Title: DOA Valentine #5: Kasumi Post by: Artamaeus on February 23, 2009, 06:03:34 pm This red-head has been there since DOA first debuted. She is quick, agile and pretty much a fan favorite. And now, she is in Sims2 . . . I know, there are a few other Kasumi's on the web, so this isn't unique. I hope I did well though so you fans wont nitpick in my email here.
3 left. And I may have to do a lil rearranging. I was gonna do them in alphabetical order, but on of the outfit is 1) Tough and 2) I like to save the best for last :) MY THANKS 2 YOU: --Raonjena for the Hair #10 Mesh and recolors found here: http://www.raonsims.com/item/detail.php?num=31&cat1=1&page=7&key= --General Zoi for her Slanted cuffs found in her Costume Accessory pack on the MTS2 @ http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=131384 --Rose for her mesh 0048 found on her site @ http://www.rosesims.org/clothes/dow...clothes_048.zip --@Stefan for his Realism Skintones set 1. available on the MTS2 @ http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=210915 |