UPDATE: Okay, since I've figured out bump maps aren't just big grey things of nothing...ness... I've updated these tees (tees-bm.rar). I think they look better, but I've kept the other files here in case you prefer the "painted-on" look
Hey all, well this is my first upload/first post/first attempt at recoloring (not really, but that sounds good). Nah, it's actually my umpteenth attempt, but this is the first time I've been happy with the outcome and bothered importing them into my game. Hopefully I've done everything right...
So... uhhh... enjoy
Credits: (make sure you get the meshes!)
kalynn06 for the
teen guys untucked topsmigamoo for the
H&M pants conversionsNotes:I used a Maxis texture for the jeans and just modified it to my liking - the back pockets are from Ed Hardy and so are the sneakers (sort of). The rest of the images were found on