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Topic: MiM / DoG / HoS - Chapter 10 of third part op. (Read 86527 times)
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Posts: 286
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #30 on:
May 19, 2008, 09:20:55 am »
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 2328
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #31 on:
May 19, 2008, 08:15:25 pm »
Oo 2 chapters and both were fantastic. I hope Mary gets Simon I loathe him even more than Cyan. And poor Shadow, I hope Seth goes back for him.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
-Luciano de Crescenzo
Posts: 286
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #32 on:
May 20, 2008, 06:18:19 am »
thank you *hugs*
I forgot to post this link here but i decided to have a little fun, now the actual story begins. what i have done up untill now is really an introduction to characters and universe. Let the fun (read: death count) begin.
I have made a death-bet. just for fun. It's all explained in this link
The Mary in the Mirror Death-bet.
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 2328
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #33 on:
May 20, 2008, 05:32:21 pm »
Oo I'm not a member of Live Journal. Can I still make my guesses from here after I read the chapter? Looks like fun.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
-Luciano de Crescenzo
Posts: 286
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #34 on:
May 20, 2008, 05:47:07 pm »
Absolutely! I was about to make an extra InSim note when it was time to make a guess.
If someone else here is interested too, i might as well just explain what i had in mind then.
(because i can sleep when im old
You can guess when you want to, But you can only guess once per death. So if you make a guess lets say in chapter 11, you have to wait until some sim has died before you can make your next guess.
For you guys here on InSim, you can vote here if you have a lj or not. you can allso spot me your lj username if you want to (and have one). Otherwise you will be noted as *username* @ InSim. maybe i will make the username a link to your public profile, but im not really sure, that would just be be totally nitpicking. I will of course announce what needs to be announced regarding the death-bet in the AN to the story, and allso as an open AN here. (as in the written post)
It rocks if you want to do this!
*sends PegasusDiana a flyby hug*
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 2328
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #35 on:
May 20, 2008, 08:45:39 pm »
Now you have me making lists. lol This is how I'm leaning, but not sure just yet.
Shadow will die saving Seth
Seth will die saving Kane
Kane will feel responsible and die saving Chickpea
Chickpea remaining survivor.
I love this idea! This is going to be a lot of fun even without a prize. I can't wait to see what everyone thinks, how our idea's differ on how the story will go.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
-Luciano de Crescenzo
Posts: 286
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #36 on:
May 21, 2008, 03:34:12 am »
For the the fun of it... you do have something right.
I planned on typing up the next chapter when my son naps. :smile:
Oh man i totally forgot to say that the
post has been updated!!
Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 06:42:59 am by LadyAzmodan
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 2328
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #37 on:
May 24, 2008, 03:56:47 pm »
I'm going to join Live Journal so I can post comments over there. I added your site directly to my links.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
-Luciano de Crescenzo
Astral Faery
Posts: 873
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #38 on:
May 25, 2008, 12:59:16 pm »
I spent my whole morning reading your story, Lady. It's fascinating, and I couldn't stop, lol. You're a great writer - good characterization, great storyline, each person is individual and you do a fantastic job at backstory so we get to know them. Very well done. I'm sad already that most of them will die, lol, because you make it very easy to attach to them all. I think Seth is my favorite character - he has so much going on in his life, many things to sympathize with - but I don't know all the characters, yet, so that could change. Cyan is quite interesting - very manipulative, knows how to get what she wants. I love her beautiful dark eyes.
You also do a good job at building suspense in that creepy cabin. I can't wait to see what happens next!
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Posts: 286
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #39 on:
May 29, 2008, 12:35:53 pm »
@ PegasusDiana - Thank you! and thats great! Livejournal is however a complicated place, allso a great community
@Astral Fairy - Wow, thanks! That was really, really sweet of you. I know those black eyes are from Zombie Jill, on MTS2, and well i dont really have a favorite character in that story, i like them all to some extend. While i do have a storyline, some stuff change sometimes because i let my sims have free will, and they sometimes do silly things that fits perfectly into the story, so in reality they are better storytellers than me *grins*
Note: This is half the chapter that i shot and planned, but since the chapter was only half done, and i am really busy these days, i decided that half was better than nothing. This is why this chapter ends pretty funky! And this also means that you do not need to think about the death bet until chapter 12, not 11 as i said before.
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Astral Faery
Posts: 873
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #40 on:
May 30, 2008, 08:16:21 am »
Aw, you're such a pretty writer. Florian looks waaay different than he did in your Storm Legacy, lol. Are you still going to continue with that? Do you happen to remember where you got Florian's hair? I'm always on the lookout for decent male hair. I like Seth's, too.
Nice chapter. I like the references to Mary's pie and cheesecake - it sets a nice realistic tone to the story. And what a couple of naughty little boys they are, lol! I'm looking forward to the next part.
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Posts: 286
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #41 on:
May 30, 2008, 11:24:34 am »
I think that i got Florians hair (the black one in this story) from
- Yes i still have the sims, obviously lol since they are both in this story. I just have to redo the legacy house after the big reinstall of 08 *lol* I didnt mean to drop the legacy, i have just been super caught up in this story in stead. my muse is fickle!
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Astral Faery
Posts: 873
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #42 on:
May 30, 2008, 12:44:14 pm »
Sometimes I think my muse is retarded - or has ADHD, lol.
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Posts: 286
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #43 on:
May 30, 2008, 03:48:36 pm »
Yea man, i hear you! I think mine is bipolar *laughs* Either its over active, or its non exsisting.. there is no mellow middle of the road.
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
Posts: 286
Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up)
Reply #44 on:
May 30, 2008, 05:29:33 pm »
AN: Ehm, i realise i spelled Choice wrong on the banner but i weren't bothered with redoing it, sorry. And i did a large amount of copy and paste for this chapter, but i found a version of the urban legend of Bloody Mary that fit perfectly, she sounds like a mix between the Blair witch and the regular Bloody Mary.
the story of Cain
Mary in the Mirror
After my own heart
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