for females, so I can finally create hoofed Succubi, but whenever I find something like this, it's Satyr guys only... T_T our policy is males only - just males, only males, all the time. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: marvine on May 09, 2006, 03:32:05 pm Quote BY THE WAY WHERE DID THE NIPPLE RINGS COME FROM AND WHERE CAN I GET THEM? I heard you! lol Well I need to torture a famous modder to learn how to make accessories non deformable with the face modifiers - as it is the rings move out of place depending on the face shape... So I won't release them before I can fix that. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Innocent on May 09, 2006, 04:49:40 pm YAY!! thanx for sharing these!! :)
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Tiger_Lily on May 09, 2006, 05:31:25 pm Wow! Thank you guys (and girl :D)!
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: PinkFloyd on May 09, 2006, 05:40:38 pm :goodjob:Once again Beosboxboy & Marvine! :grin:
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: simbilly305 on May 09, 2006, 07:07:52 pm BBB and Marvine,
You two are truly the Dynamic Duo. What can I say that everyone else has not already said except that this is genius. You truly rock! Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: TreasureHunter on May 09, 2006, 08:17:29 pm These are the BEST
Thanks so much Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Amun-RA on May 09, 2006, 11:54:57 pm Nice.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Ali on May 10, 2006, 02:19:36 am YOWEE
Now I REALLY need to think about making a fantasy hood!! Magnificent, awesome, bloody brilliant....... ta very muchly! Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: sahmrrtai on May 10, 2006, 04:56:57 am I have a problem with the meshes. The Satyrs do not have horns, hooves, or bent legs. I unzipped the meshes twice. I checked that the meshes are in downloads. Do you have any suggestions?
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Alice-chan on May 10, 2006, 05:13:25 am Quote from: beosboxboy our policy is males only - just males, only males, all the time. What a pity. So I'd rather not download them, although they look great. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Tyler Hanson on May 10, 2006, 05:38:02 am Quote from: beosboxboy our policy is males only - just males, only males, all the time. :tongue5: :tongue5: :tongue5: :tongue5: men lovers forever and ever:animal: Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: marvine on May 10, 2006, 06:17:12 am Quote from: sahmrrtai I have a problem with the meshes. The Satyrs do not have horns, hooves, or bent legs. I unzipped the meshes twice. I checked that the meshes are in downloads. Do you have any suggestions? The files uploaded here are only for the shower-proof skintones; the body as clothing and the horns and ears as accessories are on separate posts. Quote from: beosboxboy our policy is males only - just males, only males, all the time. Where's my shovel? :spank: no it's not!! ...I just don't have the time to satisfy everybody's wishes; my priorities are having fun, trying new things and pleasing my friends. Else it would just be work - unpaid work. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on May 10, 2006, 11:06:56 am Quote from: marvine Where's my shovel? :spank: no it's not!! ...I just don't have the time to satisfy everybody's wishes; my priorities are having fun, trying new things and pleasing my friends. Else it would just be work - unpaid work. *points to Mermaid and Elder Mermaid and Teen Mermaid and Child Mermaid and Alpha Skirt with Heels and Heels and the up-coming Athletic Woman meshes* Is it my fault if she believed so blatant a lie?? :lol: Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Psistorm4472 on May 10, 2006, 04:56:36 pm These are sproing-tastic!!!!
