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Author Topic: Very strange build issue  (Read 2004 times)
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« on: July 19, 2008, 10:31:48 am »

Hey there. I'm hoping someone else has had this problem and can possibly make some suggestions on how to fix it. I have NL, OFB, Pets & Seasons installed. Last night as I was renovating a house, I tried laying a new elevated foundation to expand my kitchen and living room areas. It worked in some areas but in other areas it kept saying it couldn't level the terrain. That in itself is bizarre because the terrain was already level. At another point it said something about there being floor tile there, but there was no floor tile. I tried everything from leveling the terrain myself, to using the delete tool in case there was something invisible there. Nothing worked so eventually I got so frustrated I thought I'll just work around the problem. Expand the areas in a different direction. In one direction it kept telling me there was something there and I couldn't place over another object (there was ntohing there!), so I started going in another direction and finally it allowed me to place my foundation, but it's not at all how I wanted it! So, all that being done, I built my new walls, laid new floor tile outside the new walls for the patio and when I went to install windows on my new wall, it wouldn't allow me to, saying at first that the ceiling was too low (I had no roof on the house at all), then telling me the location was out of bounds (the wall runs smack dab through the CENTER of my lot). I am at a complete loss. it's like there are invisible objects getting in my way. :bawl:

Any suggestions would be helpful! Or let me know if you need more info. I'm gonna try and post a screenshot of the problem area in case it may help.


I've added a few screenshots as attachments so you can see the area I'm talking about. See the wall with no windows behind the grill? That's the wall it's telling me is out of bounds. Also, if you look at the pic with the little 5-tile foundation, that is about the only place I can add foundation because the "build squares" just aren't anywhere else. The other pic showing the foundation in the pond...WTF?? It can level that terrain, but it can't level flat terrain?? I'm stuck Sad

*attached image sremoved*
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 11:44:30 am by » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2008, 11:08:11 am »

I'm assuming you have Seasons, since you posted in the Seasons subforum.

You're trying to build over the butterfly/firefly placeholders.  Get the stuckobject remover from MATY and place those where the bugs are and it will clear up the terrain so you can build your house.

Posts: 20

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« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2008, 05:05:54 pm »

Quote from: ancienthighway;1309155
I'm assuming you have Seasons, since you posted in the Seasons subforum.

You're trying to build over the butterfly/firefly placeholders.  Get the stuckobject remover from MATY and place those where the bugs are and it will clear up the terrain so you can build your house.

Yes, I mentioned I have Seasons installed. That worked, thank you for the suggestion!
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