Title: The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions) Post by: kinnika on July 12, 2013, 06:42:51 pm Hey, everyone.
I'm hoping this isn't a constant repeat of what other Simmers have written... My friend just ordered The Sims 2 Deluxe (The Sims 2 / Nightlife). I noticed when looking through the expansions that University is actually the second Sims 2 expansion and Nightlife is the 3rd expansion. One, why is the deluxe pack the first and third expansion as opposed to the first and second? Second, is my friend able to add University after downloading the deluxe she just ordered? I'm pretty sure that when I had read a similar post that someone said it is not like Sims 1 where you had to download the expansions in order, otherwise you'd screw up the game. The Sims 2 is a little more flexible when it comes to downloading expansions. I'm hoping this is true... Title: Re: The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions) Post by: Theraven on July 13, 2013, 07:44:04 am You don't necessarily have to install them in order, but it's the smart thing to do.
Found this, which apparently was from the EA site: * The Sims 2™ (or Sims 2 Deluxe, Sims 2 Double Deluxe or Sims 2 Holiday Edition, whichever you have) * University (or University Life Collection) * Nightlife (disregard if you have Sims 2 Deluxe or Double Deluxe) * Christmas Party Pack (US) OR Holiday Party Pack (UK) * Open for Business or Best of Business Collection * Family Fun Stuff or Fun with Pets Collection * Glamour Life Stuff * Pets (disregard if you have Fun with Pets Collection) * Happy Holiday Stuff (Disregard if you have Sims 2 Holiday Edition) * Seasons * Celebration Stuff (disregard if you have Double Deluxe) * H&M Fashion Stuff (disregard if you have Best of Business Collection) * Bon Voyage * Teen Style Stuff (disregard if you have University Life Collection) * FreeTime * Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff (disregard if you have Best of Business Collection) * IKEA Home Stuff (disregard if you have University Life Collection) * Apartment Life * Mansion & Garden Stuff (disregard if you have Fun with Pets Collection) Title: Re: The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions) Post by: marka on July 13, 2013, 09:35:40 am One thing to remember about the Tri Packs is do not install the Store Edition for a lot of mods will not work with it.
You no longer can use the store any way so the "Store Edition" is no longer needed. Title: Re: The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions) Post by: broomhilda on July 13, 2013, 09:46:15 am thank you for the correct order...someone else posted it a while back on the Sims2 site but I am going to have to check I don't think it's the same order....also what happens when you don't put them in order....hope nothing serious because I really don't want to start over again...
Title: Re: The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions) Post by: broomhilda on July 13, 2013, 09:48:52 am marka what is the Store Edition don't see that on the list...
Title: Re: The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions) Post by: Theraven on July 13, 2013, 10:01:33 am I think it has to do with the newer EPs patching or updating the older EPs.
Title: Re: The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions) Post by: kinnika on July 15, 2013, 11:22:30 am Hey, thank you, Raven. This is very helpful.
Title: Re: The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions) Post by: marka on August 04, 2013, 09:17:57 pm marka what is the Store Edition don't see that on the list... The Store Edition is a EP that let you buy straight from the Sims 2 store and go straight into your game. The Store Edition is in all 3 tri packs and since the Sims 2 Store is no longer online there is no need for the store edition, like I said up above most mods are not set up for the Store Edition. Title: Re: The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions) Post by: broomhilda on August 05, 2013, 11:47:30 am ok....thank you for your help