I've avoided all the winged creatures and devils and such in favor of keeping my game more down to earth, but there is the exception for every rule, and your Satyrs are it. Wonderful, fantastic, excellent job and thanks sooooooo much! Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Creepy Blackdove6 on May 11, 2006, 01:23:50 am This is one of my ultimate fantasies that you have made come true!!!!!! Thank you so very much for your hard work on this!!! Incredible! :clap:
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Elven_Ranger on May 11, 2006, 06:38:51 am Made me a satyr before you pit up the bathing mesh, but my lad reverts to 'human' legs when showering even now that ive installed this ... is it because im using a different skintone to the ones up for the bathing freindly satyr's? Thanks
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: wirelessguy on May 11, 2006, 07:49:55 am Quote from: Elven_Ranger Made me a satyr before you pit up the bathing mesh, but my lad reverts to 'human' legs when showering even now that ive installed this ... is it because im using a different skintone to the ones up for the bathing freindly satyr's? Thanks Yep its because you're using a different skintone. If you're comfortable with using the SimPE simsurgery plug-in, it should be possible to update him with the correct new skin. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Elven_Ranger on May 11, 2006, 09:22:00 am ok, thanks wirelessguy :)
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: winterwolff22 on May 11, 2006, 10:55:25 am Quote from: Alice-chan What a pity. So I'd rather not download them, although they look great. THA'TS SAD, BECAUSE IN ACTUAL GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WHICH WHERE YOU HEAR ABOUT SAYTRS THE MOST, THERE ARE NO FEMALE SAYTRS, INSTEAD SAYTRS ARE KNOWN TO CHASE AFTERS HUMAN WOMEN AND THE NYMPHS. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Elven_Ranger on May 11, 2006, 11:53:40 am I agree winterwolf ... pity to miss out on such a great mod! Hehe my Satyr is very much in love with an Elven vampire, and they are expecting there 1st child, wondering which parent baby will take after ..... enjoy them for what they are rather than what you wish they were.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: eeebee on May 11, 2006, 05:15:14 pm Quote from: winterwolff22 THA'TS SAD, BECAUSE IN ACTUAL GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WHICH WHERE YOU HEAR ABOUT SAYTRS THE MOST, THERE ARE NO FEMALE SAYTRS, INSTEAD SAYTRS ARE KNOWN TO CHASE AFTERS HUMAN WOMEN AND THE NYMPHS. All we need now is someone to create meshes of human women. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on May 11, 2006, 09:17:45 pm Quote from: eeebee All we need now is someone to create meshes of human women. now, that is funny! Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Elven_Ranger on May 12, 2006, 02:07:09 am Quote from: eeebee All we need now is someone to create meshes of human women. LOL! Nicely put :) Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Alice-chan on May 12, 2006, 03:28:05 am Quote from: winterwolff22 THA'TS SAD, BECAUSE IN ACTUAL GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WHICH WHERE YOU HEAR ABOUT SAYTRS THE MOST, THERE ARE NO FEMALE SAYTRS, INSTEAD SAYTRS ARE KNOWN TO CHASE AFTERS HUMAN WOMEN AND THE NYMPHS. I cannot recall that I said I wanted to create female satyrs. All I wanted was a female mesh with hooves and digitated legs to create Succubi or other female hooved demons. I give a s*** about greek mythology. All those "fine heroes" did, was slaughtering endangered species. I am fine if the creators of this mesh don't do a female version of it. It's their mesh and therefore their decision, what they do with it. I will patiently wait until one nice day anyone does good hooves for females. By the way, your mermaids and alpha editable meshes are really great. (Although this might be off topic.) Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: winterwolff22 on May 12, 2006, 10:38:13 am I APPOLOGIZE IF I OFFENDED YOU. I MISSED YOUR FIRST POSTED OR FORGOT ABOUT IT. AND I DON'T LIKE MYTHOLOGY FOR THE "FINE HEROES" (IF THERE IS SUCH A THING IN GREEK MYTHS, MOST WERE CONCEITED AND TROUBLED) BUT FOR THE AMAZING CREATURES LIKE CENTAURS AND SAYTRS.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Elven_Ranger on May 12, 2006, 02:07:49 pm Ummm, is it possible to have a really pain non-heary skintone for these boys? :)
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on May 12, 2006, 03:47:51 pm Quote from: Elven_Ranger Ummm, is it possible to have a really pain non-heary skintone for these boys? :) Sure! Let me know when you are done making it! :lol: All you need to do is make a clone of one of these in bodyshop - then change the male textures to your liking. just keep the nooves intact or you will have some mightily weird looking devils. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Xylune on May 18, 2006, 04:32:52 am Great work! You guys continue to amaze me with your body meshes!
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: TRIXSTA on May 26, 2006, 04:52:43 am The best Satyr mesh i've ever seen! Have you two ever considered an erect version of this mesh? That would really make them a typical Satyr in the game!
