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Author Topic: An idea...  (Read 11871 times)
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« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2008, 07:15:13 pm »

Are you sure you want really brutal criticism? Lol.
Consider changing the gold eyes - they seem a bit *too* penetrating
-Bella and Alice are really good!
-Rosalie could be prettier - since she's supposed to be the most beautiful girl in the world, pretty much. Maybe try sculpting her lips more, putting on some makeup and making her nose smaller.
-I think Emmett needs curly hair.
-Edwards' jaw should be slightly squarer
-Jasper's pretty good, actually, could add scars for authenticity, or not, they were barely visible in the books weren't they?

Anyway this is only based on my personal taste, and how I imagine them (I don't like the ones from the film). I hope I wasn't too mean! sorry, just being honest. Cheesy

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« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2008, 08:28:32 pm »

Yes, I want brutal. Like, completely, honestly, painfully brutal.

Okay, so I'll change the gold eyes - the main reason I was using those was because they came in pretty much every shade from gold to black, which was really useful.

-Really? You like 'em? I was pretty proud of Alice, to tell you the truth.
-Rosalie, like I said, I know that she's hideous. The problem is that we've got almost no description of her in the books - I mean, Edward's face we get in detail; Esme has a heart-shaped, soft face and looks like "Snow White in the flesh;" Alice is "pixie-like" and has "tiny features;" Carlisle is more gorgeous than any movie star, and we get a little about his appearance. With Rosalie, though, the best description we get is that she has "../a beautiful figure, the kind that you saw on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit addition..." and "Her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back." I admit that I tried like ten premade sims trying to get her face right. Well, I;ll work on her.
-Yeah. Curly hair. Any suggestions as to where I can find good, fairly realistic, curly hair for guys?
-Edwards jaw, huh? I see what you mean. Does he look alright otherwise?
-You liked Jasper? Come on now, I asked for brutal honesty. Smiley

You left out Carlisle and Esme. Were they really that unspeakably hideous? Lol. And no, you weren't being too mean. Like I said, I want mean. Well, maybe not mean, but comepletely honest. Thanks for helping. Smiley

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« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2008, 11:45:07 pm »

Woah, late reply. Sorry. If you still remember this after all the d-r-a-m-a. Really don't like drama. Ruins my day. But I digress.

I really love your choice for Alice's hair, she is pretty prefect.
Yes, Rosalie is a pretty high standard to try and capture. If you want, I could boot up bodyshop and try my hand at her. No promises that it'll be omgfreakingamazing though, since I don't consider myself at all creator-savvy or whatever.

Curly hair: search here and MTS2 with 'curly' or something to that effect. I did a while ago, and was happy with the results, sorry for no linkage (islazy) but it's not hard.

Edward - well... you could make his mouth a bit more frowny and his eyebrows a little thicker, and 'angrier'. Something about his hair is not right... too frizzy? Umm... yeah.

Jasper - I do like him! I think he's really well done. Just the right expression - he's supposed to be kind of scary and intimidating, closed off or whatever. The only thing you could add are maybe subtle scars so he looks more battle-scarred? But he's also supposed to be charismatic, so shorter hair and a slight smile might do the trick. I think, anyway.

Yes, they were! J/k. They were alright, actually.
Carlisle is just right.
Esme could look a little friendlier and homlier. I know she's supposed to be heart-shaped, but her chin could be less pointy.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, if you want any help making sims, I can help and you can do whatever you like with them, no need to worry about credit or policy or any of that. Cheesy

"It's not everyday that you discover you're trapped in a pixel world."
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