Simmers' Paradise => Mods & Careers => Topic started by: animeadmirer on August 20, 2012, 06:48:57 pm

Title: Kidnapping mod for Sims 2
Post by: animeadmirer on August 20, 2012, 06:48:57 pm
I was hoping someone could fulfill my request of making a kidnapping mod for Sims 2. Lately I've noticed there isn't enough danger and drama for my game. Ideally I would like the regular burgular to, on rare occasions, try to kidnap a baby, child, or teen. As well as make it more difficult depending on the age of the kidnapped sim. I would also like every successfull kidnapping to be a playable sim family that will show up in the family bin. I would also like there to be faint memories(of old family) and/or strange(or odd) feelings towards the kidnapper. And a missing child/sibling/relative memory for all relatives of the kidnapped sim. And maybe the "sim" joined family memory for the kidnapper. And for the missing relative memory make so they only have the memory after they talk to the sims parents. As if they just learned about it.

Edit: I forgot to add that I would like for the kidnapper to be able to have the option to "tell the truth" to the kidnapped sim. And depending on the two sims' relationship the child could have a negative or positive reaction to the news. And allow the child sim to call the police or decide to stay. They would have to be at least a child to call the police though. Also the real sim's parent/s could call the police when there sim child goes missing and depending on the child's age they could be found.(baby- hard, child- medium, teen- easy) Thus making the kidnapper an NPC again. And maybe add a reunion memory to match for all sims involved.

I don't know if this is possible. But if it is, I would be delighted and forever grateful if someone could do this for me. Or if no one knows maybe point me in the direction of what I would need to change to get started.

I have Sims 2 Double Deluxe, Best of Business Collection, University Life Collection, and Fun with Pets Collection. Which would include the Mansion and Garden Stuff, Family Fun Stuff, H and M Fashion Stuff, Kitchen and Bath Interior Design Stuff, Celebration! Stuff, Ikea Home Stuff, and Teen Style Stuff.

Title: Re: Kidnapping mod for Sims 2
Post by: yazcat on August 25, 2012, 03:57:35 am
some ideas to modder who may be able to work on it

as first and easier part of the kidnapping i believe could be done if the modder use the "teen run away"  or "sneak out at night" interraction which make them "leave the lot"  and maybe combinate this with the parents pick up child visitor  (which happen if ask a child to join the group, they keep following instead of going home) at late time a parent or adult of the child household will come to pick him/her up
is default (i think since appartment life)  but im not sure  when this was introduced :)

this could be used as the kidnapper, just my suggestion on how it could be :)

also can take look at the pet run away interraction which let us use the phone and report missing pet
the pet will be unclickable, but still appears on the family side bar, after long time it might happen a random sim brings the pet back to family

maybe can be set trigger on a sim aswell  SimPE is mighty  >:D
wish i would know how it works :)

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