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on May 27, 2006, 04:52:40 am Quote from: TRIXSTA The best Satyr mesh i've ever seen! Have you two ever considered an erect version of this mesh? That would really make them a typical Satyr in the game! heh - it took 3 weeks for a request! That's like the longest delay to date =) Marvine I owe you dinner and a movie - I thought it would happen the first day! Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: SynapticSim on May 27, 2006, 07:31:35 am Quote from: beosboxboy heh - it took 3 weeks for a request! That's like the longest delay to date =) Marvine I owe you dinner and a movie - I thought it would happen the first day! Why don't y'all just make "one" as an accessory so it can be snapped on whenever? Just a thought. I'm sure there's a market for it :lol: ~ Syn Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: kwillag on May 27, 2006, 02:19:17 pm Quote from: beosboxboy our policy is males only - just males, only males, all the time. That is a shame but I hope I can change your mind. I have waiting for so long for something like this, as I have been working on a project based on the pic prvided. Not all mythological creatures have to be male. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: wirelessguy on May 28, 2006, 04:26:40 am Quote from: kwillag That is a shame but I hope I can change your mind. I have waiting for so long for something like this, as I have been working on a project based on the pic prvided. Not all mythological creatures have to be male. The satyrs out of real Greek/Roman mythology were exclusively male and I believe this is what Marvine and Beosboxboy have based their project on. It is only in modern times that images of female satyrs have appeared. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Krayzieworld on May 28, 2006, 07:40:14 am They had guidelines of sorts on this - satyrs were always male, while nymphs were always female. One mated with the other. The offspring's species depends on the gender. Nymphs x human = half-human. Satyrs x human = satyr if boy, human if girl.
Forgot where I read that one, but mythology never did mention female satyrs or male nymphs. (Of course you still have the elementals, which are a different thing). Yes, I dig this stuff, why do you ask? :D Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: TRIXSTA on May 28, 2006, 02:15:28 pm Quote from: kwillag That is a shame but I hope I can change your mind. I have waiting for so long for something like this, as I have been working on a project based on the pic prvided. Not all mythological creatures have to be male. hey just change your project into a male instead.. it would be more realistic anyway. Besides.. since when do females grow large ram horns. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on May 28, 2006, 08:03:33 pm Quote from: TRIXSTA hey just change your project into a male instead.. it would be more realistic anyway. Besides.. since when do females grow large ram horns. Artist with no foundations in the classics/biology/reality + art material = innovative/deranged/unsound idea I personally have no problem with new ideas... just don't ask me to mesh them, coz honey child, if i meshed every "innovative" idea that was asked of me, the game would be a strange and unsettling thing for 99.99% of the players of The Sims 2. I will be indelicate and say freakish, lurid, sickening things tend to be asked of me in PMs. So if you see me saying no here, it is frankly because if we don't say no publicly, we end up with some freak begging in private for a female mesh with 6 breasts, eleven horns, seven eyes, and five weenies of varying length and colour that are animated... you think I am making this up, I am not kids, there are some real winners in my PM inbox from time to time. So for the record, Marvine and I only try to address established, normal, and conventional mythology as it existed in antiquity, not the opiated-visions of some 20th century fantasist with an over-active libido. So ffs stop asking for female versions, No is NO ffs. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: TRIXSTA on May 29, 2006, 04:50:15 am Quote from: beosboxboy Artist with no foundations in the classics/biology/reality + art material = innovative/deranged/unsound idea I personally have no problem with new ideas... just don't ask me to mesh them, coz honey child, if i meshed every "innovative" idea that was asked of me, the game would be a strange and unsettling thing for 99.99% of the players of The Sims 2. I will be indelicate and say freakish, lurid, sickening things tend to be asked of me in PMs. So if you see me saying no here, it is frankly because if we don't say no publicly, we end up with some freak begging in private for a female mesh with 6 breasts, eleven horns, seven eyes, and five weenies of varying length and colour that are animated... you think I am making this up, I am not kids, there are some real winners in my PM inbox from time to time. So for the record, Marvine and I only try to address established, normal, and conventional mythology as it existed in antiquity, not the opiated-visions of some 20th century fantasist with an over-active