ok i've been reading and reading, i finally got ready to try this, i have simPE all the files i want to change, everythig figured out...i thought..HA i used this
http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,6174.0.html to guide me, but i'm trying to find out WERE are the XML properties even AT?!?! all i need is someone to say click this button, then this button and this...and so on, if someone could just tell me where these are at...I got the skin file open...i think..i clicked on it, and it came up with a bunch of stuff but i see NO XML...please someone i'm begging help!!!
just tell me step by step how to do this with locations, pleeeeeeease!
open the relative XML properties, change the "creator" entry in "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", delete the "version" and "product" entries, and if the "flags" entry is 0x00000008, change it to 0x00000000).