Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: KnightSkyKyte on May 05, 2006, 05:46:53 am Hi everyone,
Have your downloading expeditions have been fruitful? Here's something I hope you'll like. I feel this hair mesh has been overlooked... it's a great style, it only needed a good texture to bring out its beauty. You MUST have the hair mesh by EternalxLove26 HERE for these five recolors to show up in your game: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=131307 These recolors abide by the mesh creator's policy stated on their thread. Thankyou, EternalxLove26, for your generous recoloring policy! These recolors show for teens, adults and elders. If you like these recolors, and would like a YA version... please pester EternalxLove26! There is no mesh for YA for me to retexture! So I'm going to pester them right after this post! Oh, and vote in the poll - maybe it will help! Cheers, KnightSkyKyte NOTE THESE HAIR TEXTURES ARE NOT TO BE ALTERED OR RE-DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT OBTAINING PRIOR PERMISSION. **** Discussion only coming up - if you want to know how these textures came about, read on, otherwise, "Thankyou, come again!" **** MimeWhite created a lovely texture for the blonde Tidus hair they did. I took this and applied it to Kavar's hair mesh, because I wanted a shiny, smooth blonde version of it. When I uploaded clothing with screenshots, my model sporting that hair got comments and requests... but of course, I cannot upload someone else's work without their permission! So, I hunted this MimeWhite down... I think they have lost interest in the Sims, because I've seen no trace of their presence in the community since about June last year, and heard no replies to my e-mails and PMs. So... I can never use their texture. So, I bit the bullet and started making one myself from scratch. It's similar but obviously different to Mime's texture if you download both and do a comparison. Her hair shows much finer strands, but the hair I did is smoother. Put it this way... I am happy to use my work in my own game :) And then I saw EternalxLove26's hair mesh... and wondered if the texture I made would look any good on it? So I tried it, and here are the results. :) I'll upload this same texture on Kavar's Messy Hair mesh soon enough, so you can see what the original interest was all about - but the white hair version is already on Miewtu if you really want to see it before then :) Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: Ali on May 05, 2006, 07:47:01 am Ooooh, another great hair, excellent
I'm so excited lately - there's so much great stuff coming out for the men (yes, I know, I'm easily pleased and perhaps a little sad!!) Ta very muchly for sharing *wishes for time to speed up to 5pm so can go home and download*! Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: Jagerjaques on May 05, 2006, 10:48:41 am Lovely! I really love this!
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: Aimee on May 05, 2006, 12:12:33 pm The colors are so nice, they look so lustrous! Thanks!
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: schuldig_seiben on May 05, 2006, 02:16:38 pm Gorgeous gorgeous recolours. You should be very happy! I think I like them even better than Mimewhite's (shame about him! :( ) You've really brought this mesh forward, I must confess it didn't really interest me before. Thanks muchly!
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: zizismommy on May 05, 2006, 02:17:01 pm Thank you. I need more good hair for my sim guys.
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: coffeeKAT on May 05, 2006, 02:19:07 pm Ok! Thats more like it! KSK lovely job, I can honestly say I thought it was a nice do but I couldn't get it to work! Happily I'll try again because your recolors look so shiny! Thanks so much!
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: Brego89 on May 05, 2006, 03:10:29 pm Beautiful work, as always! Thanks!
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: blondecrystal on May 05, 2006, 03:18:44 pm Wonderful Recolours Thankyou.
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: rabidangel on May 05, 2006, 07:33:44 pm These are amazing, KSK!
I love the softness you've added. Great work! Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: kathy on May 07, 2006, 05:59:59 pm Very lovely!!
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: JeanMaas on May 30, 2006, 10:37:41 am WOW, i really LOVE your hair-recolors. THANKS!
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: dangermouse on July 21, 2006, 12:52:49 pm Wow, these are really great, so great, I actually downloaded them, and I'm not a major download junkie, but these were too nice to pass up :D . Thank you
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: SlamDancer on October 24, 2006, 01:41:55 am This is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you.
By the way, the creator has added a Young Adult version..... *looks hopeful* Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: Outsider on January 01, 2007, 07:50:23 am Innocent and cute looking, excellent for the prettyboys!
Oh, talking about prettyboys, that hairmodel is really sweet! :love1: Is he yours and only yours personal property, or is he downloadable somewhere? Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: KnightSkyKyte on January 05, 2007, 02:54:33 am Quote from: Outsider;498442 Innocent and cute looking, excellent for the prettyboys! Oh, talking about prettyboys, that hairmodel is really sweet! :love1: Is he yours and only yours personal property, or is he downloadable somewhere? That's Miewtu - he's in my section somewhere under Sim Men, and remember to get TASTY V3 skin for him (latest version this Jan 07) because he isn't packed with that... Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: rainydayaz on June 08, 2007, 08:16:24 am I LOVE these ! ! Thanks for the beautiful recolors!!!
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: naceygirl on November 14, 2007, 12:43:41 am Thank you, thank you, thank you! Perfect for my James McAvoy sim!
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: jingxin520 on December 04, 2007, 09:00:44 pm thanks
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: chnnature on December 13, 2007, 08:22:04 am love them :D
Title: KSK Recolors of EternalxLove26's Ryuichi's Hair Mesh Post by: Consuela on February 09, 2008, 08:16:20 am Good work!!!