libido. So ffs stop asking for female versions, No is NO ffs. I totally agree bbb! I was actually directing the comment toward the person requesting this mesh for females. I have absolutely no complaints about any meshes being "male only" more power to you. There are so many awesome meshes out there for females only that it's really cool and rare to have talented people such as Marvine and yourself to be making the coolest things for males only! Keep it up, we love it!:grin: :grin: Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: kathy on May 29, 2006, 05:07:40 am Quote from: kwillag Do you know any body else who would be willing to make a female version? Cause every were I look it's male meshes only (not just you guys). For starters I don't believe anyone could do them nearly as high quality as Ju did. Secondly noone in their right mind would rip Ju's mesh because they would have to contend with me. Thirdly I don't know if anyone would or not, this is not a request thread. There were no female Satyr's in Mythology. So unless you wish to go spamming various forum's request sections, which is your right and business to do so, I would let it drop in this thread. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on May 29, 2006, 03:00:48 pm Quote from: kwillag Do you know any body else who would be willing to make a female version? Cause every were I look it's male meshes only (not just you guys). are you really trying to get banned? Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: kwillag on May 31, 2006, 04:33:08 pm Quote from: TRIXSTA hey just change your project into a male instead.. it would be more realistic anyway. Besides.. since when do females grow large ram horns. That would defeat the purpose of trying to emulate the creature within the fantasy art it self. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: macrobob on June 01, 2006, 04:24:06 pm beautiful job. have you considered creating a medusa or gorgon? that would be something to see.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: vampmage159 on June 03, 2006, 04:38:36 am Great work. By the images I can see these Satyrs will be awesome. However I want to know where to find the mesh & outfit. I've downloaded all the files on this page as well as on the ears page, but all I find in the game is a Hairy Legged Man. I need the mesh that shapes the legs & hooves & the outfit that gives it the "naked" effect. Please help.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: gusguns on June 04, 2006, 10:15:33 am Their works are hallucinating... Thanks boys...!!!
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeachSiren on June 17, 2006, 08:24:45 pm Fabulous!
Thanks so much. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: marvine on June 21, 2006, 06:49:55 am Vampmage, you mean that the body as clothing shows up with the texture but not the bodyshape?? This would be very strange and I can't imagine a reason for that, since if you were missing the mesh the outfits would show up as default Maxis clothing... But in case you missed them, the bodies as clothing are on a different thread on the "Satyr project" subsection.
Now, the satyrs won't use the mesh when naked if you didn't use the skintones uploaded here when creating them, they have a pretty recognizable thumbnail in Bodyshop or CAS - and god, I've seen the satyr textures on regular sims, it's totally freaky! Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Lon827 on June 22, 2006, 07:03:27 pm I LOVE YOU! *weeps at the beauty* Uber Sexy Satyr's.. Still swooning :o
So Fabulous. Bows Bows Bows THANK YOU! I am definitely Finally creating mysimself. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Suspiria on June 24, 2006, 05:04:53 am These are awesome. :)
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: OceanPrince on July 05, 2006, 04:24:11 am hmmm i wonder now what my Mermaid and Satyr's child will look like? Maybe it will have a hairfish tail?
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on July 06, 2006, 03:39:01 pm Quote from: Kattspaw Very nice! Now if only someone would do some Fawns. Quote from: Wikipedia In Roman mythology, fauns are place-spirits (genii) of untamed woodland. Romans connected their fauns with the Greek satyrs, wild and orgiastic drunken followers of Dionysus. However, fauns and satyrs were originally quite different creatures. Both have horns and both resemble goats below the waist, humans above; but originally satyrs had human feet, fauns goatlike hooves. The Romans also had a god named Faunus and a goddess Fauna, who, like the fauns, were goat-people. The Barberini Faun (Glyptothek, Munich, Germany) is a Hellenistic marble, c. 200 BC that was found in the Mausoleum of the Emperor Hadrian (the Castel Sant'Angelo) and installed at Palazzo Barberini by Cardinal Maffeo Barberini (later Pope Urban VIII), the patron of Bernini, who heavily restored and refinished it, so that its present 'Hellenistic baroque' aspect may be enhanced. The Marble Faun (1860) is a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne set in Rome. The faun of the title epitomizes the natural, carefree Count Donatello: "Our friend Donatello is the very Faun of