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Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
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Topic: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES (Read 580202 times)
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Posts: 257
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #345 on:
October 20, 2006, 12:50:34 pm »
Usually, I'm a move_objects cheat ADDICT, but all my pictures (apart from the toddler on the table ones) were taken WITHOUT that cheat! Awr, Maxis, you nuts!
Posts: 241
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #346 on:
October 21, 2006, 04:30:05 am »
Tigger decided to go swimming with the fishies!
(It was a move_objects glitch. XD But I thought it was a cute picture!)
Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 02:43:49 am by bungee_rope
"What if the wife bashes him over the head with a frying pan and then chops him up into hundreds of tiny pieces with her shiny new carving knife?"
"No! It's a family show!"
"Okay, then what if she does it to the whole family?"--RADIOLAND MURDERS
Posts: 257
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #347 on:
October 21, 2006, 07:57:07 am »
Aww! Loving the pic, bungee! All the fun I will have creating funny pictures and the abuse the "move_objects" will go through when I get pets!
Posts: 241
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #348 on:
October 21, 2006, 08:42:44 am »
Hahaha, I know! move_objects is probably my most favorite cheat in the world. Without it, I would be nothing and that picture wouldn't exist.
A question: Does that picture(mine) come off as really dark to anyone? I just realized I didn't use any lighting and since I have my color settings customized a certain way, the picture might not be as viewable as I thought. XD
"What if the wife bashes him over the head with a frying pan and then chops him up into hundreds of tiny pieces with her shiny new carving knife?"
"No! It's a family show!"
"Okay, then what if she does it to the whole family?"--RADIOLAND MURDERS
Posts: 39
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #349 on:
October 21, 2006, 09:13:05 pm »
Here are a few of mine:
A heavily pregnant Misaki's in her underwear contemplating the meaning of an artwork, and making a cute face. Note the reflection in the mirror behind her XD.
It looks like she's laughing at her husband, but she's actually laughing at a Sim dancing badly behind her.
I made Daichi pour soap into the fountain, and Misaki just happened to look down at him with a "wtf?" face. Priceless.
My self-Sim letting it rip in front of her boyfriend, who just sat calmly eating his food. The farting face is the best expression ever.
Liz laughing at her husband for tripping on himself while dancing. She was no dancer herself, either.
Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 02:05:01 pm by Miao
Posts: 81
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #350 on:
October 21, 2006, 09:21:06 pm »
This is one of those "you had to be there" moments:
Basically, Cara had called the repairman earlier to fix the trash compactor, and while he was there, Cara broke the toilet. So, now, the repairman is fixing the toilet, and Elizsha hugs Cara for an unrelated reason.
The look on Cara's face in this pic basically says, "Elizsha, what if he SEES us?" Cara is looking at the bathroom door in this pic.
Lame, I know, but I still think it's kinda funny.
Posts: 123
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #351 on:
October 21, 2006, 09:24:24 pm »
>} Webbed fingers! Never seen one of my sims fart. o.O
Posts: 39
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #352 on:
October 23, 2006, 01:52:41 pm »
Silly me forgot to post this gem:
My Sim-self and her husband had just finished making a baby (LOL) only to find out the Repo Man had arrived. They both ran down to the sidewalk to go "Why us?!?!" and while he was sighing, he just happened to smile right while looking at Me-Sim's chest. It's so unromantic, but it's insanely funny.
Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 02:02:34 pm by Miao
Posts: 633
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #353 on:
October 23, 2006, 01:55:21 pm »
Hilarious pics Miao LOL
Won't you come into the garden?
I would like my roses to see you.
Posts: 257
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #354 on:
October 25, 2006, 11:35:35 am »
OMG Miao, I just got that! Ha! Immense!
Posts: 257
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #355 on:
November 02, 2006, 06:24:44 am »
Wow, I lovw them joannejt!
Posts: 34
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #356 on:
November 02, 2006, 06:15:03 pm »
A little story: I've made a clichê-hot-looking sim to be the melodramatic hot-n-lonely angsty Don Juan for downtown (making him a downtownie with InSim), but when I installed Pets, all my families were gone, i thought all the chars have gone through some apocaliptic 'deleteallchars'... SOooo i decided to start over again, and re-create him as well as the others. Then, one night, one of my sims went downtown and found the 'new' Gregorio Vladislav at the bar, and.. ooh.. surprise! The 'old' Gregorio was there as well... and he didn't seem too happy to find someone stole his sooo unique attributes...
Ah quanta alma viverá, que ande metida assim como eu na Linha, e como eu mística! Quantos sob a casaca característica não terão como eu o horror à vida?
Posts: 257
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #357 on:
November 03, 2006, 07:50:35 am »
The same happened to me, but I moved a house from 'hood to 'hood and that deleted all the houses + sims (never to be seen again! *spook*) But I love the glare in Gregorio's eyes is so cool
Posts: 41
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #358 on:
November 03, 2006, 11:38:25 pm »
MaskedDelusion, that's sooooo creepy! XD His glare looks all murderous!
Posts: 123
Re: Akward,Funny,wierd, PICTURES
Reply #359 on:
November 04, 2006, 04:41:06 pm »
o.O It's a haunted floating table. Surrounded by aliens. Gaia would be proud. Anywho, this was a (greatly celebrated) tiny glitch where, though I removed all the lights and windows from the room, the table and chairs and occupants remained alight. S'not the first time this has happened and probably isn't much of a deal, but it was soo awesome for me because I didn't have to go through the trouble of repositioning a light overhead. It was a shot for a contest.
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