Praxiteles. Is it not true, Hilda?" is the opening remark as four young art-minded friends gather in the sculpture-gallery in the Capitoline Museums at Rome. "In truth, allowing for the difference of costume, and if a lion's skin could have been substituted for his modern talma, and a rustic pipe for his stick, Donatello might have figured perfectly as the marble Faun, miraculously softened into flesh and blood," Hawthorne allows. Later, Donatello's murderous crime of passion will destroy him and transform the other characters. (The "Faun of Praxiteles", as Hawthorne describes it, is an imaginary sculpture loosely based on Praxiteles' Hermes.) Quote from: GARETH LONG The Fauns, which are asscociated with Satyrs, but are known to be more gentle, are mischievous creatures with the legs, ears and tail of a deer and the face and body of a handsome young man. They follow the god Faunus and can cause nightmares. At times, they can also be quite cheerful. Quote from: The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition 2006 FAUNUS [Faunus] , in Roman religion, woodland deity, protector of herds and crops. He was identified with the Greek Pan. His festival was observed on Dec. 5 with dancing and merrymaking. Another festival, the Lupercalia , held in February, is also generally believed to have been in honor of him. He was attended by fauns—mischievous and sportive creatures, half man and half goat, similar to satyrs. The female counterpart of Faunus was Bona Dea, also called Fauna. In short - Kattspaw, I have no idea what they are teaching in schools these days, but your information is mistaken, fauns are all male always too, and the answer remains NO! Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Sim_God on August 23, 2006, 12:40:35 pm MAGICAL!!!
Title: Satyrs Post by: gilliansl on August 25, 2006, 12:44:56 am The skins are great and wonderful and look fantastic and I adore them...
But... but... my satyrs have no pokey-out-parts! Can we have them with pokey-parts too? (after all, what else are satyrs for!?) Thanks Gillian Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: marvine on August 25, 2006, 01:39:55 pm LOL Gillian, I totally forgot about that! Well I hope to do it very soon :)
Title: Teen satrys Post by: jwilson5 on August 25, 2006, 09:15:44 pm Is there any chance that the teen satyr mesh will be done? I can't let any satyr boys grow into teens cause they will have really hairy legs and funny feet without the mesh.
By the way, thanks Marvine (and Beosboxboy) for all the wonderful things you create that make this game so much more than the Maxis folks imaged it could be. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: marvine on August 26, 2006, 03:56:53 am Jwilson, I'll go back to this project as soon as I can :)
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Glass3690 on August 26, 2006, 03:57:33 am Excellent. Thank you
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: jacques34 on September 12, 2006, 11:28:30 am Great job! I am having a problem, though. Unless I don't know where to find everythihg, or how to put it all together, I am missing something. The legs are covered with hair, but they look human. The feet are human, too, with funny black things on them. Any ideas? Thanks.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on September 13, 2006, 11:42:44 am jacques - you need to use the clothing also - it is in the this section
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: oniongirl999 on September 30, 2006, 02:20:14 pm Yummy, I bet Mr. Tumnus is eating his scarf right about now
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: pacha on October 01, 2006, 01:21:46 am excellant work thanks
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Codi Jo on October 01, 2006, 06:46:05 pm thnx bbb these r great, hey think u could make 1 in diablo red ? was thinking of makeing a red one with maybe bull horms like in diablo pictures ive seen or like in the tom cruise movie of long ago, lol so long ago i forgot the name of it
Title: Thank you, Sweetie! Post by: gilliansl on October 02, 2006, 05:20:17 pm Quote from: marvine LOL Gillian, I totally forgot about that! Well I hope to do it very soon :) Personally, I'd love to simply toss out all the 'other' male messes and use ONLY the BB and slim BB meshes in my game! (Well, along with the horns, hooves, satyr parts, and the FUN parts (wink, wink, nudge, nudge!!!) Did I mention I REALLY enjoy the FUN parts? Gillian PS... for that questioner, the Tom Cruise movie you mention is "Legend". Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Codi Jo on October 02, 2006, 07:51:18 pm hey gillian the crammy boys mesh works great on em i made my 1st satyr last nite and crammys pokey out part worked great
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: synfullegend on October 11, 2006, 06:30:58 pm Here is a stupid question. Where are the actual meshes for the legs? I can't seem to find them.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: synfullegend on October 11, 2006, 06:46:25 pm nevermind, stupid me. I found it.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Scarlo-hara on December 30, 2006, 08:46:24 am Any females?
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: mrdonozzo on January 08, 2007, 02:21:55 pm ME GUSTAN LOS FAUNOS, Y LOS TUYOS SON LOS MEJORES.
GRACIAS. Title: yeah red would be nice Post by: soul_rune1984 on May 28, 2007, 07:56:35 pm Quote from: Codi Jo;343289 thnx bbb these r great, hey think u could make 1 in diablo red ? was thinking of makeing a red one with maybe bull horms like in diablo pictures ive seen or like in the tom cruise movie of long ago, lol so long ago i forgot the name of it I agree that would be a great color. Oh and the name of that movie is Legend ( I loved Tim Curry he was a great villain but he's good at playing the bad boy) Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: anji4062 on June 06, 2007, 07:09:45 pm First I have to say:
I LOVE YOU! These are freakin' awesome! I have to say that my fantasy neighborhood seemed to be a little lacking. Not anymore! These guys rock! I do have a question though. I would like to use my own skintones, but I'm not sure how to make them shower proof using Simpe. The only way that I know how to convert the skins is to paste the skintone that I want over the top of the already shower proofed one. That won't work in this case, cause if I do that, the satyrs will still have the bent legs, but they will be skin colored, instead of furry. Is there an *easy* tut out there that will tell me how to do this? Again, Thank you SO much! Angie Oh hey, I just thought about this *so I'm sorry if someone else has requested this* But this mesh looks like it might be great for werewolves too. Maybe change the texture on the foot to be a little more rounded and toes instead of hooves :P , and make the rest of the skin furrier, and you'd have your wolf. Has anyone thought of doing this? Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Skye on June 09, 2007, 03:46:51 pm And what lovelies you have left for us....these are excellent!
thanks so much, Skye Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: JCSpencer on July 02, 2007, 02:30:51 am Quote from: beosboxboy;137862 our policy is males only - just males, only males, all the time. And that's the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) I like it! (uh-huh, uh-huh) These are exquisitely divine! Or divinely exquisite! Or divinely exquisitely exquisitely divine! Or - *gets smacked* Thanks for this! Title: oooo nice.. Post by: willowreed on September 27, 2007, 11:16:44 am Quote from: Zephyrash;137442 Droool! Great work. I love these skins. Thank you for all your work. wils concurs. Before I found this site I never even *thought* anybody could actually create Satyrs. Very cool. thanks :) Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: jordinary on October 05, 2007, 07:53:01 am Hey love the satyr stuff and all that but when I make anyone with the satyr (and i hope thats how you spell it) never has hooves. They just look they have really hairy legs which is kind of a turn off to any of my female sims. -.-
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: trent hall on October 14, 2007, 12:10:32 am Really love the satyr, as well as all the other great works.thanks for all the work.
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: dvzele2 on January 30, 2008, 09:57:44 am Awesome, thanks for sharing! :toothy4:
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Firestar on February 04, 2008, 06:50:04 pm Thank you
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Fyrefly555 on March 08, 2008, 07:44:35 pm They are awesome! I downloaded everything, but didn't see anything about the legs, hope to find them in the huge amount of downloads I did to have my own private Satyrs Penthouse! Thank you so very much! ^^
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: Maniakos on April 18, 2008, 10:58:20 am Good sir, I believe that the characters created with this mesh will keep me awake well into the morning.
Thank you so much for these. Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: ariellajem on June 04, 2008, 02:07:54 pm Thank you so much for these. They are so fantastic!
Title: help? Post by: redspieder on June 05, 2008, 08:43:20 pm hi, im new to the sims 2 and i downloaded the skins for the satyrs, but when i tried them on, they just looked like sims with hairy legs, what am i doing wrong?
any help would be appreciated thanks, Jose Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: listersgirl on July 06, 2008, 12:42:50 pm Truly, truly magnificent creatures! You are an amazing talent! Thank you!
Title: Satyr "Shower-proof" Genetics (Updated 10 May 2006) Post by: quinn129 on August 02, 2008, 12:46:50 pm i am in awe of this work. omg, thank you so much *gushes* after a looong time of no simming whatsowever, i am hugely shocked, in a very, very good way. love these. love them.